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Minimalen 2020

» Awards 2020
Screening Schedule
» Catalogue 2020 (pdf)

Competitions & Juries
• INT: International Competition
• NOR: Nordic Competition
• Multiplié Dance Film
• Regional Student Competition
• One-minute-films
Special Screenings
• Johannes Nyholm
• Electric Swan + Third Kind
• Disney's Silly Symphonies
• Ramaskrik Presents
• Austrian avantgarde
• Norwegian Film Art: Inger Lise Hansen
• European Award Winners
• Opening Screening
• Knowledge & Industry
• Short Film Studies Symposium
• Short Docs: Best Of
• Short Docs: Panel Talk
• Nordic Shorts Expo
• Short Film Convention
Kids and Youth
• Kids
• Young
• One-minute-films Young
• Meet the Filmmakers
• Festival Club and other festivities
• Award ceremony and screening

» Submit to Minimalen 2021





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Next Call for entries

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Previous festivals:
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
  2013 - 2014 - 2015
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003


The selection committees have made this selection of 44 films (21 from Norway and 23 from Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden). These films are screened in the NOR section, spanning 6 programmes of Nordic and Norwegian films in competition. The directors are presented at the beginning of each screening. Later, they get the opportunity to talk about their film in Meet the Filmmakers. The Award Ceremony is due Sunday.

All the directors are cordially invited with full accreditation and three complementary hotel nights (i.e. one room per film).


Films awarded by the NOR Award Jury:
Best Nordic Film incl. The Minimalen Trophy, and EUR 1 000 given by NTNU – Faculty of Humanities
Best Nordic Fiction*, Documentary*, Animation or Art Film*
(* Note: There is no category award for the category of which the Best Nordic Film belongs to)
Best Norwegian Film incl. The Minimalen Trophy, and NOK 5 000 given by Minimalen. Qualified to the national Amanda Award (provided that the film comply with the Amanda committee rules).

Trondheim kino will select one film, approx. 5 min.:
Best Norwegian Prerunner to be screened before a feature film at Trondheim
kino for one month. Regional productions will be preferred.

The Raskin Spirit Festival Award The trophy is awarded to a compact, poetic short film that makes use of its visual and auditory possibilities in an imaginative way, and have its own optimal form. Selected from INT or NOR by the festival.


(NZL). Festival Director and co-founder of Show Me Shorts Film Festival in New Zealand. Was recently honoured by the Queen with Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her services to the New Zealand film industry. Board member for the world-wide Short Film Conference organization, working to promote the status of the short film and unite the global short film community. Qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts in Film and a Bachelor of Commerce from Victoria University of Wellington.

(b. 1947, IRN), studied mass media and communication sciences at the University of Bochum in Germany. Journalist of Media and Film on Radio ‘Deutsche Welle’ in Cologne. Founder and director of the international section of the Tehran International Short Film Festival for more than 16 years. A jury member at several international short film festivals such as Tampere, Bilbao, Winterthur, Drama, Message to Man, etc. Lecturer in the field of cinema at film academies in Tehran.

(b. 1967, GBR) is an artist-filmmaker and festival programmer for Braziers Int. Film Festival in England. Graduated from Nottingham Trent University (BA Fine Art) and Manchester Metropolitan University (MA Fine Art). The director’s hybrid documentary films have been shown extensively at international festivals and exhibitions, with recent Special Focus programmes at the 30th Minimalen SFF (2018) and HOME Artist Film Weekend, Manchester (2018). Recent films include Concrete Forms of Resistance (2019), Stratum (2018), Thought Broadcasting (2017), The Atom Station (2015).


Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music

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NOR 1 (Total: 90 min.)
Ons | Wed 15:00 [Nova 2]

NOR 2019 | Ani. | 5 min.
Director: Thor Sivertsen


Abstrakt animasjon med bruk av stop-motion og digitale teknikker.

Abstract animation using stop-motion and digital techniques.

Script, Animation: Thor Sivertsen | Music: Motorpsycho

Production: Thor Sivertsen
Contact: Norsk Filminstitutt, Thor Sivertsen, e:

SWE 2018 | Fic. | 29 min.
Director: Jenifer Malmqvist

MY WORLD IN YOURS (Min värld i din)

Shams og Stella er forelsket. Shams har ikke fortalt Stella at hun skal søke om asyl, og heller ikke om Hanine i Palestina som venter på at hun skal hjelpe henne å komme til Sverige. Stella jobber i Migrationsverket.

Shams and Stella are in love. Shams hasn’t told Stella that she seeks asylum, nor about Hanine who’s still in Palestine waiting for Shams to help her come to Sweden. Stella works at the Migration office.

Script: F. Heurlin, Jenifer Malmqvist, Mariam Altamimi | Cast: Haneen Abdelnabi, Amina Szecsödy Olsson

Production: Emma Åkesdotter Ronge
Contact: Jing Haase, e:

NOR 2019 | Doc. | 11 min.
Director: Thor Brenne


Louise og Henrik er to aldrende profesjonelle sirkusakrobater som er på konstant leting etter nye måter å utøve sin kunstform. Men hvor lenge kan de holde det gående, etter hvert som de blir eldre og når de blir foreldre for første gang?

Louise and Henrik are two aging professional circus acrobats who constantly search for new ways to perform their art form. But for how long can they keep it up, as they grow older and as they become parents for the first time?

Cast: Louise von Euler Bjurholm, Henrik Agger

Production: Martin J. Edelsteen, Thor Brenne, Christian Koblizek
Contact: Thor Brenne, e:

SWE 2019 | Exp. | 4 min.
Director: Mårten Nilsson

A FILM (En film)

Det var vakkert, men det hjalp ikke. Med svart humor som mitt våpen kjemper jeg videre, tross eksistensielle mangler og tvil på selve tilværelsen.

It was beautiful, but it didn't help. With dark humor as my weapon I keep on struggling, in spite of existential shortcomings and doubts about existence itself.

Script: Mårten Nilsson

Production: Mårten Nilsson
Contact: Mårten Nilsson, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 8 min.
Director: Margareta F A Orkan


En ung livvakt, Mikael, skal stenge et basseng i det en kvinne plutselig dukker opp. Hun nekter å gå, og etter litt overtalelse lar Mikael henne få noen minutter til å svømme.

A young lifeguard, Mikael, is closing a pool when a woman suddenly appears. She refuses to leave, and after some persuasion Mikael agrees to give her a few minutes to swim.

Script: Margareta F A Orkan | Cast: Thomas Stene-Johansen, Ida Løken Valkepää, Mathilde Sofie Henriksen

Production: Hanna Suni, Margareta F A Orkan, Rasmus Eilertsen Bergli
Contact: Margareta F. A. Orkan, e:

FIN 2018 | Doc.Exp. | 6 min.
Director: Tuuli Teelahti


Når en kropp blir kremert er alt som blir igjen spikrene fra kisten. Og det er det.

When a body is cremated, all that remains is some nails from the coffin. And that's that.

Script: Tuuli Teelahti | Cast: Marko Brown

Production: Tuuli Teelahti
Contact: ELO Film School, Tuuli Teelahti, e:

DNK 2019 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Svend Colding

SLANGING (Den gode)

En langer vil ut av narkomiljøet, men før han kan ta et endelig farvel må han ordne noen siste greier.

A pusher is on his way out of the drug selling business. But there are a couple of loose ends that he needs to take care of, before he's able to stop.

Script: Svend Colding | Camera: Kristoffer Aabo | Cast: Besir Zeciri, Gustav Dyekjær Giese

Production: Anne Hedegaard Nielsen
Contact: Svend Colding, e:

NOR 2019 | Ani. | 13 min.
Director: Pjotr Sapegin

ORIGIN OF MAN (Menneskets opprinnelse)

Historien om hvordan mennesker er innvandrere fra et annet sted, en planet firkantet som en boks som vi måtte evakuere. Vi husker ikke lenger den firkantede planeten, men vi bygger iherdig firkantede bokser her på Jorda. Nora er en opprørsk tenåring som strever med å finne sin identitet, som leter etter noen som vil forstå.

The story of how humans are immigrants from another place, a planet square as a box from which we had to evacuate. We no longer remember the square planet, but keep building square boxes here on Earth. Nora is a rebellious teen-aged girl struggling to find a sense of identity, she is searching for someone that will understand.

Script: Pjotr Sapegin | Animation: Marcos Valin, Eirik Grønmo Bjørnsen, Pjotr Sapegin | Cast (voices): Dagny Norvoll Sandvik, Henrik Holm

Production: Norwegian Toolbox/Fabelfjord, Merete Korsberg
Contact: Merete Korsberg, e:

Til topps

NOR 2 (Total: 92 min.)
Ons | Wed 19:00 [Nova 2]

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 27 min.
Director: Johanna Pyykkö


Den middelaldrende nordmannen Lars er på  reise i Filippinene, hvor han har møtt Abigail, en filippinsk kvinne han vil dele livet sitt med. Men denne dagen går ikke ting som forventet.

During a trip to the Philippines, middle-aged Norwegian Lars has met Abigail - the Filipina he wants to share his life with, but today nothing goes according to plan.

Script: Johanna Pyykkö | Cast: Øyvind Brandtzæg, Angeli Bayani

Production: Nina M. Barbosa Blad, Lotte Sandbu, Bianca Balbuena-Liew
Contact: New Europe Film Sales, Nina M. Barbosa Blad, e:

NOR 2019 | Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Farhad Kalantary


I et tørt og øde landskap står et grått esel stille. Dyret står ubevegelig, men dets nysgjerrige ører portretterer det å lytte. Hva lytter det til? Hva er lydens muligheter?

In a dry and deserted landscape a gray donkey is standing still. The animal is motionless, but its curious ears portray the act of listening. What is it listening to? What are the possibilities of sound?

Production: Farhad Kalantary
Contact: Farhad Kalantary, Farhad Kalantary, e:

SWE 2019 | Fic. | 11 min.
Director: Anna-Karin Örander

(Saker man gör ibland - Baserat på en verklig händelse)

Maja tror at kjæresten Farad har blitt lei av henne. Kanskje trenger han bare et mindre infisert bilde av hvem hun er? Hvor mye kan man tøye sannheten for å gi forholdet en ny start?

Maja feels her boyfriend, Farad, has tired of her. Perhaps he just needs a less infected comprehension of who she is? How much can you twist the truth to give the relationship a new start?

Script: Anna-Karin Örander | Cast: Anna-Lo Fjellström, Arvin Kananian, Katarina Calleberg

Production: Anna-Karin Örander
Contact: Anna-Karin Örander, e:

NOR 2019 | Doc. | 13 min.
Director: Vegard Dahle


Ola Ravn (27) drømmer om å leve på sitt eget vis. Han bestemmer seg for å bygge et selvforsynt minihus som renser regnvann og sanker solkraft. Hans far synes imidlertid at denne ideen er tåpelig og egoistisk.

Ola Ravn (27) dreams of living on his own terms. He decides to build an off-the-grid mini-house that purifies rainwater and gathers solar power. His father, however, thinks this idea is silly and selfish.

Script: Vegard Dahle | Camera: Henrik Flatås | Editing: Øyvinn Kastnes

Production: Håvard Wettland Gossé
Contact: Vegard Dahle, e:

DNK 2019 | Ani.Exp. | 4 min.
Director: August Niclasen


Når man bor i en verden hvor alt allerede har blitt sagt, følt og gjort, kan noen i det hele tatt være unike? Og er det virkelig lurt å tenke for mye på dette?

Living in a world where everything’s already been said, felt, and done before, can anyone truly be unique? And is thinking about this too much really a good idea?

Production: Michelle Ann Nardone
Contact: Miyu Distribution, Luce Grosjean, e:

FIN 2018 | Exp. | 20 min.
Director: Patrik Söderlund


Geologiske perioder, kongedømmer av liv og masseutryddelser, en reise gjennom dyp tid fra urhavet til en fremtid uten mennesker.

Geological epochs, kingdoms of life and mass extinctions, a voyage through deep time from the primeval ocean to the post-human future.

Script: Patrik Söderlund | Camera: Jussi Eerola | Editing: Jussi Eerola, Mika Taanila

Production: Jussi Eerola
Contact: Programme AV-arkki, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Lisa Brooke Hansen, Even Hafnor


På en lørdags ettermiddag i et norsk lekeland bevitner et par en krangel mellom to mødre og en lekelandsbestyrer. Paret lurer på om de skal blande seg inn, men situasjonen utløser snart egne underliggende stridspunkt.

On a Saturday afternoon at a Norwegian playland, a couple witness an argument between two mothers and a playland manager. The couple wonder if they should intervene, but the situation soon triggers underlying issues of their own.

Script: Lisa Brooke Hansen, Even Hafnor | Cast: Tobias Santelmann, Janne Heltbeg

Production: Verona Meier
Contact: Verona Meier, e:

Til topps

NOR 3 (Total: 90 min.)
Tor | Thu 17:00 [Nova 2]

NOR 2019 | Doc. | 20 min.
Director: Jon Vatne


For fire år siden begynte musiker, artist og lyd-geek Eirik Havnes sitt mest ambisiøse prosjekt noensinne, noe som tok ham på en storslått reise gjennom norsk natur til et kreativt sted der ingen noensinne har vært før.

Four years ago, musician, artist and sound geek Eirik Havnes began his most ambitious project ever, taking him on an epic journey through Norwegian nature to a creative place no one has ever been before.

Script: Jon Vatne | Camera: Kristian Davik Larssen | Editing: Trude Lirhus | Cast: Eirik Havnes

Production: Håvard Wettland Gossé
Contact: Håvard Wettland Gossé, e:

FIN 2019 | Ani.Exp. | 6 min.
Director: Elli Vuorinen

STILL LIVES (Kiirehessä Liikkumatoin)

Konseptet travel stillhet blir utforsket gjennom forskjellig synspunkter mens museumsgjenstander fra hele verden reflekterer rundt de dagligdagse utfordringene i det moderne liv.

The concept of busy stillness is explored from various standpoints as museum artefacts from all around the world reflect on the mundane challenges of modern life.

Script: Elli Vuorinen

Production: Terhi Väänänen
Contact: Programme AV-arkki, e:

SWE 2019 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Elin Övergaard

WHO TALKS (Ingen lyssnar)

Det nye flyktningehjemmet for barn blir diskutert i et åpent kommunestyremøte. To personer med motsatte meninger prøver å bli hørt.

The new refugee home for children is being discussed at a public council meeting. Two people standing on opposite sides try to get heard.

Script: Elin Övergaard, Manne Indahl | Cast: Kristoffer Appelquist, Cecilia Milocco

Production: Elin Övergaard, Manne Indahl
Contact: Jing Haase, e:

NOR 2019 | Exp. | 16 min.
Director: Adam Kjær


En stille og tilbakeholden gutt sent i tenårene bor hjemme hos sin umodne mor og reserverte far i en solfylt og frodig drabantby. En merkverdig transe ser ut til å ha overmannet dem, mens et underliggende, kjøttfylt mysterium gjør seg synlig.

A quiet and restrained boy in his late teens lives at home with his childlike mother and reserved father, in a sunny and lush suburb. The family seems to be in some strange trance, while an underlying, fleshy mystery makes itself visible.

Script: Adam Kjær | Cast: Adam Kjær, Stina Kjær, Finn-Magne Eines, Julie Anett Spangebu

Production: Adam Kjær
Contact: Adam Kjær, e:

FIN 2019 | Ani. | 7 min.
Director: Emma Louhivuori

HER HEAD (Hänen päänsä)

En kvinnes liv er vanskelig fordi hennes hode er en katt.

A woman’s life is difficult, because her head is a cat.

Script: Emma Louhivuori

Production: Eija Saarinen
Contact: Emma Louhivuori, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 11 min.
Director: Marlene Emilie Lyngstad

HIDEAWAY (Gjemsel)

To personer leker gjemsel som en form for forspill under et one-night stand. Morgenen etter har de ulik oppfatning av når leken er over.

Two people play hide-and-seek as a form of foreplay during a one-night stand. The morning after, they have different ideas of when the game is over.

Script: Marlene Emilie Lyngstad | Camera: Emil Gurvin | Cast: Kristine Kujath Torp, Fredrik Ditlev-Simonsen, Sondre Larsen

Production: Fantefilm
Contact: Marlene Lyngstad, e:

ISL 2018 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Magnús Leifsson


Aron, en mann i førtiårene, er fanget i et liv som ikke lenger passer ham. I jakten på sinnsro etterligner han maskuline stereotyper og mesker seg med alle klisjéene fra den materielle verdenen.

Aron, a man in his forties, has become trapped in a life that no longer properly fits him. In search of serenity, he imitates male stereotypes and dives into all the clichés of the material world.

Script: Magnús Leifsson | Cast: Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson

Production: Lalli Jonsson
Contact: Magnus Leifsson, e:

Til topps

NOR 4 (Total: 90 min.)
Tor | Thu 19:00 [Nova 2]

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Kaveh Tehrani

Mina og Saeed lever et hektisk liv i den iranske hovedstaden, Teheran. Mina vil flytte utenlands, men så finner Saeed opp en dings som flytter ansvaret for hijaben dit den hører hjemme - hos mennene hvis blikk kvinner trenger beskyttelse fra.

Mina and Saeed live a stressful life in the Iranian capital, Tehran. Mina wants to move abroad, but Saeed then invents a device that places the responsibility for the hijab where it belongs – with the men whose gaze women need protection from.

Script: Kaveh Tehrani | Cast: Reza Brojerdi, Narges Rashidi, Sarina Ashkpour, Jasmin Tabatabai, Mohammad-Ali Behboudi, Arash Marandi

Production: Verona Meier
Contact: The Norwegian Film Insitute, Kaveh Tehrani, e:

SWE 2019 | Doc. | 10 min.
Director: Emelie Kastberg

CRITERIA OF RAPE (Att våga säga våldtäkt)

Hvorfor våger ikke voldtektsofre å anmelde, hvorfor legger de all skyld på seg selv? Forstår voldtektsmannen selv hva han har gjort? Og hvorfor er det så vanskelig å fortelle om at man har blitt voldtatt?

How come victims of rape don’t dare to push charges? Why do they feel shame? Does the rapist realize what they have done? And why is it so hard to say that you have been raped?

Camera: Cornelia Fahlvik | Editing: Johan Gustafsson | Cast: Emelie Kastberg

Production: Jonas Engberg
Contact: Emelie Kastberg, e:

AUT (dir: DNK) 2019 | Ani.Doc.Exp. | 6 min.
Director: Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot


Opprør: definert som et voldelig avbrudd av den eksisterende orden.

Riot: by definition, a violent disruption of the existing order.

Script: Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot

Production: Michelle Kranot
Contact: Michelle & Uri Kranot, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Ernst De Geer


Når Samir skal feire sin sønns fødselsdag i en bowlinghall sammen med sin ekskone, går ingenting hans vei.

When Samir is set to celebrate his son’s birthday at a bowling alley, together with his ex-wife, nothing goes his way.

Script: Mads Stegger, Ernst De Geer | Cast: Kadir Talabani, Ahmed Alsaatie, Alfred Ekker Strande, Andrea Berntzen

Production: Lotte Sandbu
Contact: Nina M. Barbosa Blad, e:

FIN 2019 | Doc. | 20 min.
Director: Tinja Ruusuvuori


På landsbygda i Nord-Norge har de svingete veiene blitt gjenstand for kontrovers.

In a remote Norwegian village the weaving roads have become the subject of controversy.

Cast: Marja Pihlaja

Production: Marja Pihlaja
Contact: Marja Pihlaja, e:

NOR 2019 | Exp. | 10 min.
Director: Lasse Marhaug

Stillbilder som sirkulerer rundt en enslig rollefigur. Filmen skifter mellom nærbilder av enkle, hverdagslige bevegelser, abstrakte sekvenser og skreven tekst, og skaper slik en studie av kjærlighet som forsøk på å kommunisere ved hjelp av kroppen, stemmen, språk og lyd.

Still images circling around a single character. The film shifts between close-ups of simple, everyday movements, abstract sequences and written text, thus creating a study of love as attempts to communicate through the means of the body, the voice, language and sound.

Script: Jenny Hval | Cast: Ingrid Hakstad

Production: Lasse Marhaug
Contact: Lasse Marhaug, e:

SWE 2019 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Lars Vega, Isabelle Björklund

AWAITING DEATH (I väntan på döden)

En sønn ankommer sykehuset for å sitte ved sin fars side mens livet ebber ut. Sønnen ønsker seg en siste fin stund, men faren er mer opptatt av hva de skal gjøre med to åpnede sennepsglassene han har i kjøleskapet.

A son arrives at the hospital to watch his father's death bed. When the son wants a nice last moment, his father would rather find out what to do with the two opened cans of mustard.

Script: Lars Vega

Production: Isabelle Björklund
Contact: Jing Haase, e:

Til topps

NOR 5 (Total: 90 min.)
Fre | Fri 17:00 [Nova 2]

NOR 2019 | Doc. | 20 min.
Director: Martin Walther


På midten av nittitallet ble det avdekket stort svinn av varer på nordgående godstog fra Trondheim. Det viste seg at toget i en toårsperiode hadde blitt utsatt for en rekke skjulte ran, først og fremst av brus og øl. Saken fikk en uventet vending da de skyldige viste seg å være en gruppe unge gutter i alderen 11 til 15 år. En film om utenforskap, og konsekvensene av dette.

In the mid-nineties, a large deficit from northbound freight trains from Trondheim was discovered. As it turned out, for a period of two years, the train had been robbed in secret, primarily in the form of soda and beer. Unexpectedly, the guilty party was revealed to be a group of young boys aged 11 to 15. A film about being an outsider, and its consequences.

Script: Martin Walther | Camera: Nils Eilif Bremdal-Vinell | Editing: Fredrik S. Hana | Cast: Erlend Hansbakken, Isak Melling Lesund, Iver Svenning Brevik, Mathias Holst Iversen, Oliver Våge, Stian Hovland Pedersen

Production: Jon Vatne, Håvard Wettland Gossé
Contact: KurzFilmAgentur, Håvard Wettland Gossé, e:

SWE 2019 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Julia Thelin


Feride er på vei hjem fra fest når hun møter en gjeng med syngende unge gutter i en trebåt. Hun hjelper dem med motoren og blir ufrivillig tatt med på en båttur inn i den svenske sommernatten.

Feride is on her way home from a party when she meets a group of young choir singing boys in a wooden boat. When she helps them with their motor problems she is unwillingly taken out for a ride in the Swedish summer night.

Script: Julia Thelin

Production: Eliza Jones, Markus Waltå
Contact: Jing Haase, e:

FIN 2019 | Doc.Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Azar Saiyar


En fortellerstemme spør: “kjenner du denne fuglen?”

A narrator asks: 'do you know this bird?'

Script: Azar Saiyar

Production: Azar Saiyar
Contact: AV-arkki, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Julia Lindström


Lo (14) bor alene med sin far på en gård. Ut av kjedsomhet og frustrasjon fantaserer hun om sex og spionerer på sesongarbeiderne. Faren hennes er for opptatt med å få endene til å møtes til å være oppmerksom på at hans datter er i ferd med å bli en ung kvinne.

Lo (14) lives alone with her father on a farm. Bored and frustrated, she fantasizes about sex and spies on the seasonal workers. Her father is too busy making ends meet to be aware of his daughter becoming a young woman.

Script: Amy Black Ndiaye, Julia Lindström | Camera: Torbjørn Sundal Holen | Cast: Louise Tofte Røiri, Håkon Matthias Vassvik, Harald Thomson Rosenstrøm

Production: Hege Hauff Hvattum, Nina Maria Barbosa Blad
Contact: Nina M. Barbosa Blad, e:

DNK 2019 | Ani. | 6 min.
Director: Tue Sanggaard


En vanlig dag tar snart en vending mot det absurde når dørene på t-banen ikke vil åpne seg.

A normal day quickly takes a strange turn, when the metro doors refuse to open.

Production: The Animation Workshop - Michelle Ann Nardone
Contact: Miyu Distribution, Luce Grosjean, e:

FIN 2019 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Joonas Rutanen

CLOSE TO ME (Iholle)

Aila leter etter en forsvunnet katt når hun møter Simo, en fåmælt ung mann.

Aila is looking for a lost cat when she meets Simo, a young man of few words.

Script: Joonas Rutanen

Production: Kaarle Aho, Kai Nordberg
Contact: Otto Suuronen, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Ingvild Søderlind

TRACES (Sportegn)

Selma (12) og Elliot (6) er på sommerferie i et gammel hus ved skogen. Selma er sjalu på lillebroren fordi han mottar mer oppmerksomhet fra mor. I skogen bak huset er det ville dyr...

Selma (12) and Elliot (6) are on summer holiday in an old house by the forest. Selma is jealous of her little brother because he is getting more attention from their mother. In the forest behind the house, there are wild animals...

Script: Ingvild Søderlind | Cast: Selma Greenberg Søderlind, Elliot Greenberg Søderlind, Tiril Ilsaas Pharo

Production: Fabien Greenberg
Contact: Bård Kjøge Rønning, e:

Til topps

NOR 6 (Total: 90 min.)
Fre | Fri 19:00 [Nova 2]

ISL 2019 | Ani. | 9 min.
Director: Gísli Darri Halldórsson

YES-PEOPLE (Já-Fólkið)

Seks mennesker. De bor i den samme bygningen men følger sine egne veier. Hver og en kommer seg gjennom dagen på sin egen måte, og med sin egen stemme.

Six people. Living in one building but following different paths. Each gets through the day in their own way – and with their own voice.

Script: Gísli Darri Halldórsson | Cast (voices): Helga Braga Jónsdóttir, Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir, Jón Gnarr, Kristján Franklín Magnúss, Sigurður Sigurjónsson, Thor Kristjansson

Production: Arnar Gunnarsson, Gísli Darri Halldórsson
Contact: Gisli Darri Halldorsson, e:

SWE 2019 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Sophie Vuković


Jamila og vennene hennes øver til en talentkonkurranse, og ingenting kan komme i veien for Jamilas konsentrasjon. Ikke en gang lillesøsteren Leilas spørsmål om familiens asylsak.

Jamila and her friends are practicing for the talent show, and nothing can get in the way of Jamila's focus. Not even her little sister Leila's question about the family's asylum case.

Script: Sophie Vuković

Production: Eliza Jones, Markus Waltå
Contact: Jing Haase, e:

SWE 2019 | Doc.Exp. | 17 min.
Director: Tova Mozard


Neonskiltene skjærer gjennom mørket. Lokkende, som sekulære templer som lover rettledning gjennom forvirringen vi kjenner som livet.

The neon signs cuts through the darkness. Beckoning, like temples of a secular religion promising guidance through the confusion that is life.

Production: Daniel Pynnönen
Contact: Jing Haase, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 17 min.
Director: Rebecca Figenschau

THE TENT (Teltet)

En dysfunksjonell familie sliter med å sette opp et komplisert telt. Stemningen blir mer og mer anspent, i takt med at en underliggende konflikt tvinges til overflaten - og en sjokkerende hemmelighet blir avslørt.

A dysfunctional family is struggling to raise a complicated tent. The mood gets more and more tense, as an underlying conflict forces itself up to the surface - and a shocking secret is revealed.

Script: Rebecca Figenschau | Cast: Sigurd Myhre, Christina Nikolaisen, Erica Cook, Christian Magnus Vangen

Production: Frode Søbstad
Contact: Norwegian Film Institute, Frode Søbstad, e:

NOR 2019 | Doc.Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Anette Svane


Gjennom utforsking av materialiteten til rom, objekter, og det å være inne, undersøker filmen hvordan voldtekt oftere enn ikke skjer innen den opplevde tryggheten av det som anses som noens hjem.

Through exploration of the materiality of spaces, objects, and of being inside, the film examines how rape more often than not happens within the perceived safety of what is considered someone’s home.

Script, Camera, Editing: Anette Svane | Cast (voice): Ingrid Synneva Holtar

Contact: Anette Svane, e:

NOR 2019 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Andrea Sitara Gran, Marlene Emilie Lyngstad


En jentegjeng oppsøker en høyde med utsikt over byen. Lettere beruset av hjemmelagde drinker knipser de romantiserende bilder av seg selv og de idylliske omgivelsene. Plutselig oppdager jentene at de ikke er alene om å "romantisere" øyeblikket.

A group of girls seek out a height with a view. Slightly intoxicated, they snap romanticizing pictures of themselves and the beautiful surroundings. Suddenly, they discover they are not the only ones to “romanticize” the moment.

Script: Andrea Sitara Gran, Marlene Emilie Lyngstad | Cast: Regine Hannestad Føystadvaag, Julie Jensen Larsen, Andrea Sitara Gran, Marlene Emilie Lyngstad

Production: Andrea Sitara Gran, Marlene Emilie Lyngstad
Contact: Marlene Lyngstad, e:

FIN 2019 | Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Risto-Pekka Blom


Det var ikke plass til andre dyr i arken. Den eneste som er igjen er skapelsens konge, det verste av alle dyrene, mennesket.

There was no room for other animals in the ark. The only one left is the king of creation, the worst of all animals, man.

Script: Risto-Pekka Blom

Production: Risto-Pekka Blom
Contact: Programme AV-arkki, e:

NOR 2019 | Ani. | 11 min.
Director: Robin Jensen

FARCE (Farse)

En mann, en kvinne og en kjøttkvern. Kjærlighet er blodig alvor.

A man, a woman and a meat grinder. Love is messy.

Script: Robin Jensen | Camera: Janne K Hansen, Robin Jensen | Editing: Anders Bergland, Robin Jensen | Animation: Cathinka Tanberg, Josefine Hannibal, Kristian Pedersen

Production: Lise Fearnley, Tonje Skar Reiersen
Contact: SND Films, Norwegian Film Institute, Lise Fearnley, e:

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