INT is Minimalen’s International Competition for shorts from all over the world except the Nordic countries (the Nordic and Norwegian films compete in the NOR section). 40 of the best new shorts worldwide have been selected and are to be presented in six programs. The directors are presented right after their film is screened, and the audience gets the opportunity to ask questions. The Award Ceremony is due Sunday.
• Best International Film One film is awarded by the INT Award Jury and presented with The Minimalen
Trophy and EUR 1 000 given by Minimalen.
• Audience Award The audience vote for their favourite INT film, and the winner is awarded EUR 500 given by Minimalen.
• The Raskin Spirit Festival Award The trophy is awarded to a compact, poetic short film that makes use of its visual
and auditory possibilities in an imaginative way, and has its own optimal form.
Selected from INT or NOR by the festival.
JOHN CANCIANI (CHE), film curator and programmer. Artistic Director of Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur since 2012. He has curated for different festivals and art institutions and advices festivals, film schools and filmmakers on programming, festival strategies, scripts and editing. John holds a Master in Advanced Studies in Curating from Zurich University of the Arts.
HILKE RÖNNFELDT (DEU),film director and screenwriter. Graduated as a screenwriter at Swedish Alma Education (2019) and as a film director at independent film school collective Super16 in Copenhagen (2022). She is a Berlinale Talents (2021) and European Short Pitch (2020) alumna. Her film Fence (Hegn) was awarded Best Nordic Film at Minimalen 2022, and has been screened at festivals all over the world.
LIZ HARKMAN (GBR), film exhibitor and programmer. Currently Managing Director for Live Cinema UK, on the board for Encounters Festivals and a programmer for Flickerfest Short Film Festival (Australia). She started her career working in production support etc. at the British Film Institute and UK Film Council. Leading Encounters Film Festival (2008-2013), operational roles at Edinburgh Film Festival, Animated Exeter and Flickerfest, and short film programmer for Locarno Film Festival (Switzerland, 2016-2020).
Award sponsor:
Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music
INT 1(Total: 87 min.)
NOVA 4 - TOR | THUR 17:00
GBR 2021 | Ani. | 4 min.
Director: Miles Jezuita
Sammenlignet med det travle livet i London by, lurer rever i den rolige forstaden. Et glimt inn i hvilke rampestreker disse gåtefulle skapningene påfører sine menneskeskapte omgivelser.
Compared to the bustling life of London’s City, in the quiet, static suburb, lurk foxes. A glimpse into what mischief these enigmatic creatures wreak on their man-made surroundings.
Script: Miles Jezuita | Animation: Miles Jezuita, Rainie Kim, Hamish Dodd, Jess Teare, Benjamin Mussett, Elena Gamper
Production: Rainie Kim
Contact: Arts University Bournemouth, e:
USA 2021 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Lloyd Lee Choi (CAN)
En dårlig natt for en budbilsjåfør i New York.
One bad night for a New York City delivery driver.
Script: Lloyd Lee Choi | Cast: Limin Wang
Production: Anthony Zhai Yang
Contact: Salaud Morisset, e:
FRA 2022 | Fic. | 25 min.
Director: Iris Chassaigne
SWAN IN THE CENTER (Swan dans le centre)
I et øde kjøpesenter som skal ombygges, gjennomfører juniorkonsulenten Swan en undersøkelse. Når hun passerer de tomme gangene på jakt etter kunder og selgere å intervjue, trenger lysten seg frem...
In a deserted shopping center destined for redevelopment, Swan, a junior consultant, conducts a survey. As she passes the empty hallways in search of clients and salespeople to interview, desire gets in her way...
Script: Iris Chassaigne, Anna Cohen-Yanay | Cast: Asja Nadjar, Maxence Tual, Louise Orry-Diquero, Andrea Romano
Production: François-Olivier Lespagnol, Sébastien Hussenot
Contact: La Luna Productions, e:
CAN 2022 | Ani. | 8 min.
Director: Wendy Tilby, Amanda Forbis
To skip kolliderer i en havn, en eksplosjon knuser en by og en sjømann sprenges mot himmelen. Med øresus, pulserende blod og skvulpende innvoller, svever han høyt over kaoset og mot det store ukjente.
Two ships collide in a harbour, an explosion shatters a city, and a sailor is blasted skyward. With ears ringing, blood pulsing and guts heaving, he soars high above the mayhem and towards the great unknown.
Script: Wendy Tilby, Amanda Forbis
Production: David Christensen
Contact: Élise Labbé, e:
IRN 2021 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Hadi Babaeifar
Ni år gamle Ehsan bor i en avsidesliggende landsby sammen med familien og lillebroren, som lider av en alvorlig og tilsynelatende uhelbredelig sykdom. Basert på en gammel historie tror Ehsan at en dødsengel i form av en hjort vil komme for å ta brorens liv.
Nine-year-old Ehsan lives in a remote village with his family and his little brother, who suffers from a serious and apparently incurable disease. Based on an old story, Ehsan believes that an angel of death in the form of a deer will come to take his brother's life.
FRA 2022 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Duván Duque Vargas (COL)
ALL-INCLUSIVE (Todo Incluido)
Elleve år gamle Fer reiser med familien til et feriested på landet noen timer utenfor Bogotá. Selv om faren til Fer skal gjøre forretninger, har han lovet å sette av tid til familiemoro, noe som har manglet i livene deres en stund.
Eleven-year-old Fer travels with his family to a countryside resort a few hours outside Bogotá. Although Fer's father will be doing business, he has promised to make time for family fun, something that has been missing from their lives for a while.
Basert på en hendelse hvor en kvinne deltar på en fest hvor hun møter en mystisk fremmed. Laget på nitratfilm fra 1920-tallet som i ferd med å gå i oppløsning.
Built around a scene where a woman attends a party where she encounters a mysterious stranger. Made from decaying nitrate film from the 1920s.
Editing: Bill Morrison | Source material director: Wiktor Bieganski | Script: Carmine Gallone | Cast: Olga Tschechowa, Henri Baudin
Production: Bill Morrison
Contact: Bill Morrison, e:
KHM 2022 | Fic. | 24 min.
Director: Polen Ly
(Chhngai Dach Alai)
En ung urbefolkningsjente fra Bunong og hennes eldre bror tilbringer en siste dag i landsbyen i det nordøstlige Kambodsja før de skal flytte til hovedstaden på jakt etter bedre levekår.
A young indigenous Bunong woman and her older brother spend one last day in their rural village in northeastern Cambodia, before an impending move to the capital city in search of a more prosperous life.
FRA 2022 | Ani. | 6 min.
Directors: Gabriel Augerai, Romain Augier, Laurie Pereira de Figueiredo, Yannick Jacquin, Charles di Cicco
Et par mindre smarte fugler prøver sitt beste for å beskytte eggene sine mot et vulkanutbrudd.
A couple of less-than-smart birds try their best to protect their eggs from a volcanic eruption.
Production: Julien Deparis
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e:
CAN 2022 | Fic. | 16 min.
Director: Marilyn Cooke
Den begavede medisinstudenten Keity ønsker å fortsette familietradisjonen og bli kirurg slik som moren og bestemoren. Men når den første operasjonen hennes tar en dramatisk vending, må hun akseptere en praksisplass på likhuset.
A gifted medical student, Keity wants to continue the family tradition and become a surgeon like her mother and grandmother. But when her first operation takes a dramatic turn, she has to accept an internship at the morgue.
Script: Marilyn Cooke | Cast: Schelby Jean-Baptiste, Michel Laperrière, Ariane Bérubé, Mireille Métellus, Alexandra Laferrière, Djennie Laguerre
I leiligheten til en kvinne som nylig gikk bort, tømmer en ung renholder en garderobe full av gamle klær. Plutselig føler hun seg magisk tiltrukket av en fargerik, livlig kjole.
In the apartment of a woman who recently passed away, a young cleaner empties a wardrobe full of old clothes. Suddenly she feels magically attracted to a colorful, vivid dress.
Script: Olga Torrico | Cast: Camille Marteaux, Valeria Lopa
Production: Adam Selo, Olga Torrico
Contact: Sayonara Film, e:
FRA 2022 | Fic.Ani. | 17 min.
Director: Tal Kantor (ISR)
En Holocaust-overlevende leser et brev han skrev til grisen som reddet livet hans. En ung skolejente hører brevet i skoletimen og synker ned i en forskrudd drøm der hun konfronterer spørsmål om identitet, kollektive traumer og ytterpunktene i menneskets natur.
A Holocaust survivor reads a letter he wrote to the pig who saved his life. A young schoolgirl hears his testimony in class and sinks into a twisted dream where she confronts questions of identity, collective trauma, and the extremes of human nature.
Script: Tal Kantor | Camera: Arbel Rom | Editing: Efrat Berger | Cast (voice): Alex Peleg, Ayelet Margalit | Animation: Meton Joffily, Anne Kraehn, Tal Kantor, a.o.
Production: Miyu Productions, The Hive Studio
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e:
GRC 2022 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Evi Kalogiropoulou
Et forbud mot fysisk kontakt på en dystopisk arbeidsplass har gjort samhandling om til magiske simuleringer. Undertrykkelsen av berøring har forvandlet skipsverftet til et ladet landskap av fremmedgjøring og sensualitet forbi heteronormative lyster.
A ban on physical contact in a dystopian workplace has turned interaction into otherworldly simulations. The suppression of touch has transformed the shipyard into a charged landscape of alienation and sensuality beyond heteronormative desires.
CHE 2021 | Ani.Exp. | 4 min.
Director: Samantha Aquilino (VEN)
(Manchmal weiss ich nicht wo die Sonne)
En hummer, en katt og en hjort. Farlige opprørere. Et menneske, noen ganger her og noen ganger der. Han vil ha kontakt. Han kommer over hjorten. Han møter katten. De avviser hverandre. Stor skuffelse.
A lobster, a cat and a deer. Dangerous rebels. A human, sometimes here and sometimes there. He wants connection. He comes across the deer. He meets the cat. They reject each other. Big disappointment.
Script: Samantha Aquilino
Production: Jürgen Haas
Contact: Samantha Aquilino, e:
DEU 2022 | Ani.Exp. | 13 min.
Director: Nikita Diakur
Det er farlig å prøve på en backflip. Du kan brekke nakken, lande på hodet, eller lande forkjært på håndleddene. Ingenting av det er noe særlig, så avataren min gjør susen.
Attempting a backflip is not safe. You can break your neck, or land on your head, or land badly on your wrists. None of that is nice, so my avatar does the trick.
Script, Animation, Editing, Cast: Nikita Diakur | Camera: Nikita Diakur, Gerhard Funk, María Anaya Alderete
Production: Nikita Diakur, Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, Pierre Baussaron
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e:
AUT, DEU, SOM 2022 | Fic. | 30 min.
Director: Mo Harawe
En erfaren somalisk politikvinne følger en ung innsatt på nytt gjennom prosedyrene til det somaliske rettssystemet.
An experienced Somali policewoman once again accompanies a young inmate through the procedures of the Somali justice system.
Script: Mo Harawe | Camera: Steven Samy | Editing: Alexander von Piechowski | Cast: Xaliimo Cali Xasan, Shucayb Abdirahman Cabdi, Geenyada Madaw, a.o.
Production: Mo Harawe, Alexander von Piechowski, Nuux Muuse Birjeeb, Ahmed Farah
Contact: Gerald Weber, e:
FRA 2022 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Blanca Camell Galí (ESP)
Etter bruddet med Boris vender Lara tilbake til hjembyen Barcelona. Der vil vennene hennes, elskerne og de katalanske tradisjonene til Castells forandre drømmene og lystene hennes.
After breaking up with Boris, Lara returns to her hometown Barcelona. There, her friends, lovers and the Catalan traditions of the Castells will change her dreams and desires.
Production: Mathilde Delaunay
Contact: Francois Martin Saint Léon, e:
AUT 2022 | Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Jan Soldat (DEU)
Udo Kier dør seg gjennom filmhistorien – skriker, faller, blir hakket opp, skutt eller begår selvmord. I sine 54 år som skuespiller prøvde Udo Kier å gi uttrykk for døden og å dø mer enn 70 ganger.
Udo Kier dies his way through film history - screaming, falling, being chopped up, shot or committing suicide. In his 54 years as an actor, Udo Kier tried to give an expression to dying and death more than 70 times.
Editing: Jan Soldat | Cast: Udo Kier
Production: Jan Soldat
Contact: Gerald Weber, e:
CHL 2021 | Ani. | 15 min.
Director: Hugo Covarrubias
Livet til en hemmelig politiagent under militærdiktaturet i Chile. Forholdet hennes til hunden, kroppen, frykten og frustrasjonene avslører et dystert brudd på sinnet og landet. Basert på virkelige hendelser.
The life of a secret police agent during the military dictatorship in Chile. Her relationship with her dog, her body, her fears and frustrations reveals a grim fracture of her mind and of the country. Based on true events.
Script: Hugo Covarrubias, Martín Erazo | Camera, Editing: Hugo Covarrubias | Animation: Hugo Covarrubias, Matías Delgado
Production: Trebol 3 Producciones - Tevo Díaz, Maleza Estudios - Hugo Covarrubias
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e:
USA 2022 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Andrew Stephen Lee
En viral video skremmer en arbeidsledig far.
A viral video rattles an out-of-work father.
Script: Andrew Stephen Lee, Chuko Esiri | Cast: Mark Borkowski
Production: Alex Lo, Caleb Negassa, Tony Yang
Contact: Square Eyes, e:
DEU 2021 | Ani. | 5 min.
Director: Jonatan Schwenk (CHL)
Noen små, skimrende dyr har løpetid. En tobent skogsbeboer møter den lystne gruppen. Han og kameratene hans spiser de små skapningene, og snart begynner en fest.
Small shimmering animals are in heat. A two-legged forest dweller encounters the lustful group. He and his companions snack on the little creatures and soon a feast begins.
Production: Jonatan Schwenk
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e:
GBR 2021 | Exp. | 4 min.
Director: Varun Raman, Tom Hancock
I villmarken begynner et tre å stille spørsmål om det egentlig er en mann som hallusinerer.
In the wilderness, a tree begins to question whether it may actually be a man tripping on hallucinogens.
Script: Varun Raman, Tom Hancock | Cast: Daniel Campbell, Michael Shon
Production: Varun Raman, Tom Hancock
Contact: Varun Raman, e:
EST 2022 | Exp. | 11 min.
Director: Madli Lääne
DEAR PASSENGERS (Kallid reisijad)
En ensom reisende legger ut på en tur for å finne lindring for en skjult lengsel. Hennes rastløse lyst brer seg rundt og tvinger medpassasjerer til å møte sine egne ønsker og skuffelser.
A lonely traveler embarks on a journey to find relief for a hidden yearning. Her restless longing spreads around and forces fellow passengers to face their own desires and disappointments.
Script: Madli Lääne
Production: Johanna Maria Paulson, Evelin Penttilä
Contact: Stellar Film, e:
CZE 2022 | Exp. | 15 min.
Director: Francesco Montagner (ITA)
Under den brennende solen venter en enslig okse utrettelig, mens en mann hopper dypt ned i det mørkeste vannet i personligheten sin, i deres felles forsøk på å beseire døden.
Under the burning sun, a solitary bull awaits tirelessly, while a man jumps deep into the darkest waters of his persona in their common attempt to defeat death.
Script: Francesco Montagner | Camera: Michal Babinec | Editing: Jorge Sanchéz Caldéron | Cast: Jose Luis Martin Moro
Production: Veronika Kührová, Michal Kráčmer
Contact: Michal Kracmer, e:
CAN, GBR 2022 | Fic. | 11 min.
Director: Julia Jackman
Mens Steve er desperat etter at søstrene skal bevise hans uskyld, kjemper Izzy og Jess for å bevare sitt safe space og forhold med hverandre.
While Steve is desperate for his sisters to prove his innocence, Izzy and Jess are fighting to preserve their safe space and their connection to each other.
Script: Julia Jackman | Camera: Piero Cioffi | Editing: Raluca Petre | Cast: Naomi Postawa, Rhiannon May
SRB 2021 | Doc. | 20 min.
Director: Dejan Petrović
ADJUSTING (Prilagođeni)
Gjennom å se på en kjærlig hund nekte å underkaste seg trenerens vilje, reflekterer filmen over relativiteten til enhver autoritet som gjør oss lydige gjennom utøvelse av belønning og straff.
Through looking at a loveable dog’s refusal to submit to the will of her trainer, the film reflects on the relativity of any authority that renders us obedient through the exercise of reward and punishment.
Script: Dejan Petrović | Camera: Dragan Vildović | Editing: Aleksandar Uhrin, Aleksandar Popović
GBR 2021 | Ani. | 7 min.
Director: Sam de Ceccatty (FRA)
Det pinlige øyeblikket når den første kvinnen på jorden møter... den første første kvinnen på jorden. En feministisk nyforestilling av Adam og Eva-myten.
That awkward moment when the first woman on Earth meets... the first first woman on earth. A feminist re-imagining of the Adam and Eve myth.
Script: Manon Ardisson, Sam de Ceccatty | Cast (voice): Aimee Lou Wood, Susan Wokoma, Conor Kennedy, Jake Graf
Production: Manon Ardisson
Contact: Samuel de Ceccatty, e:
GRC 2022 | Fic. | 16 min.
Director: Thanasis Neofotistos
En flyvertinne kollapser på flyturen, overbevist om at problemet er hennes nye tannregulering. I mellomtiden frakter hun morens døde kropp for å begrave henne ved siden av bestemoren.
An airhostess collapses on flight, convinced that the problem is her new braces. Meanwhile, she is transporting her mother’s dead body to bury her next to her grandmother.
Script: Thanasis Neofotistos, Grigoris Skarakis | Cast: Lena Papaligoura, Haris Alexiou, Konstantina Koutsonatiou
ROM 2022 | Ani. | 9 min.
Director: Vlad Ilicevici, Radu C. Pop
Kipu er en luksussjåfør i en mørk by hvor gatene er fulle av biler og svarte katter. Når han tilfeldigvis kjører over hele familien til kattungen Suruaika, adopterer Kipu henne. Etter hvert som hans kjærlighet til Suruaika vokser, vokser også kroppen hennes.
Kipu is a luxury chauffeur in a dark city where the streets are full of cars and black cats. When he accidentally runs over the entire family of the kitten Suruaika, Kipu adopts her. And as his love for Suruaika grows, so does her body.
Script: Vlad Ilicevici
Production: Vlad Ilicevici, Radu C Pop, Andrei Iancu
Contact: Vlad Ilicevici, e:
IRN 2022 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Sonia K. Hadad
FILE (Parvandeh)
En seks år gammel stum gutt deltar i en helseundersøkelse i førskolen sammen med moren sin. Under testen tar han en avgjørelse som endrer alt.
A six-year-old mute boy attends a pre-school health screening with his mother. At the test, he makes a decision that changes everything.
Suzi er stemmen til hennes generasjon - den virtuelle stemmen, altså. Hun brenner for midlertidig forargelse. En trendende indignasjon. En lidenskap som er mote.
Suzi is the voice of her generation — the virtual voice, that is. She is lit by temporary outrage. A trending indignation. A passion that is fashion.
Production: Suzannah Mirghani
Contact: Andrew Norton, e:
DEU 2021 | Ani. | 5 min.
Director: Gottfried Mentor
En by blir gal. Byen Stuttgart slår tilbake med tung aksjon mot trafikkaoset. Med store konsekvenser. Det kan hende andre byer kan følge signalet...
A town is driven mad. The city of Stuttgart fights back with heavy action against its traffic chaos. With far reaching consequences. Other cities might follow the signal...
Script, Camera: Gottfried Mentor | Animation: Bettina Grünefeld, Gottfried Mentor
Production: Studio FILM BILDER - Thomas Meyer-Hermann
Contact: Bianca Just, e:
EST 2022 | Ani. | 15 min.
Director: Sander Joon
En far og hans sønn holder på å tape folkeløpet. For å vinne gjør gutten seg selv til et bildekk. Løst inspirert av regissørens barndom, trekker filmen oss inn i den surrealistiske bilverdenen.
A father and his son are losing the folkrace. In order to win, the boy turns himself into a car tire. Loosely inspired by the director's childhood, the film pulls us into the surreal car racing world.
Production: Erik Heinsalu, Aurelia Aasa
Contact: Square Eyes, e:
LTU 2022 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Vytautas Katkus
En nylig pensjonert far inviterer sønnen til å hjelpe ham med kirsebærplukkingen i hagen. Faren har imidlertid ikke hastverk med å fullføre kirsebærjobben, fordi han har en del å ta igjen med sønnen. Kirsebærene forblir i bakgrunnen.
A recently retired father invites his son to help him with the cherry picking in the garden. The father is in no hurry to finish the cherry job though, as he tries to catch up with the son. The cherries remain in the background.
Script: Vytautas Katkus | Camera: Simonas Glinskis | Cast: Vytautas Katkus, Viktoras Vytautas
Production: Marija Razgutė
Contact: Flavio Armone, e: