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Minimalen 2019

» Awards 2019
» Schedule 2019
» Virtual Catalogue 2019
» Download catalogue 2019 (pdf)
Competitions & Juries
• INT: International Competition
• NOR: Nordic Competition
• Multiplié Dance Film
• Regional Student Competition
• One-minute-films
Special Screenings
• European Award Winners
• Greece and the Poetic Drama
• Thailand Now: Freedom of Speech
• This Magnificent Cake!
• Norwegian Film Art: Marte Aas
• Kunsthall Trondheim: Marte Aas
• Opening Screening
• Short Treats
• Knowledge & Industry
• Short Film Studies Symposium
• Short Docs: Best of
• Short Docs: Masterclass Eloise King
• Nordic Shorts Expo
• Short Film Convention
Kids and Youth
• Kids
• Young
• Premiere: Principle Svint
• One-minute-films Young
• Meet the Filmmakers
• Festival Club and other festivities
• Award ceremony and screening





About Minimalen

Next Call for entries

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Nordic SFF Network
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Previous festivals:
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
  2013 - 2014 - 2015
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003


INT is Minimalen’s International Competition for shorts from all over the world (i.e. the world outside the Nordic countries; the Nordic and Norwegian films compete in the NOR section). 38 of the best new shorts of the World have been selected and are to be presented in six programmes. The directors are presented right after their film is screened, and the audience get the opportunity to ask questions. The Award Ceremony is due Sunday.

All the directors are cordially invited with full accreditation and three complementary hotel nights (i.e. one room per film).

INT Statistics: 38 films selected from 21 different countries outside The Nordic Countries. 13 films (34%) with one or more female directors.


• Best International Film
One film is awarded by the INT Award Jury and presented with The Minimalen
Trophy and EUR 1 000 given by Minimalen.

• Audience Award
The audience vote for their favourite INT film, and the winner is awarded EUR 500 given by Minimalen.

• The Raskin Spirit Festival Award
The festival chooses the film in INT or NOR that best fits the ideals for a short film as defined by Richard Raskin, and the winner is presented with The Minimalen Trophy.



(b. 1984, Latvia). The Short Riga Curator of Riga IFF and Manager of the Latvian Animation Association. Furthermore, curating animated film programmes, writing on animation and short film, and organizing professional seminars for film and art students from the Baltic countries. Since 2018 a board member of European Animation Awards.

(b. 1952, France) Worked for Clermont-Ferrand Short film Festival 1980-2015, a.o. as Festival Director, and is still preselecting films for the Internal Competition and strongly engaged in promoting the Festival and Market. Had a key role in establishing the Short Film Market, its technical development and the online registration platform, He has directed two shorts and worked on several others. Roger is currently doing historical research and lectures about the development of the magic lantern during the 18th and 19th centuries. His dream is to one day establish a museum dedicated to magic lanterns and stereoscopic viewers.

(b. 1965, Norway). Filmmaker and teacher. Educated at The London International Film School (1986-88) and at The University of Oslo (humanities). Master in History of Religion 2006, with a thesis about Norwegian writer Arne Garborg’s critiques of 19th Century Pietism. Board member of The Norwegian Short Film Festival (Grimstad) 1993-2002 and of The Kongsberg International Music Film Festival 2016-18. Films: Voices (1990), A Creature of the Chest (1992), The Buses (1993/2017), A New Journey (2019).


Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music


INT 1 (Total: 81 min.)
Tor | Thur 13:00 [Nova 2]
Fre | Fri 17:00 [Cinemateket]

GBR 2017 | Ani.Doc. | 9 min.
Directors: Greg McLeod,
Myles McLeod


En by utenfor allfarvei i Texas. Et sted utenfor tiden. En ørken hvor rare lys danser på nattehimmelen. Et mekka for elskere av minimalistisk kunst. Et landskap med rømte hester, originaler og hurtigmatbiler. Og så er det den gigantiske sitronen.

A town on the borderlands of Texas. A place out of time. A desert where strange lights dance in the night sky. A mecca for lovers of minimalist art. A landscape of lost horses, freaks and food trucks. And then there’s the giant lemon.

Script: Greg McLeod, Myles McLeod

Production: Greg McLeod, Myles McLeod
Contact: Greg McLeod, e: webcontact[at]

BEL, COL 2018 | Doc. | 14 min.
Director: Juanita Onzaga

OUR SONG TO WAR (Nuestro canto a la guerra)

Dette kan være starten på en veldig lang historie, hvor ånder og mennesker møter hverandre for å lære hva livet kan by på etter at krigen er over.

This might be the beginning of a very long story, where spirits and humans meet each other to learn what there is to life after the end of war.

Script, Camera: Juanita Onzaga

Production: Juanita Onzaga, Sofie Despeer
Contact: Some Shorts - Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

PRT 2018 | Fic. | 23 min.
Director: Miguel Fonseca


Rute er en tenåring som så mange andre: hun går på skolen, hun har svømmetimer, hun liker å se på film og spesielt hun er hun glad i å være på nettet. Men hvem er denne Sara F. som ikke kan la henne være i fred?

Rute is a teenager like so many others: she goes to school, she has swimming lessons, she likes watching films and specially she loves to be online. But who is this Sara F. who can not leave her alone?

Script: Miguel Fonseca | Camera: Mário Castanheira | Editing: Sandro Aguilar | Sound: Miguel Cabral | Cast: Eva Aguilar, Mercês Borges, Sandro Aguilar

Production: O SOM E A FÚRIA - Luis Urbano, Sandro Aguilar
Contact: Liliana Costa, e: liliana[at]

ESP 2017 | Doc. | 7 min.
Director: Nayra Sanz Fuentes


Skygger er ikke alltid under jorden.

Shadows are not always under the earth.

Script: Nayra Sanz Fuentes

Production: José Luis Sanz de Garnica, Javier Sanz Fuentes
Contact: Digital 104, e: distribucion[at]

FRA 2018 | Ani.Exp. | 14 min.
Director: Boris Labbé

THE FALL (La Chute)

Når overjordiske vesener stiger ned til jorden for å korrumpere og forderve befolkningen, er verdensordenen i ubalanse. Dette tragiske fallet fører til fødselen av fundamentale motsetninger: Sirkelen av himmel og helvete.

As celestial beings descend to Earth to corrupt and pervert its population, the world’s order unbalances. This tragic fall leads to the birth of crucial opposites: the circle of Hell and Heaven.

Script: Boris Labbé | Animation: Boris Labbé, Armelle Mercat, Hugo Bravo, Capucine Latrasse.

Production: Ron Dyens
Contact: Sacre Bleu - Ron Dyens, e: distribution[at]

AUS 2018 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Charles Williams


En ung gutt sliter med å løse flokene av minner om en dyster besettelse, og forsøker å forstå sin far og smådjevelene i oss alle.

An adolescent boy attempts to untangle his memories of a mysterious infestation, the unravelling of his father, and the little creatures inside us all.

Script: Charles Williams | Cast: Yared Scott, Mandela Mathia, Helen Hailu, Melody Demessie

Production: Charles Williams, Elise Trenorden
Contact: Some Shorts - Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

Til topps

INT 2 (Total: 88 min.)
Tor | Thur 21:00 [Nova 2]
Fre | Fri 19:00 [Cinemateket]

CAN 2017 | Doc. | 6 min.
Director: Martin Bureau


Hvert år den 12. juli tenner protestanter i Nord-Irland store bål som en del av feiringen av slaget ved Boyne i 1690. For protestantene er det en form for identitetsbekreftelse, mens katolikkene tar det som arroganse og forsøk på ydmykelse.

Huge bonfires are lit by Protestants in Northern Ireland on July 12 each year, as part of the celebrations of the 1690 Battle of the Boyne. To the Protestants, they are symbols of identity affirmation; to the Catholics, they mean arrogance and humiliation.

Script: Martin Bureau | Camera: Martin Bureau, Émile Bureau | Editing: Martin Bureau, Emile Bureau | Music: Érick d'Orion

Production: Catherine Benoit
Contact: Spira - Jean-Daniel Desroches, e: developpement[at]

GRC 2018 | Fic. | 23 min.
Director: Jacqueline Lentzou

(Ektoras Malo: I Teleftea Mera Tis Chronias)

Nyttårsaften gryr for en bil i måneskinnet, og Sofia har en drøm hun ikke deler med noen: Under en vandring gjennom ørkenen får hun rede på at hun er syk. Hun later som hun ikke bryr seg. Har hun mistet hjertet?

New Year’s eve dawns in a moon-kissed car, and Sofia has a dream that she tells no-one: while walking in a desert, she gets to know that she is sick. She pretends not to care. Has she lost her heart?

Script: Jacqueline Lentzou | Camera: Konstantinos Koukoulios | Editing: Dora Masklavanou | Cast: Sofia Kokkali

Production: Fenia Cossovitsa
Contact: Some Shorts - Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

RUS 2017 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Ruslan Bratov

MERRY-GO-ROUND (Lalay-Balalay)

Restauranten stenger, og Oleg Maratovich vil feire. Han tar med seg tre av sine ansatte - som ikke lenger er i stand til å motstå sjarmen hans - og begir seg på jakt etter eventyr. Men fortellingen tar en uventet vending.

The restaurant is closing, and Oleg Maratovich wants to celebrate. Taking along three of his employees, who are no longer able to resist his charm, he sets off in search of adventure. The story then has a completely unexpected twist.

Script: Ruslan Bratov, Grigory Dobrygin, Ilya Nosochenko | Camera: Vladimir Ushakov | Editing: Roman Geygert | Music: Alexander Torkunov | Cast: Evgeny Sytiy, Alexey Vertkov, Pavel Vorozhtsov, Sergey Abroskin

Production: Grigory Dobrygin, Pavel Karykhalin, Sergey Yahontov
Contact: Yulia Travnikova, e: yulia[at]

DEU 2018 | Ani.Doc. | 15 min.
Director: André Hörmann, Anna Samo


Akiko Takakura er en av de siste overlevende etter atombomben som ble sluppet over Hiroshima. Under Obon mottar hun sine foreldres ånder og hjemsøkes av minner.

Akiko Takakura is one of the last survivors of the atomic bomb explosion of Hiroshima. During Obon she receives the spirits of her parents and is haunted by memories.

Script: André Hörmann | Animation, editing: Anna Samo

Production: Hörmann-Filmproduction - Andre Hörmann, Christian Vizi
Contact: CUT-UP, e: submission[at]

GBR 2018 | Exp. | 12 min.
Director: Nick Jordan, Jacob Cartwright


Fortid settes opp mot nåtid når scener fra samtiden kombineres med arkivfilm av postindustrielle landskap og kombineres med fortellerstemmen fra Miserie au Borinage (regissert av Henri Storck og Joris Ivens, 1934), en film som ble laget i skyggen av den store depresjonen.

Contrasting the past and present, contemporary scenes are combined with archival film material of post-industrial landscapes, alongside audio narration from Miserie au Borinage (directed by Henri Storck and Joris Ivens, 1934), made in the depths of the Great Depression.

Production: Nick Jordan
Contact: Nick Jordan, e: nick[at]

IRN 2018 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Farnoosh Samadi


En kvinne følger med ektemannen til en audition. Det som videre skjer gjør at hun må ta en viktig beslutning...

A woman accompanies her husband for an audition. The thing that happens there leads her to an important decision...

Script: Ali Asgari, Farnoosh Samadi | Cast: Mina Sadati, Amirreza Ranjbaran, Diana Dehgahan, Babak Hamidian, Babak Karimi

Production: Pouria Heidary Oureh
Contact: Some Shorts - Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

Til topps

INT 3 (Total: 80 min.)
Fre | Fri 13:00 [Nova 2]
Lør | Sat 17:00 [Cinemateket]

DEU 2018 | Ani.Doc. | 5 min.
Director: Valentin Riedl, Frédéric Schuld


Som barn ante ikke Carlotta at folkene rundt henne hadde ansikter. Hun gjenkjente ikke engang sitt eget ansikt. Mange år senere blir hun oppmerksom på at hun har en sjelden hjernefeil. Men det var kunst som omsider ga henne en måte å dra kjensel på seg selv.

As a child, Carlotta didn’t expect the people around here to have faces. She even doesn’t recognize her own face. Years later, she learns about a rare, untreatable deficit of her brain. It was art, after all, that offered her a way to finally recognize herself.

Script: Valentin Riedl, Frédéric Schuld | Animation: Frédéric Schuld | Sound, music: Simon Bastian

Production: Fabian Driehorst
Contact: ShortFilmAgency Hamburg, Fabian Driehorst, e: festival[at]

FRA 2017 | Doc.Exp. | 29 min.
Director: Francisco Rodriguez Teare

A MOON MADE OF IRON (Una Luna de Hierro)

Four Chinese workers died at sea after jumping from their boat in the hopes of reaching Chile. This film explores their story, mixing impressionist images of the sea with straightforward but more or less reliable interviews.

Fire kinesiske arbeidere døde til havs etter å ha hoppet fra båten i håp om å nå Chile. Denne filmen utforsker historien deres og blander impresjonistiske bilder av havet med intervjuer med folk i området med varierende grad av pålitelighet.

Script: Francisco Rodriguez Teare

Production: Le Fresnoy
Contact: Le Fresnoy - Francisco Rodriguez, e: fcoteare30[at]

AUT 2017 | Doc.Exp. | 4 min.
Director: Gabriel Tempea

LOVE AND REVOLUTION (Liebe und Revolution)

Påfallende former for "normalitet" kan dannes i løpet av et langvarig diktatur. I et slikt miljø tar motstand uventede former. Milan Kunderas skildring av seksualitet under et diktatur settes opp mot filmskaperenes personlige minner og arkivbilder.

Peculiar forms of 'normality' emerge within a dictatorship lasting 40-odd years. In such an environment, resistance takes on unexpected forms. The depiction of sexuality under a dictatorship in the oeuvre of Milan Kundera is set against the filmmaker's personal recollections and archival images.

Script, camera, editing: Gabriel Tempea

Production: Gabriel Tempea
Contact: Gabriel Tempea, e: gabriel_tempea[at]

VNM, USA 2018 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Pham Thien An

THE MUTE (Câm Lặng)

Den regntunge kvelden før bryllupet sitt prøver en jente å finne svaret på kjærligheten.

On a rainy night, a girl tries to find the answer to love before her big day.

Script: Pham Thien An | Cast: Pham Le Kim Ngoc, Dan Le, Nguyen Tan, Nguyen Lam Quynh Han, Vu Trong Tuyen, Le Ngoc Toan

Production: Pham Thien An, Tran Van Thi
Contact: Salvo Cutaia, e: lightsonteam[at]

EST 2017 | Ani. | 13 min.
Director: Chintis Lundgren


Reven Manivald fyller 33. Overutdannet, arbeidsledig og generelt uinspirert, lever han med sin overbærende, pensjonerte mor. Det er et enkelt liv, men ikke et godt et. Denne usunnede avhengigheten endres når vaskemaskinen bryter sammen og den sexy reparatør-ulven Toomas kommer for å fikse den - og dem.

Manivald, a fox, is turning 33. Overeducated, unemployed and generally uninspired, he lives with his overbearing, retired mother. It is an easy life, but not a good one. This unhealthy co-dependence changes when the washing machine breaks down and Toomas, a sexy wolf repairman, arrives to fix it, and them.

Script: Chintis Lundgren, Draško Ivezić

Production: Chintis Lundgreni Animatsioonistuudio, Adriatic Animation, National Filmboard of Canada
Contact: Chintis Lundgren, e: chintis.lundgren[at]

LTU 2018 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Laurynas Bareiša

CAUCASUS (Kaukazas)

Tekle og hennes lille datter Ema kommer tilbake fra utlandet for å besøke bestemor Dalia. Når Ema går ut for å lufte sin bestemors hund og ikke kommer tilbake så raskt som forventet, begynner Dalia å bekymre seg for henne.

Tekle and her young daughter, Ema, return from abroad to visit Grandmother Dalia. When Ema goes out to walk her grandmother's dog and doesn't return as soon as expected, Dalia starts worrying for her.

Script: Teklė Kavtaradze, Laurynas Bareiša

Production: Klementina Remeikaitė
Contact: Vari Coloured, e: info.varicoloured[at]

Til topps

INT 4 (Total: 79 min.)
Fre | Fri 21:00 [Nova 2]
Lør | Sat 21:00 [Cinemateket]

RUS 2018 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Anna Dezhurko


En ung dame forårsaker en mindre bilulykke. Den andre bilen tilhører en fremmedarbeider. Ting kunne ha blitt håndtert enkelt. Men en politipatrulje som kommer på scenen ser annerledes på det.

A girl causes a minor car accident. The other car belongs to a migrant labourer. Things could have been handled easily. But a police patrol arriving at the scene has a different opinion.

Script: Anna Dezhurko | Cast: Anna Zaykova, Bakhtiyar Badenov, Dmitry Kulichkov, Dmitry Rudkov

Production: Sofia Nasibyan, Anastasiya Kazantseva
Contact: Anna Dezhurko, e: annadezh[at]

USA 2017 | Ani.Exp. | 19 min.
Director: Stacey Steers


Skuespillerne Mary Pickford og Janet Gaynor hentes elegant fra sine klassiske stumfilmer for å bli kastet ut i et surrealistisk, episk drama med en dæsj av Frankenstein-historien og bidøden som bakteppe. Den tredje delen av en trilogi som utforsker kvinners indre verden.

The actors Mary Pickford and Janet Gaynor are seamlessly appropriated from their early silent features and cast into a surreal epic with an upending of the Frankenstein story and an undercurrent of hive collapse. The third film in a trilogy examining women’s inner world.

Script: Stacey Steers | Music: Lech Jankowski | Cast: Mary Pickford, Janet Gaynor

Production: Stacey Steers
Contact: Stacey Steers, e: stacey.steers[at]

FRA 2017 | Fic. | 9 min.
Director: Frank Ychou


Søstre er syndere som alle andre.

Sisters are sinners like others.

Script: Cécile Larripa, Philippe Pinel | Cast: Catherine Hosmalin, Barbara Bolotner, Hélène Bougerole, Marie-Hélène Lentini, Pénélope-Rose Lévêque

Production: Martin Berléand
Contact: Martin Berléand, e: triade[at]

USA 2017 | Fic. | 9 min.
Director: James Casey


En ung kvinne jobber på en liten kafé i sentrum av Mexico City. Hun tilbringer dagene med å tilberede mat, lytte til sentimental musikk og vente på at målet for sine besettelser skal ankomme.

A young woman works in a small café in downtown Mexico City. She spends her days preparing food, listening to sentimental music, and waiting for the object of her desires to arrive.

Script: Cames Casey | Camera: Matías Penachino | Cast: Guadalupe Hernández Regalado, José Luis Najera

Production, contact: James Casey, e: james.casey[at]

IND 2018 | Doc. | 13 min.
Director: Rishi Chandna


En uke i den uvanlige tilværelsen til en middelklassefamilie i en forstad til Mumbai. Det som en gang var et hjem som en million andre i byen, blir snudd på hodet når den eksentriske faren bringer hjem en kylling for at kattene skal ha noe å leke med.

A week in the peculiar lives of a middle-class suburban Mumbai household. What was once a home like a million others in the city, turns topsy-turvy when the eccentric patriarch brings home a baby chick for his cats to play with.

Camera: Deepak Nambiar | Editing: Neha Mehra | Cast: Bharde Family

Production: Rishi Chandna
Contact: Rishi Chandna, e: fishychandna[at]

CAN 2018 | Fic. | 16 min.
Director: Jeremy Comte


I et dagbrudd blir to gutter dratt inn i et tilsynelatende uskyldig maktspill, med moder jord som eneste observatør.

Set in a surface mine, two boys sink into a seemingly innocent power game with Mother Nature as the sole observer.

Script, editing: Jeremy Comte | Camera: Olivier Gossot | Cast: Félix Grenier, Alexandre Perreault, Louise Bombardier

Production: Maria Gracia Turgeon, Evren Boisjoli
Contact: H264 Distribution - Jean-Christophe J. Lamontagne, e: jc[at]

Til topps

INT 5 (Total: 80 min.)
Lør | Sat 15:00 [Nova 2]
Søn | Sun 17:00 [Cinemateket]

USA 2017 | Fic. | 16 min.
Director: Laura Moss


En ung dame blir bråvoksen i hurlumheien i forbindelse med henrettelsen av Ted Bundy i 1989.

An adolescent girl comes of age against the backdrop of Ted Bundy's execution in 1989.

Script: Brendan O'Brien, Laura Moss | Camera: Greta Zozula | Editing: Colin Elliott | Cast: Elizabeth Ashley, Jordyn DiNatale, Laura Moss

Production: Brendan O'Brien, Valerie Steinberg, Danelle Eliav
Contact: Laura Moss, e: laura.moss[at]

AUT 2018 | Exp. | 11 min.
Director: Weiser Herwig

GOVERNMENT HOUSE (Haus der Regierung)

En spøkelsesaktig skapning beveger seg gjennom rommene i et luksuriøst boligbygg i Moskva, en gang en maktbase, bygd rundt 1930 for høytstående i Stalin-regimet.

A phantom-like figure moves through the spaces of a luxury housing block in Moscow, once a container of power, built around 1930 for Stalinist officials.

Concept: Herwig Weiser | Camera: Viktor Schaider, Natalie Maximova, Paul Krimmer, Herwig Weiser

Production: Anastasiya Filatova, Natalie Maximova
Contact: sixpackfilm - Gerald Weber, gerald[at]

GRC 2018 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Thanasis Neofotistos


Yannis mamma er på vei til audition for en rolle som Shakespeare's Viola når hun oppdager at sønnen hennes er blitt forlatt hjemme alene. Gjennom en rekke telefonsamtaler kjemper hun for å balansere de viktigste rollene i livet sitt, mens hun tar seg fram i det mest utsatte området i sentrum av Athen: Patision Avenue.

Yanni’s mum is on her way to audition for a role as Shakespeare’s Viola, when she discovers that her son has been left home alone. Through a series of phone calls, she fights to balance the most important roles of her life, whilst walking in the most controversial area of central Athens: Patision Avenue.

Script: Yorgos Angelopoulos, Thanasis Neofotistos, Pavlos Sifakis | Cast: Marina Symeou

Production: Ioanna Bolomyti
Contact: Ioanna Bolomyti, e: ibolomyti[at]

FRA 2018 | Ani. | 6 min.
Director: Chris Shepherd


En rekke britiske personlighetstyper forteller i intervjuer hva som motiverte deres beslutning, dagen etter at Storbritannia stemte for å forlate EU. Et satirisk blikk på Brexit.

A variety of British characters, interviewed the day after the UK voted to leave the EU, speak about what motivated their decision. A satirical take on Brexit.

Script, editing: Chris Shepherd | Animation: Barry Evans, Chris Shepherd

Production: Nicolas Schmerkin - Autour de Minuit
Contact: Autour de Minuit, e: festivals[at]

RUS 2018 | Doc.Exp. | 11 min.
Director: Mikhail Zheleznikov

PEBBLES (Камешки)

Jeg finner ofte fotografier av fremmede på gaten.

I often find photographs of strangers in the streets.

Camera: Mikhail Zheleznikov | Sound: Alexander Dudarev

Production, contact: Mikhail Zheleznikov, e: zmg[at]

FRA 2018 | Ani. | 4 min.
Director: Donato Sansone


En skildring av et menneskes utvikling fra starten og til han blir seg bevisst universets mysterier. En metafor for verdens tilblivelse og en lignelse om den kunstneriske prosessen.

Bavure portrays the evolution of a human being from his creation to his awareness of the mysteries of the universe. A metaphor of the creation of the world and a parable of the artistic process.

Script, camera, editing, animation: Donato Sansone

Production: Nicolas Schmerkin - Autour de Minuit
Contact: Autour de Minuit, e: festivals[at]

FRA 2017 | Exp.Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Camilo Restrepo


En mann blir kjent med at datteren er blitt brutalt myrdet av ektemannen. Tiden står stille mens han pendler mellom behovet for trøst og dragningen mot hevn. En musikal med Guineas perkusjonslegende Mohamed Bangoura ("Den røde djevelen"), løst basert på hans egen historie.

A man learns his daughter has been brutally murdered by her husband. Time stands still as he oscillates between the need for solace and his urge for revenge. A musical featuring Guinean percussion master Mohamed Bangoura ('Red Devil'), loosely based on his own story.

Script: Camilo Restrepo | Cast: Issiaga Bangoura , Mohamed Bangoura, Karamoko Daman, Mabinty Kohn, Marie Touré, Raymond Camara

Production: Helen Olive, Martin Bertier
Contact: Martin Bertier, e: heaolive[at]

Til topps

INT 6 (Total: 80 min.)
Lør | Sat 19:00 [Nova 2]
Søn | Sun 19:00 [Cinemateket]

CHE 2018 | Doc. | 10 min.
Director: Corina Schwingruber Ilić


Forhekset av masseunderholdning på åpent hav.

Under the spell of mass entertainment on the high seas.

Script: Corina Schwingruber Ilić | Camera: Nikola Ilić

Production: Stella Händler
Contact: Some Shorts - Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

NED 2017 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Sarah Veltmeyer


Tretten år gamle Andi er så besatt av å få tak i en mobiltelefon slik at han kan få sett fem minutter med gratis porno, at han ikke enser at storebroren sier farvel.

Thirteen year old Andi is so eager to obtain a mobile to watch five minutes of free porn that he doesn’t notice his older brother has chosen this day to say goodbye.

Script: Tom Bakker, Sarah Veltmeyer | Camera: Stephan Polman | Editing: Fatih Tura

Production: Submarine Film - Jeroen Beker
Contact: Some Shorts, Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

USA 2018 | Doc.Exp. | 15 min.
Director: Deborah Stratman


Dra solen ned. Grav gullet opp. Ønsket om å lyse opp en vintermørk dal og finne formue i grus, er en del av en lang historie om begjær og utvinning i det avsidesliggende Yukon-området nord i Canada.

Draw down the sun. Dig up the gold. The urge to relieve a winter valley of permanent shadow and find fortune in alluvial gravel are part of a long history of desire and extraction in the Yukon Territory in the far Canadian north.

Script: Deborah Stratman

Production: Deborah Stratman
Contact: Pythagoras Film - Deborah Stratman, e: delta[at]

FRA 2017 | Fic. | 4 min.
Director: Gaëlle Denis


Rhapsody, en vill ung kvinne, utfordrer grensene for å finne en dypere mening i livet. Hun står overfor den harde virkeligheten av å ikke bli hørt og sett for hva hun er. Hun lærer seg å håndtere det med fantasiens kraft.

Rhapsody, a wild young woman, pushes the limits to find a deeper meaning in her life. She faces the bald reality of not being heard and seen for what she is. She learns how to cope with this struggle through the power of her imagination.

Script: Gaëlle Denis, Amber Trentham | Cast: India Hair

Production: Nathalie Algazi
Contact: L'Agence du court-métrage - Marie Sonne Jensen, e: marie[at]

SVN 2017 | Ani. | 12 min.
Director: Dusan Kastelic


Du har antakelig hørt frasen «Å tenke utenfor boksen»? Vel, dette er fortellingen om en slik boks og de flathodete skapningene som holder til der.

You have probably heard the phrase 'To think outside of the box'? Well, this is a film about such a box and the flat-headed creatures that live inside of it.

Script, animation: Dušan Kastelic

Production: Bugbrain - Dušan Kastelic
Contact: Dušan Kastelic, e: dusan[at]

CHE 2017 | Doc. | 10 min.
Director: Mark Olexa, Francesca Scalisi

BLACK LINE (Ligne Noire)

En kvinne som fisker i uklart vann, en natur under press, det fjerne utropet fra moskeen - alt sammen forbundet med en tynn, svart linje.

A woman fishing in turbid waters, a suffering nature, the broken chant of the muezzin - all linked by a thin, black line.

Camera: Mark Olexa

Production: Francesca Scalisi, Mark Olexa
Contact: Francesca Scalisi, e: distribution[at]

USA 2017 | Ani. | 15 min.
Director: Trevor Jimenez


Fortellingen om en ung gutt som sendes mellom de nyskilte foreldrenes hjem i Toronto på 1980-tallet. Surrealistiske drømmelignende øyeblikk blander seg med den hverdagsrealitetene til en oppbrudt familie.

The story of a young boy shuffling between the homes of his recently divorced parents. Surreal dream like moments mix with the domestic realities of a broken up family in this film set in 1980's Toronto.

Script, editing: Trevor Jimenez | Production Design: Chris Sasaki

Production: Jeremy Slome
Contact: Trevor Jimenez, e: weekendsfilm[at]

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