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Minimalen 2023

» Catalogue 2023 (pdf)
Screening Schedule
Awards 2023
Competitions & Juries
• INT: International Competition
• NOR: Nordic Competition
• Multiplié Dance Film
• Regional Student Competition
• One-minute-films
Special Screenings
• Agnès Varda Retrospective
• Maya Deren Complete
• Finnish Media Art: AV-arkki
• Fokus: Douwe Dijkstra
• Romance: Affairs of the Heart
• Horror: Ramaskrik Presents
• Comedy Shorts
• Knowledge & Industry
• Short Film Studies Symposium
• Nordic Shorts Expo
• Short Film Convention
Kids and Youth
• Kids
• Young
• One-minute-films Young
• Opening Screening

• Festival Club

• Award ceremony and screening


Volunteers Wanted




About Minimalen

Next Call for entries

Network membership:
Nordic-Baltic Shorts Network
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Catalogue Archive (Google Drive)

Previous festivals:
  2019 - 2020 - 2021
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
  2013 - 2014 - 2015
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003


Agnès Varda

We are proud to be able to present an extensive retrospective of Agnès Varda’s short films, three program blocks with newly restored film copies from her own company, Ciné-Tamaris. Among the twelve films we screen, made from 1958 to 2015, half is fiction and half is documentary/essay film.

The six documentary/essay films get great attention in this year’s Short Film Studies Symposium under the direction of the editor, Cynthia Felando, in the context of a number of articles in the Short Film Studies Journal #12.1.

Agnès Varda (b. 1928 in Belgium – d. 2019 in France) started her professional career as a photographer, but soon became a key film director in the French New Wave – this renaissance in French cinema from the late 1950s and a few years onwards with great international attention and importance, where a spontaneous and direct film language came to light among a group of young directors associated with the magazine Cahiers du cinéma. Varda contributed strongly with fresh contemporary themes, often conveyed with a humane, personal and playful tone. Her social awareness corresponded well with the 1960s counterculture, with attention to e.g. women’s liberation, social inequality and green values.

For those of us concerned with the short film format, she is in a unique and appealing position in that she throughout her long career seamlessly utilized both the long and short format, depending on what she wanted to express – with a unique cinematic vocabulary that blurred the boundaries between fiction and documentary and expanded the notion of what a film can be.

Screening Rights: Ciné Tamaris, e:


Nova 4 - ONS | WED 21:00

FRA 1958 | Fic. | 17 min.
Director: Agnès Varda


I denne dokumentaren i dagbokstil tar Varda utgangspunkt i en ung gravid kvinne for å kaste lys over Paris’ Rue Mouffetard. Mens hun laget filmen var Varda gravid. I to måneder gikk hun rundt med kameraet og opplevde det skitne markedsdistriktet veldig annerledes enn før.

In this diary-style documentary, Varda takes a young pregnant woman as her point of departure to shed light on Paris’ Rue Mouffetard. When she made the film, Varda was pregnant. For two months, she walked around with her camera and experienced the dirty market district very differently than before.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Agnès Varda, Sacha Vierny | Editing: Janine Verneau | Cast: Dorothée Blank, Antoine Bourseiller

Production: Agnès Varda

FRA 1961 | Fic. | 5 min.
Director: Agnès Varda

(Les fiancés du pont MacDonald)

En ung mann ser svart på livet når han bruker mørke briller; alt han trenger å gjøre er å fjerne dem for at ting skal ordne seg. Den burleske mini-stumfilmen som inngår i Cléo fra 5 til 7, med Jean-Luc Godard i stråhatt og en blond Anna Karina i hovedrollen.

A young man sees life in black when he wears dark glasses; all he has to do is remove them for things to work out. The mini burlesque silent film that appears in Cléo from 5 to 7, starring Jean-Luc Godard in a flat straw hat and a blonde Anna Karina.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Jean Rabier | Editing: Janine Verneau | Cast: Anna Karina, Jean-Luc Godard, Eddie Constantine, a.o.

Production: Rome-Paris Films - Georges de Beauregard

FRA 1984 | Fic. | 28 min.
Director: Agnès Varda

SEVEN ROOMS, KITCHEN, BATHROOM, FOR SALE (7p. cuis., s. de b., ... à saisir)

Et uvanlig besøk i en stor, tom leilighet. Er den tom eller ikke? Kanskje en familie har bodd der eller skal bo der... Kanskje en ung jente skal rømme derfra... Kanskje noen av de gamle som bodde der aldri har reist.

An unusual visit to a large, empty apartment. Is it empty or not? Maybe a family has lived there or is going to live there… Maybe a young girl is going to escape from there… Maybe some of the old-timers who lived there have never left.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Nurith Aviv | Editing: Sabine Mamou | Cast: Yolande Moreau, Marthe Jarnias, Louis Bec

Production: Ciné-Tamaris

FRA 1986 | Fic. | 3 min.
Director: Agnès Varda

(T'as de beaux escaliers, tu sais)

Hvordan kan du på 150 sekunder hylle Cinematheque Française, som feirer 50 år, uten å filme de 50 trappetrinnene som fører opp til Musée du cinéma og ned til det dystre auditoriet, hvor projeksjonen av mesterverk finner sted.

How, in 150 seconds, can you pay tribute to the Cinematheque Française, celebrating its 50 years, without filming the 50 steps leading up to the Musée du cinéma and down to the gloomy auditorium where the projection of masterpieces take place.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Patrick Blossier | Editing: Marie-Josée Audiard | Cast: Isabelle Adjani

Production: Miroirs, Ciné-Tamaris

FRA 2003 | Fic. | 5 min.
Director: Agnès Varda

THE VANISHING LION (Le lion volatil)

Et kort eventyr med tre karakterer: Clarisse, lærlingen til en klarsynt; Lazare, som jobber ved de parisiske katakombene; og løven, en bronsestatue ved Denfert-Rochereau. Clarisse og Laraze møtes daglig, men en dag forsvinner Lazare - og løven også.

A short adventure of three characters: Clarisse, a psychic’s apprentice; Lazare, who works at the Parisian catacombs; and the lion, a bronze statue at the Denfert-Rochereau. Clarisse and Laraze meet daily, but one day Lazare disappears — and the lion as well.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Mathieu Vadepied, Xavier Tauveron | Editing: Agnès Varda | Cast: Julie Depardieu, David Deciron, Frédérick E. Grasser-Hermé, Valérie Donzelli, Agnès Varda

Production: Agnès Varda

FRA 2015 | Fic. | 11 min.
Director: Agnès Varda


En rosa kjole sender en staut tenåringsjente ut på en tid- og rom-brytende odyssé fra hennes fattigslige geitegård til storbyen og videre i denne lekende, slingrende feministiske fantasien. Kommisjonert av det italienske motehuset Miu Miu som Women's Tales #10.

A pink dress launches a stouthearted teenage girl on a time- and space-collapsing odyssey from her humble goat farm to the big city and beyond in this playfully meandering feminist fantasia. Commissioned by Italian fashion house Miu Miu as Women's Tales #10.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Pierre-Hugues Galien | Editing: Agnès Varda, Maxime Pozzi-Garcia | Cast: Jasmine Thiré, Michel Jeannès, Jacky Patin

Production: Max Brun, Rosalie Varda

Til topps

AGNÈS VARDA 2: (Total: 74 min.)
Cine - TOR | THUR 17:00

FRA 1958 | Doc. | 27 min.
Director: Agnès Varda

ALONG THE COAST (Du côté de la côte)

Laget for det franske turiskontoret og dedikert til André Bazin, tar denne korte dokumentaren for seg noe som ofte er fotografert – strendene og bygningene på Rivieraen – og dykker ned i både nostalgisk lengsel og det karnevalaktige groteske under den blåeste himmelen.

Made for the French office for tourism and dedicated to André Bazin, this short documentary tackles an oft-photographed subject — the beaches and buildings of the Riviera — delving into both nostalgic yearning and the carnivalesque grotesque beneath the bluest of skies.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Quinto Albicocco, Raymond Castel | Editing: Jasmine Chasney, Henri Colpi | Cast (voice): Roger Coggio, Anne Ollivier

Production: Anatole Dauman, Philippe Lifchitz

FRA 1967 | Doc. | 19 min.
Director: Agnès Varda

UNCLE YANCO (Oncle Yanco)

I sin sprudlende første California-film fordyper Agnès Varda seg i sin egen familiehistorie. Varda sporer opp en gresk emigrantslektning hun aldri har møtt, Jean Varda, og oppdager en kunstner og en beslektet sjel som lever et bohemliv i Sausalito.

In her effervescent first California film, Agnès Varda delves into her own family history. Varda tracks down a Greek emigrant relative she’s never met, Jean Varda, discovering an artist and kindred soul leading a bohemian life in Sausalito.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: David Myers, Didier Tarot | Editing: Jean Hamon | Cast: Jean 'Yanco' Varda

Production: Agnès Varda

FRA 1968 | Doc. | 28 min.
Director: Agnès Varda


En film skutt sommeren 1968 i Oakland, California rundt møtene organisert av Black Panthers Party for å frigjøre Huey Newton, en av lederne deres, og for å gjøre rettssaken hans til en politisk debatt. De prøvde - og lyktes i - å fange USAs oppmerksomhet.

A film shot during the summer of 1968 in Oakland, California around the meetings organised by the Black Panthers Party to free Huey Newton, one of their leaders, and to turn his trial into a political debate. They tried and succeeded in catching America’s attention.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: David Myers, Paul Aratow, John Shofill, Agnès Varda | Editing: Paddy Monk | Cast: H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver, Ron Dellums

Production: Agnès Varda

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AGNÈS VARDA 3: (Total: 94 min.)
Cine - FRE | FRI 19:00

The photographer and the essayist Agnès Varda comes together fully in this omnibus film spanning 40 years, curated by herself for festival and cinema distribution in 2004. Each of the three short films serves as a meditation on the work as a photographer and the relationship between still image and film, between art and real life.

FRA 2004 | Doc. | 43 min.
Director: Agnès Varda

(Ydessa, les ours et etc.)

Ydessa Hendeles’ utstilling med tusenvis av bilder av mennesker med teddybjørner pirret Agnès Vardas nysgjerrighet, så hun dro til Toronto for å prøve å finne ut hvilke historiske og personlige røtter hennes søken var drevet av.

Ydessa Hendeles’ exhibition of thousands of photos of people with teddy bears had puzzled Agnès Varda, so she went to Toronto to excavate the historical and personal roots of the her quest.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Claire Duguet, John Holosko, Rick Kearney, Markus Seitz | Editing: Agnès Varda | Cast: Ydessa Hendeless

Production: Agnès Varda

FRA 1982 | Doc. | 22 min.
Director: Agnès Varda


Ved sjøen - en geit, et barn og en naken mann. Dette er et fotografi tatt i 1954 av Agnès Varda. Geita var død, barnet het Ulysses, og mannen var naken. Med dette frosne bildet som utgangspunkt utforsker filmen det virkelige og det imaginære.

At the sea shore - a goat, a child, and a naked man. This is a photograph taken in 1954 by Agnès Varda. The goat was dead, the child was named Ulysses, and the man was naked. Starting from this frozen image, the film explores the real and the imaginary.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Jean-Yves Escoffier, Agnès Varda (photographs) | Editing: Marie-Josée Audiard | Cast: Ulysse Llorca, Bienvenida Llorca, Fouli Elia, Agnès Varda

Production: Agnès Varda

FRA 1963 | Ani.Doc. | 29 min.
Director: Agnès Varda


En fotomontasje av cubanere basert på de 1800 fotografiene som Agnès Varda tok i løpet av hennes besøk på Cuba i 1963, fire år etter at Fidel Castro kom til makten. Denne dokumentaren utforsker kulturen og samfunnet deres etter revolusjonen gjennom bildene hennes og gjennom kommentarer i voice-over.

A photo montage of Cubans made out of the 1800 photographs taken by Agnès Varda during her visit to Cuba in 1963, four years after Fidel Castro came to power. This documentary explores their post-revolution culture and society through her pictures and through commentaries in voice-over.

Script: Agnès Varda | Camera: Per Olaf Csongova, J. Marques, Agnès Varda (still images) | Editing: Janine Verneau | Cast (voice): Michel Piccoli, Agnès Varda

Production: Agnès Varda

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