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Minimalen 2020

» Awards 2020
Screening Schedule
» Catalogue 2020 (pdf)

Competitions & Juries
• INT: International Competition
• NOR: Nordic Competition
• Multiplié Dance Film
• Regional Student Competition
• One-minute-films
Special Screenings
• Johannes Nyholm
• Electric Swan + Third Kind
• Disney's Silly Symphonies
• Ramaskrik Presents
• Austrian avantgarde
• Norwegian Film Art: Inger Lise Hansen
• European Award Winners
• Opening Screening
• Knowledge & Industry
• Short Film Studies Symposium
• Short Docs: Best Of
• Short Docs: Panel Talk
• Nordic Shorts Expo
• Short Film Convention
Kids and Youth
• Kids
• Young
• One-minute-films Young
• Meet the Filmmakers
• Festival Club and other festivities
• Award ceremony and screening

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Previous festivals:
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
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1: fem tiÅr | five decades 2: nÅ | NOW


If we were to single out one country where film in the pure artistic sense has really blossomed and tested its potential in modern times, it is Austria. Already in the 50s, Kurt Kren and Peter Kubelka were at it, and since then the avant-garde film has been on a constant quest to push the boundaries of what is possible with this medium we call film - whether it be funky feminism with Valie Export and Mara Mattuscka or today's brave young stylists. Pivotal to this success story is the company Sixpackfilm. The films are presented by Gerald Weber of Sixpackfilm, who is also responsible for the programs.

Sixpackfilm was founded in 1990 as a non-profit organization to promote and distribute independent filmmaking from Austria with a focus on experimental and short films. Four times a year artists and filmmakers can submit their recent works which then are selected for active festival distribution by an expert jury. Beside the festival submission Sixpackfilm holds a large catalogue of the history of Austrian avant-garde cinema reaching back into the early 1960s.

The first program is a journey through the decades of Austrian experimental filmmaking, and the second program is a showcase of selected recent films from the last three years in a variety of styles and forms.

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Kategorier: Ani = Animasjon, Doc = Dokumentar, Exp = Eksperiment, Fic = Fiksjon, Mus = Musikk

(Total: 78 min.)
Fredag | Friday 19:00

Guided by Sixpackfilm, we follow a time-line from the mid 1960s until 2012 along a topic which offers a broad range of interpretations from body performance, science-fiction experiments to a horrifying penetration by the ghost of the cinematic apparatus and a physical transition of spatial limits.

AUT 1965 | Exp. | 9 min.
Director: Ernst Schmidt jr


Kunstnerisk "dokumentar" om et legendarisk aksjonskunststykke av Wieneraksjonisten Otto Mühl som bruker filmmaterialet på en lignende radikal måte som kunstneren utsetter sine utøvere for.

Artistic ‘documentary’ about a legendary action piece by Viennese actionist Otto Mühl using the film material in a radical way similar to how the artist proceeds with his performers.

Cast: Otto Mühl

AUT, USA 1972 | Exp. | 10 min.
Director: Maria Lassnig


Maria Lassnigs 16 mm-filmer er mest kjent for sine innflytelsesrike eksperimenter innen selvrepresentasjon, og Couples er en av filmene hennes som ble produsert mens hun bodde i New York mellom 1971 og 1976. Rett på sak, men med glimt i øyet, tar hun for seg kjønn og kjønnsnormer, fremstillinger av kvinnekroppen, forhold og maktdynamikk, gjennom et mangfold av film- og animasjonsteknikker.

Maria Lassnig’s 16 mm films are best known for her influential experiments in self-representation, and Couples is one of her films produced between 1971 and 1976 during her time in New York. Bluntly yet wittily, she addresses sex and gender norms, representations of the female body, relationships and power dynamics, through a diverse range of cinematic and animation techniques.

AUT 1985 | Exp. | 2 min.
Director: Valie Export

THE DUALITY OF NATURE (Die Zweiheit der Natur)

Den østerrikske feministiske videopioneren Valie Export tar ofte for seg spørsmål eller virkelighet og tekniske fremstillinger. “Naturen er alltid en konstruksjon, enten det er i dynamiske prosesser, dis-analoge systemer eller fysiske, tekniske signaler. ‘Natur’ formulerer organisasjonsformene for representasjonsstrategier - symbolske strukturer, både i virkeligheten og i fiksjonen.

Austrian feminist video pioneer Valie Export often deals with questions or reality and technical representations. “Nature is always a construction, whether in dynamic processes, dis-analog systems or physical, technical signals. ‘Nature’ formulates the organizational forms of representational strategies - symbolic structures, both in reality and in fiction“. (Valie Export)


AUT, CHE 1992 | Fic. | 26 min.
Director: Johannes Hammel

BLACK SUN (Die Schwarze Sonne)

Basert på Samuel R. Delanys kortroman 'Aye, and Gomorrah...', der sci-fi-premisset med strålingsresistente, statskastrerte romfarere lar forfatteren utforske androgyni, seksuell identitet, etc. Hammel bruker Delanys historie til å skape en nifst vakker verden der aseksuelle kropper lever i motsetningen mellom deres lidenskapsløse ensomhet og ønsket om intimitet og kontakt.

Based on Samuel R. Delany’s short novel ‘Aye, and Gomorrah...’, where the sci-fi premise of radiation-resistant state-neutered space travellers allows the author to explore androgyny, sexual identity, etc. Hammel uses Delany’s story to create a spookily beautiful world where asexual bodies live in the contradiction between their unarousable loneliness and desire for intimacy and contact.

Script: Michael Kathe, Johannes Rosenberger, Johannes Hammel | Camera: Johannes Hammel | Editing: Frank Soiron | Cast: Eva Maria Klauser, Hakan Baykal

Production: Constantin Wulff

AUT, DEU 1993 | Exp. | 10 min.
Director: Mara Mattuschka


Verden som lekeplass for en kvinnelig kjempe fra det ytre rom. Som en Godzilla-imitasjon på vei til seg selv tramper kjempekvinnen fra det ytre rom rundt i gatene i en storby, tøyser omkring, skaper ødeleggelser og kopulerer med Eiffeltårnet.

The world as a plaything for a giantess from outer space. A Godzilla-imitation on the way to herself: the giantess from outer space in the streets of a big city, fooling around, producing destruction, copulating with the Eiffel Tower.

Script, Editing: Mara Mattuschka | Camera: Ulla Barthold | Cast: Mimi Minus

AUT 1999 | Exp. | 10 min.
Director: Peter Tscherkassky


En kvinne, plaget av en usynlig og aggressiv kraft, blir også utsatt for publikums blikk, og blir en fange i dobbelt betydning. Filmen agiterer for denne konstruksjonen, som er prototypisk for kjønnshierarkier og den klassiske kinoens visningsregime, og lar hovedpersonen snu dem opp ned. (…) Historien ender i kvinnens motstandsdyktige blikk. En evig klassiker innen found-footage-filmskaping!

A woman, terrorized by an invisible and aggressive force, is also exposed to the audience’s gaze, a prisoner in two senses. Outer Space agitates this construction, which is prototypical for gender hierarchies and classic cinema’s viewing regime, and allows the protagonist to turn them upside down. (…) The story ends in the woman’s resistant gaze. (Isabella Reicher) An all-time classic of found-footage filmmaking!

Concept, Realisation: Peter Tscherkassky

AUT 2012 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Paul Wenninger


På engelsk betyr ‘trespass’ å trenge seg på, men det kan også bety uautorisert adgang, eller i juridisk sjargong, husbråk. Filmen leker med alle disse betydningene i en teknisk imponerende, variert og presis tour de force. Et gjennomgående element er en type avatar av regissøren, en karakter skapt av ekte bilder, som filmen sender på en slags reise verden rundt innenfor sine egne fire vegger.

In English, “trespass” means to intrude, but it could also be an unauthorized entry, or in legal jargon, a “domestic disturbance.” The film plays with all of these meanings in a technically impressive, varied, and precise tour de force. A consistent element throughout is a type of avatar of the director, a character created from real images, whom the film sends on a world journey, of sorts, within his own four walls. (Christian Höller)

Script: Paul Wenninger | Camera: Paul Wenninger, Nik Hummer | Editing: Martin Musič | Animation: Peter Koger, Martin Musič | Cast: Paul Wenninger

Production: Paul Wenninger, Gabriele Kranzelbinder, Kabinett and Co

Til topps
(Total: 79 min.)
Lørdag | Saturday 19:00


A sample of award-winning Austrian shorts, mainly experimental. From an essayistic examination of Mussolini’s urbanistic visions to immersive cinematic experiences, from agricultural dystopia and organic metamorphosis to queer fantasies, from juvenile appropriation of public space to a final minimalistic self-empowerment. What sounds like a frisky selection opens surprising links and associative contexts between the individual films.

AUT 2018 | Doc.Exp. | 24 min.
Director: Lotte Schreiber


Byen Sabaudia var av Mussolini tenkt å være en modellby som skulle vise fram Italias rasjonelle arkitektur. Den fryste til slutt arkitektonisk fast til en fascistisk utopi fanget mellom klassisisme og modernisme.

The city of Sabaudia was conceived by Mussolini as a model city intended to showcase Italy’s Rational Architecture, and it ultimately solidified architectonically into a Fascist utopia caught between Classicism and Modernism.

Concept, Editing: Lotte Schreiber | Camera: Lotte Schreiber, Johannes Hammel

Production: Lotte Schreiber

AUT 2019 | Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Virgil Widrich, Martin Reinhard


Hva skjer i en kinosal når du filmer den i 10K-oppløsning med et 360° kamera og reverserer aksene for rom og tid? tx-reverse viser kollisjonen mellom virkelighet og film når den kjente organiseringen av tid og rom er tilsidesatt.

What happens in a cinema when you film it at a resolution of 10K with a 360° camera and reverse the spatial and temporal axes? tx-reverse shows the collision of reality and cinema in which the order of space and time is suspended.

Concept: Virgil Widrich, Martin Reinhard | Camera: Martin Putz | OmniCam-360: Jana Pape, Danny Tatzelt, Christian Weissig

AUT 2016 | Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Siegfried Fruhauf


Med bakgrunn i tradisjonen innen strukturell film viser dette eksperimentet en regissør som jobber med filmens materialitet og rom på en måte som linjens solide konturer ikke lenger er tilstrekkelige for. Resultatet er en fundamentalt slående og nesten fysisk opplevelse.

Drawing on the tradition of structural film, this experiment sees the director working with the materiality and space of the movie, for which the solid contours of the lines cease to be sufficient. The result is a fundamentally compelling, almost physical experience. (Karlovy Vary Film Festival 2017)

Concept: Siegfried A. Fruhauf

AUT, DEU 2018 | Exp. | 14 min.
Director: Lukas Marxt


Drone-opptak fra Imperial Valley, som er et av Californias viktigste industri- og landbruksområder. Gjennom industrielt landbruk har det vært mulig å lykkes med å dyrke og utnytte denne geologiske delen av Sonora-ørkenen - med alvorlige konsekvenser for området rundt.

Drone footage of The Imperial Valley, which represents one of California’s most important regions of industrial agriculture. Corporate agricultural production interests have been able to successfully cultivate and exploit this geological part of the Sonora desert - with dire consequences for the surrounding area.

Camera, Editing: Lukas Marxt

Production: Lukas Marxt

AUT, DEU, MEX 2018 | Ani. | 7 min.
Director: Nikki Schuster


Muterende flora og fauna og forfallets prakt.

Mutating flora and fauna and the splendor of decay.

Animation: Nikki Schuster

Production: Fiesfilm

AUT 2019 | Exp. | 12 min.
Director: Katrina Daschner


I den syvende delen av sin adapsjon av Arnold Schnitzlers Drømmenovelle, lyser Katrina Daschner en sirkusarenas søkelys på forholdet til et par.

In the seventh part of her adaptation of Arnold Schnitzler’s ‘A Dream Novel’, Katrina Daschner shines a circus arena’s spotlight on the relationship of a couple.

Script: Katrina Daschner | Camera: Hannes Böck | Editing: Hannes Böck, Katrina Daschner | Cast: Stefanie Sourial, Hyo Lee, Denice Bourbon, Denise Kottlett, Katrina Daschner, Nora Safranek, Sabine Marte

Production: Lady Chutney Production

AUT 2016 | Doc. | 9 min.
Director: Jannis Lenz

ZERO-G (Schwerelos)

Parkour, en urban bevegelses-kunstform, smelter sammen med slam-poesi og skaper et unikt grasiøst og betagende glimt av opplevelsen til ungdommer i Wien.

Parkour, an urban, kinetic art form, blends with slam poetry for a uniquely graceful, breathtaking glimpse into the experience of youth in Vienna.

Concept, Editing: Jannis Lenz | Camera: Carolina Steinbrecher

AUT 2017 | Ani. | 3 min.
Director: Alexander Gratzer

MUSEUM GUARD (Museumswärter)

Fra utstillingsrom til privat scene: Hva gjør museumsvakter når de tror at ingen ser på?

Turning the exhibition space into a private stage: What do guards in a museum do when they assume no one watches?

Concept: Alexander Gratzer | Cast: Johannes Forster (voice)

Til topps
  Trondheim kino as