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Minimalen 2019

» Awards 2019
» Schedule 2019
» Virtual Catalogue 2019
» Download catalogue 2019 (pdf)
Competitions & Juries
• INT: International Competition
• NOR: Nordic Competition
• Multiplié Dance Film
• Regional Student Competition
• One-minute-films
Special Screenings
• European Award Winners
• Greece and the Poetic Drama
• Thailand Now: Freedom of Speech
• This Magnificent Cake!
• Norwegian Film Art: Marte Aas
• Kunsthall Trondheim: Marte Aas
• Opening Screening
• Short Treats
• Knowledge & Industry
• Short Film Studies Symposium
• Short Docs: Best of
• Short Docs: Masterclass Eloise King
• Nordic Shorts Expo
• Short Film Convention
Kids and Youth
• Kids
• Young
• Premiere: Principle Svint
• One-minute-films Young
• Meet the Filmmakers
• Festival Club and other festivities
• Award ceremony and screening





About Minimalen

Next Call for entries

Network membership:
Nordic SFF Network
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Previous festivals:
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
  2013 - 2014 - 2015
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003


Multiplié Dance Film has been a regular part of Minimalen since 2015, but this year it steps up to become a full-blooded short film competition. Curated by DansiT, this selection is based on 254 worldwide submissions.

• AWARD: Best Film
A professional jury will select the best film, and the winner will receive the award of EUR 1000. This year’s jury consists of Per Fikse (festival director of Minimalen Short Film Festival), Gina Sandberg (dancer, director and videoartist), and Jon Vatne (film director, -photographer, and -producer).

DansiT - Dansekunst i Trondheim og Midt-Norge - works to strengthen and develop the professional dance field in the region, and establish contact between regional, national and international artists and organizations/institutions. DansiT offers both artist and audience directed activities such as residencies, co-production, workshops, consultation, guest performances, touring network, dance film as well as the Multiplié Dance Festival. The film programme is based on the unique profile of Multiplié Dance Festival, which explores and bends the art of dance into new, surprising and exciting forms.

Curator & contact:
DansiT - Hilde Domaas, | e: hilde[at]

Søn | Sun 18:00 (Total: 92 min.) [Nova 2]

GBR 2018 | Mus.,Doc.,Exp. | 2 min.
Director: Carl Earl-Ocran


Dans er alt hun kjenner til. Fra landsbygden i Frankrike til de travle gatene i London, er det dansen som driver henne. Bevegelse i alle former, er det som knytter oss sammen, og det hun lever for.

Dance. It is all she’s ever known. From the rural countryside in France, to the hectic streets of London, dance is her purpose in life. Movement, in whatever form, connects us all, and is the one thing she lives for.

Script: Clementine Telesfort | Camera: Michael P. Spencer | Editing: Liam Nugent | Cast: Clementine Telesfort

Production: Michael P. Spencer, Liam Nugent, Carl Earl-Ocran
Contact: Carl Earl-Ocran

NOR 2018 | Mus.,Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Elin Osjord


En mann er i prosess med å bøye den konstante tilstrømningen av virkeligheten, i et forsøk på å balansere omverdenen med sin indre verden.

A man in a process of bending the constant influx of reality, trying to balance the outside world with his inside world.

Cast: Jens Jeffry Trinidad

Production, contact: Elin Osjord

NOR 2017 | Fic.Exp. | 19 min.
Director: Aleksander Johan Andreassen


Vi blir med Sigrid mens hun leter etter sin savnede katt Liv. Under letingen blir hennes indre monolog eksternalisert gjennom bevegelse og handling. Hun kolliderer med og skrider frem fra møtene med samfunnet rundt henne.

We join Sigrid in search for her missing cat Liv. During the search her inner monologue becomes extroverted through movements and actions. She collides and progresses from her meetings with the society that surrounds her.

Script: Aleksander Johan Andreassen | Cast: Sigrid Marie Kittelsaa Vesaas

Production: Aleksander Johan Andreassen
Contact: Aleksander Johan Andreassen, e:

DNK 2018 | Mus.,Exp. | 3 min.
Director: Jeppe Lange


To jenter har skapt en verden som går utover tid og rom. De danser gjennom de ulike salene i et forlatt kloster. Spillene de spiller har en drømmeaktig logikk. Regler lages tilfeldig, noe som til slutt former og bryter deres symbiotiske forhold.

Two girls have created a world beyond time and space, dancing through the eery halls of an abandoned monastery. The games they play follow a dreamlike logic. Rules are randomly made, ultimately forming and breaking their symbiotic relationship.

Script: Jeppe Lange | Camera: Jacob Sofussen | Music: Simon Brinck, Adi Zukanovic | Cast: Amalia Kasakove, Anna Lea Ourø

Production: Laura Valenthiner Bohse
Contact: Jeppe Lange

FIN 2017 | Mus.,Exp. | 6 min.
Director: Kati Kallio


Tre personer i en gammel fabrikk danser fra et rom til et annet, og bekrefter øyeblikk av stagnasjon i uendelig tid.

Three people inside an old factory dances from one room to another, affirming moments of stagnation in endless time.

Script: Kati Kallio, Antti Ahokoivu | Cast: Anna Schekleina, Aleksandr Frolov, Kati Kallo

Production, contact: Kati Kallio

NED 2018 | Mus.,Doc.,Exp. | 14 min.
Director: Jan Pieter Tuinstra, Keren Levi


En Voguedanser opptrer på Voodoo Carnival Ball. Han minnes oppveksten på Saint Martin. Friheten han lengter etter synes å være innenfor rekkevidde. Den visuelle historien om Voodoo Carnival Ball er fiktiv, men filmen er basert på den biografiske historien om Elvin Elejandro Martinez og det nederlandske ballroom fellesskapet.

A Vogue dancer performs at a Voodoo Carnival Ball. He remembers growing up on Sint Maarten. The freedom he longed for seems within reach. The visual story of the ball is fictional, but the film is based on the biographical story of Elvin Elejandro Martinez, and the Dutch ballroom community.

Script: Keren Levi, Jan Pieter Tuinstra Choreography: Keren Levi | Editing: Patrick Janssens | Cast: Elvin Elejandro Martinez, Xavier Barthelemi, Zelda Dapaah, Joby Shayron Tremus, a.o.

Production: Blackframe – Sanne Cousijn, Camiel Zwart
Contact: Camiel Zwart

NOR 2017 | Mus. | 14 min.
Director: Øyvind Jørgensen, Katrine Bull Evensen

TIME BETWEEN (Mellom tiden)

Filmen skildrer en kvinne og en mann i forskjellige aldre: som barn, ungdom og voksne. De velger hverandre av praktiske årsaker. Arbeid, måltider og fornøyelser deles. De dør og glemmes. ”Time Between” er en hyllest til den enkle lykken og kontakten med naturen.

The film portrays a woman and a man at different ages: as children, adolescents and adults. They choose each other for practical reasons. Work, meals and pleasures are shared. They die and are forgotten. Time Between is a tribute to simple happiness and contact with nature.

Script: Øyvind Jørgensen, Katrine Bull Evensen | Cast: Katrine Bull Evensen, Øyvind Jørgensen, Marte Fiksnes, Emil Enderlé

Production: Fri&frank AS, Camilla Vanebo
Contact: Øyvind Jørgensen

USA 2017 | Mus.,Exp. | 6 min.
Director: Abe Abraham


En dansefilm satt til seismografiske opptak av jordens vibrasjoner.

A dance film set to seismographic recordings of the earth's vibrations.

Contact: Abe Abraham

GBR 2017 | Mus. | 4 min.
Director: Ray Jacobs

A SAFE PLACE TO REST ( Solo in the Wild)

Endelig, i skogens hjerte finner han et trygt sted å hvile.

Finally, in the heart of the forest he finds a safe place to rest.

Script: Graham Busby | Cast: Graham Busby

Production: Arty Party
Contact: Ray Jacobs

FRA 2017 | Mus.,Ani. | 13 min.
Director: Frank Ternier


En ung, svart mann blir drept i en krangel med en nabo og politiet. En forarget folkemengde kommer sammen. Følelsen av urettferdighet er høy. En gruppe isolerer seg selv. Følelser skaper opprør... I fraværet av ord, kan kroppen ta hevn?

A young, black man is killed in an altercation with a vigilant neighbour and the police. An indignant crowd gathered together. The feeling of injustice is high. A group isolates itself. Emotion engenders riot... In the absence of words, can the body take its revenge?

Script: Frank Ternier | Music: Duzan | Animation: Moulin, Magalie | Cast: Page, Babin, Waldo

Production: Annabelle
Contact: Maud Martin

CHN 2018 | Mus.,Exp. | 1 min.
Director: Jingqiu Guan


Denne dansefilmen dokumenterer de spontane bevegelsene til et spedbarn som danser til sin egen hjerterytme fra da han var i livmoren. Filmen presenterer de mest organiske menneskelige bevegelsene i begynnelsen av vår reise i verden. Bevegelse er en del av livet.

This dance film documents a one-month old infant's spontaneous movement dancing to his own heartbeat sound from when he was in the womb. The film presents the most organic human movement at the beginning of our journey in this world. Movement is part of life.

Cast: Kylan Salem

Contact: Jingqiu Guan

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