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Minimalen 2020

» Awards 2020
Screening Schedule
» Catalogue 2020 (pdf)

Competitions & Juries
• INT: International Competition
• NOR: Nordic Competition
• Multiplié Dance Film
• Regional Student Competition
• One-minute-films
Special Screenings
• Johannes Nyholm
• Electric Swan + Third Kind
• Disney's Silly Symphonies
• Ramaskrik Presents
• Austrian avantgarde
• Norwegian Film Art: Inger Lise Hansen
• European Award Winners
• Opening Screening
• Knowledge & Industry
• Short Film Studies Symposium
• Short Docs: Best Of
• Short Docs: Panel Talk
• Nordic Shorts Expo
• Short Film Convention
Kids and Youth
• Kids
• Young
• One-minute-films Young
• Meet the Filmmakers
• Festival Club and other festivities
• Award ceremony and screening

» Submit to Minimalen 2021





About Minimalen

Next Call for entries

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Nordic SFF Network
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Previous festivals:
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
  2013 - 2014 - 2015
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003
VISNING | screening


Minimalen is pleased to present the third edition of the Regional Student Competition. Students from Trøndelag, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark's film, TV, art and animation studies have submitted their films to a competition where the best student film from 2019 will be awarded with a diploma and the title Nordenfjelds Best Student Film.

The jury consists of Anette Svane (Lund University, Sweden), Torbjørn Grav (Ramaskrik Film Festival, Cinemateket Trondheim) and Marit Bakken (DKS - Trøndelag fylke). The award ceremony is towards the end of the screening session.

Note: The films do not have English subtitles.

Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music



Fre | Fri 15:00
(Total: 88 min.) [Nova 3]

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Snorre Johnsen Ulvåg, Henrik Schefte

TRAILBLAZER (Banebryteren)

En ung løper må finne en vei ut av sin destruktive sti etter å ha tatt valget om å bruke prestasjonsfremmende midler.

A young athlete must find a way out of his destructive path after injecting himself with an illegal substance.

Script: Joar Hougen, Bjørn Vegar Torseth | Cast: Henning Mythe, Oskar Hegge, Lars Asbjørn Sandnes, Allan Fallrø

Production: Marcus Balcon, Magnus Pettersen
Contact: Marcus Balcon, e:

NOR 2019 | Doc.Exp. | 22 min.
Director: Martine Thon Bråthen

DEFINITELY MAYBE (Definitivt kanskje)

En intuitiv dokumentarmontasje om hvordan man på forskjellige måter kan se, observere, tolke og forstå. Om det er verdensrommet, spekkhoggere eller hverandre. En honnør til det vi ikke vet, det vi ikke vet at vi ikke vet og til nysgjerrighet.

An intuitive documentary montage about how we in different ways can observe, perceive, interpret and understand. Whether it's the space, killer whales, or each other. A salute to everything we don't know, everything we don't know that we don't know, and to curiosity.

Script: Martine Thon Bråthen | Camera: Julia Mertens, Jona Kleinlein, Kåre Bråthen, Camilla Figenschou, Martine Thon Bråthen | Editing: Martine Thon Bråthen | Cast: Niku & Nasu, Evelyn Bråthen, Espen Hodne, Renate Mauland, Åshild Pettersen, a.o.

Production: Nordland College of Art and Film
Contact: Martine Thon Bråthen, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 7 min.
Director: Thomas Wullum Bakken

BEYOND THE ASHES (Gjennom asken)

En datter arrangerer en familiemiddag i håp om å bli tilgitt. Familien forsøker å beherske seg, men klarer etter hvert ikke å unngå elefanten i rommet.

A daughter orchestrates a family dinner in hopes of being forgiven. The family attempts to reconcile, but are soon unable to avoid the elephant in the room.

Script: Thomas Wullum Bakken | Editing: Thomas Wullum Bakken | Camera: Mikael Utsi Føhr | Cast: Mia Strømøy, Roar Kjølv Jenssen, Charlotte Vigdisdatter Vogel, Siver Sablagi-Eltoft, Hildegunn Eggen

Production: Karl Oskar Åsli
Contact: Karl Oskar Åsli, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Amanda Schrøder


Når to tenåringer bestemmer seg for å undersøke en merkelig forsvinningssak i hjembygda blir de fanget i en rekke uforutsette og underlige hendelser.

Two teenagers get caught up in strange events none of them were prepared for when they decide to investigate a strange disappearance in their small town in the middle of nowhere.

Script: Amanda Schrøder | Camera: Kevin Dahlman | Editing: Kjetil André Fiala Sole | Cast: Ingri Jensberg, Silje Indergård

Production: Amanda Schrøder, Ellen Olsen, Kjetil André Fiala Sole
Contact: Amanda Schrøder, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Henrik Schefte, Snorre Ulvåg

WHO CAN SAIL WITHOUT WIND (Hvem kan seile foruten vind)

Gabriel står overfor et vanskelig valg når hans beste venn avslører en mørk hemmelighet.

Gabriel faces a difficult choice when his best friend reveals a startling dark secret.

Script: Joar Hougen, Henrik Schefte, Bjørn Vegar Torseth, Snorre Ulvåg | Cast: Oskar Hegge, Lars Asbjørn Sandnes, Siri Farstad, Alisa Grindvoll

Production: Marcus Balcon
Contact: Marcus Balcon, e:

NOR 2019 | Exp. | 12 min.
Director: Daniel Nilssen


Etter en fatal bilulykke blir Grant og Lucy kastet inn i et tomrom mellom liv og død og må plukke opp bitene til sitt ugjenkjennelige liv. De har projisert en serie av bilder i tomrommet, bruddstykker fra deres tidligere liv, og blir møtt av en merkelig karakter som viser seg selv gjennom tekst.

When Grant and Lucy experience a fatal car crash, they are thrown into a void between life and death and must pick up the pieces of their lives, that they no longer recognize. They have projected a series of images in the void, which depict shards and pieces of their past lives, and are met with a strange character that only reveals itself through text.

Script: Daniel Nilssen | Cast: Snorre Aun Sætereng, Andrea White Hveding

Production: Daniel Nilssen
Contact: Daniel Nilssen, e:


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