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Minimalen 2025

Minimalen 2024
» Catalogue 2024 (pdf)
Screening Schedule 2024
Awards 2024
Competitions & Juries
• INT: International Competition
• NOR: Nordic Competition
• Multiplié Dance Film
• Regional Student Competition
• One-minute-films
Special Screenings
• Fokus: Hlynur Pálmason
• Machinima - Beyond Gameplay
• Ugly Animation
• Prosjektor filmproduksjon
• Norwegian Offspring
• Horror: Ramaskrik Presents
• Knowledge & Industry
• Short Film Studies Symposium
• Nordic Shorts Expo
• Short Film Convention
Kids and Youth
• Kids
• Young
• One-minute-films Young
• Opening Screening

• Festival Club

• Award ceremony & screening


Volunteers Wanted




About Minimalen

Next Call for entries

Network membership:
Nordic-Baltic Shorts Network
Foreningen norske filmfestivaler
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Catalogue Archive (Google Drive)

Previous festivals:
  2022 - 2023 - 2024
  2019 - 2020 - 2021
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
  2013 - 2014 - 2015
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003
The 33rd Minimalen Short Film Festival
January 12-17, 2021
» Program 2021   » Catalogue download


Awards 2021

International Competition

Best International Film - The Minimalen Trophy and 1000 euro given by Minimalen

• DA YIE by Anthony Nti (GHA)

A drama that emotionally involves the audience from the start and instantly compels engagement, this year's winner is a gripping story of child endangerment, where vulnerability and innocence provide the narrative perspective on foreign threat and exploitation. Outstanding acting, directing and writing create a new vocabulary of dread and awareness through a child's eye that defies adult assumptions by placing the focus on what could be. A film that portrays violence without dramatising trauma or showing its expected consequences, and deftly evokes danger and fear by placing them outside of its young characters.

Honorable Mention

• SUN DOG by Dorian Jespers (BEL)

The camera floats through space and takes on a personality of its own in this unique film that defies easy description yet evokes a powerful emotional response. The viewer is transported through a city during a seemingly endless night, to a poetic and phantasmagorical universe, often unsure of where it will all lead. Left with an indescribable feeling that only the greeting of two suns peeking over the horizon can impart, the jury is moved.


Exceptionally surprising and darkly funny, this animated curiosity loops and warps a message of monochromatic destruction and rainbow creation into a warning about nature - our own and Earth's. In an orchestral explosion of collapse and colour, this hypnotic trip shows life and death as a queer, surreal and grotesque pattern of regeneration and degeneration that affects both land and body. The jury is compelled to honor a zany singularity that defies category and expands form.

Jury: Jerry Carlsson (SWE), Angie Driscoll (CAN), Jonas Brenna (NOR)


Audience Award International Competition - 500 euro given by Minimalen

• THE INVISIBLE BOY by James Fitzgerald (IRL)


International and Nordic Competition (combined award)

The Raskin Spirit Festival Award
Overarching the two main competitions, and selected by the festival team.

• WITNESS by Ali Asgari (IRN)

The award was established to celebrate the unique qualities of a compact, poetic short film that make use of the visual and auditive possibilities in an imaginative way, and do not follow the traditional feature film dramaturgy.

Nordic Competition

Best Norwegian Film - The Minimalen Trophy and 5.000 kroner given by Minimalen

• WHAT IS A WOMAN? (Hva er en kvinne?) by Marin Håskjold (NOR)

Naturalistic performances and smart writing bring this film to life. Creating an everyday situation that feels so real, this director questions the judgements that are made based on appearances and how we as individuals not only react in these situations, but also how we can be better humans.

Best Nordic Film - The Minimalen Trophy and 1.000 euro given by NTNU - Department of Art and Media Studies

• THE FANTASTIC by Maija Blåfield (FIN)

The film strikes a beautiful balance between imagination, reality and what we choose to believe. We were impressed by the blend of special effects and documentary footage, connecting the history of these individuals confronting their own circumstances through the lens of smuggled western cinema.

Best Nordic Animation or Art Film

• SHERGAR by Cora McKenna (DNK)

This talented new voice immersed us in a world with their effective and direct storytelling. With such strong music choices and an engaging aesthetic, we're looking forward to what this filmmaker does next.

Best Nordic Fiction

• THE AFFECTED (De berørte) by Rikke Gregersen (NOR)

Using subtle, yet dark comedy, this film spotlights the chaos of a moment and how as a society many want to appear to be doing the right thing. With assured directing and strong writing, this director underscores both the indifference and indignation of the human condition.

Jury: Samir Karahoda (Kosovo), Lisa Ogdie (USA), Enrico Vannucci (ITA)


Best Norwegian Prerunner
To be screened before a feature film at Trondheim kino for one month, selected by Trondheim kino.

• HUNGER (Sult) by Kenneth Karlstad (NOR)

(In Norwegian)
Årets forfilm bruker kortfilmens virkemidler på en måte som gjør at vi blir berørt og kjenner både angsten, desperasjonen, fortvilelsen og sulten. Grafisk er det både vakkert, forførende og sårt. Lydbildet drar oss med til Oslo 'denne forunderlige by som ingen forlater før han har fått merker av den'.


One-minute-film Competitions

Best One-minute-film YOUNG
Audience Award, 3.000 kroner given by Midtnorsk Filmsenter

• NÅR DU MINST VENTER DET by Theodor Haugen, Mads Weiseth, Randi Glomsrud, Monja Kjøsnes (NOR)

Best One-minute-film (Adult)
Audience Award, the trophy Den Gyldne Saks 2.0

• MELLOM DEG OG MEG by Pia Johanne Garsrud, Lene Marie Hegge, Tonje Rønvik, Thale Espedal Bjørkedal (NOR)


Regional Student Film Competition

Best film

• MY FRIEND ARTEMIS (Min venn Artemis) by Mads Sterri Nilsen (NOR)

(In Norwegian)
En engasjerende og modig film, som løfter store, komplekse temaer – men den er også et vakkert og nært portrett av et vennskap; av utfordringer som følger det å prøve å forstå, redselen for å miste, og tilliten til hverandre og til vennskapet. Den viser på et lavmælt og likevel kraftfullt vis styrken og tålmodigheten som kreves i møte med både byråkrati og hverdag, for filmens hovedperson. Filmen tør å oppholde seg i krevende og sårbare situasjoner, og vi kommer så nært innpå at det virkelig kjennes. Dette er en sterk og tankevekkende film, som sitter igjen lenge etter en har sett den.

Honorable Mentions

• DEVELOPING A LANGUAGE (Å øve) by Laurens Perol (NOR)

(In Norwegian)
Til en film som er en utforskende og poetisk studie i det å øve. Lete etter tonen, finne den, prøve å holde den. For så å gjøre det hele om og om og om igjen. Filmen om øvelse blir også en filmspråklig øvelse i seg selv. Det er vakkert fortalt, formmessig kreativt, nesten hypnotisk; man skjerper sansene samtidig som man lar seg skylle med.

Jury: Ronja Ragnhild Svenning Berge, Bente Maalen, Kjetil Sørenssen


Multiplié Dance Film Competition

Best Film - 1.000 euro given by DansiT

• RE:BORN by Fleur Bax, Annemijn Rijk (NED)

To a film that is well-produced, daring and has invested a lot in the details. Based on a singular concept, the idea is fully implemented, with a high level of perseverance. The film offers a unique presence and a raw expression that evokes associations with something extraterrestrial but at the same time very human and realistic. The film allows for different interpretations, but it carries with it an abstract message of hope through adversity, transformation and continuous evolvement.

Honorable Mentions

• LAZARUS BY Tuixén Benet (USA)

To a playful dance film that challenges norms and addresses an important topic in an effortless and humorous mannor. The film has depth and many layers, but manages to maintain its lightness. Playing with gestures and imagery, it sends a nod back in time with a fresh and modern twinkle in the eye.

Jury: Eli Gjerde, Tendai Makurumbandi, Svein Inge Sæther



Note: According to the Festival Competition Rules, the festival is responsible for awarding the above mentioned prizes to the directors of the winning films.

Award Sponsors:


Awards Sponsors 2012
