Minimalen is pleased to present another edition of the Regional Student Competition. Students from Trøndelag, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark's film, TV, art and animation studies have submitted their films to a competition for the Best student film of 2022. The jury consists of Kjersti Sofie Greger (producer, Klipp og Lim AS), Jon Vatne (director and producer, Syden Pictures AS) and Øyvind Nyborg Gregersen (producer, Mattima Films AS). The winner receives a diploma and the title of Best Student Film, and the award ceremony takes place towards the end of the session.
Note: The films do not have English subtitles.
Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music
En feiring av den utrolige fantasien vi finner i hodet til barn, men som dessverre forsvinner hos de fleste av oss etterhvert som vi blir eldre.
A celebration of the incredible imagination we find in the mind of children, which unfortunately fades away for most of us as we grow up.
Script: Jakob Gunby | Camera: Jonas Aagaard, Sindre Rian | Editing: Andreas Eilertsen | Cast: Love Valdemar Barck, Håkon Mosseby, Matheo Tøndel, a.o.
Production: Tonje Bakken Kro
Contact: Jakob Gunby, e:
NOR 2022 | Doc. | 18 min.
Director: Anna Ivanova
Hva er et minnesmerke for deg? Hva betyr det for yngre generasjoner? Falstad var en konsentrasjonsleir drevet av den tyske okkupasjonsmakten under andre verdenskrig.
What is a memorial for you? What does it mean for younger generations? Falstad was a concentration camp run by the German occupation authorities during WWII.
Script: Anna Ivanova | Editing: Anna Ivanova, Anita Galfione
Production: Ester Denemarková
Contact: Anna Ivanova, e:
NOR 2022 | Fic. | 6 min.
Director: Johann Kristofer Laats
Øyeblikket mellom liv og død... En fyr våkner og innser at han ikke kan samhandle med verden. I panikk stormer han ut og avslører en tom og ensom verden.
The moment between life and death... A guy wakes up and realizes that he can’t interact with the world. In a panic he storms out and reveals an empty and lonely world.
Script: Johann Kristofer Laats | Cast: Rollo Begbie Crewe, Sigurd Grenheim Tangstad, Lars Jakob Hesby
Production: Johann Kristofer Laats
Contact: Johann None, e:
NOR 2022 | Exp.Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Daniel Ardt Nilssen
Hver dag går to menn inn i en mystisk skog for å finne en bestemt stein. Plutselig ser en av dem en skyggefull eksistens dypt inne i skogen.
Every day, two men enter a mystical forest to find a certain stone. Suddenly one of them sees a shadowy entity deep in the woods.