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Minimalen 2025

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Prisvinnere 2025
Konkurranser & juryer
• INT: Internasjonal konkurranse
• NOR: Nordisk konkurranse
• Multiplié Dansefilm

• Ettminuttsfilm

• Nordenfjeldsk studentkonk.
• Charles Burnett-retrospektiv
• Re:sonans - lydbilder
• Ukraina: Liv og eksil
• Animerte fortellinger
• Kortdokumentar
• Den nye politiske filmen
• Korte begynnelser
• Europeiske prisvinnere
• Midtnordisk panorama
• Romantikk: Smerte i hjertet 2.0
• Skrekk: Ramaskrik presenterer
Kunnskap & bransje
• Short Film Studies Symposium
• Nordic Shorts Expo
• Kortfilmkonventet
Barn og unge
• Barnimalen
• Ung
• Ettminuttsfilm Ung
• Åpningsforestilling: Prinsen 6
• Festivalklubb
• Prisutdeling og visning

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Nordic-Baltic Shorts Network
Foreningen norske filmfestivaler



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Den 35. Minimalen Kortfilmfestival
10.-15. januar 2023
» Program 2023   » Catalogue download


Priser 2023

Internasjonal konkurranse

Beste film - Minimalen-troféet, og 1.000 euro gitt av Minimalen.

• SWAN IN THE CENTER (Swan dans le centre) av Iris Chassaigne (FRA)

In a soulless, almost extinct environment, we are drawn into a microcosm, where with small, but precise gestures, the desires and needs of the protagonists are unfolded. Unagitated, authentic and with a lot of empathy, existential questions of modern life develop, which propel the protagonist from an existence of boredom and missing perspective towards the search for the center of her own life.

Hederlig omtale

• FURTHER AND FURTHER AWAY (Chhngai Dach Alai) av Polen Ly (KHM)

We congratulate the director on an accomplished narrative and the young actors on their outstanding performances. Creating a delicate and intimate depiction of a sibling relationship, with unity and independence to deal with loss and displacement while trying to shape a future.

Jury: John Canciani (CHE), Hilke Rönnfeldt (DEU), Liz Harkman (GBR)


Publikumspris Internasjonal konkurranse - 500 euro gitt av Minimalen

• AIRHOSTESS-737 av Thanasis Neofotistos (GRC)


Internasjonal og Nordisk konkurranse (kombinert pris)

The Raskin Spirit Festival Award
Omfatter begge de to hovedkonkurransene, og velges av festivalteamet.

• I REMEMBER IT RAINED av Connor Simpson (USA)

Prisen ble etablert for å feire en kompakt, poetisk kortfilm som utnytter sine visuelle og auditive muligheter på en fantasifull måte og har sin egen optimale form.

Nordisk konkurranse


Beste nordiske film - Minimalen-troféet, og 1.000 euro gitt av Det humanistiske fakultet ved NTNU.

• THE DIAMOND av Vedran Rupic (SWE)

The jury was very happy to reward a very very funny film, the best expression of the so-called Nordic Humor, made of awkward situations and stone-faced and dead-pan characters. It at the same time deals with very important topics such as loneliness, happiness and herpes through a surreal treasure chase with wonderful gags and clever visual tricks. It definitely shone for us in the selection.

Beste norske film - Minimalen-troféet, og 5.000 kroner gitt av Minimalen.

• PENTHOUSE av Vegard Dahle, Line Klungseth Johansen (NOR)

We agree with a band from a neighboring country called Abba, when they sing 'Breaking Up is Never Easy but I have to go' in the song Knowing Me, Knowing You. The Best Norwegian Film Award goes to a film which turns a dying relationship into a visually arresting and breathtaking metaphor, with impressive production values: a sinking apartment in an apocalyptic world. Climate change and heartbreaks become one in this tensed, claustrophobic, sometimes humorous and – above all – powerful tale.

Beste nordiske kunstfilm

• CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE (Kan noen fortelle meg at alt blir bra) av Siri Bråtveit (NOR)

To a film which gives a very imaginative visual form to our political opinions, moral judgements, freedom of speech and the need to connect with others. It comically shows how our behavior on the Internet and social media would look in the real world. But with poignant and cringey situations in the most mundane settings, the film also shows that the line between real and virtual worlds is becoming thinner.

Beste nordiske animasjonsfilm


To a film which found imaginative ways to express how we dream, hope, remember and fear. It’s a picture of the human mind as fluid, everchanging lines and psychedelic colors, as a chaotic miracle and a wonderful mess.

Beste nordiske dokumentar

• YOU CAN'T SHOW MY FACE av Knutte Wester (SWE)

To a film which took courage and great risks to show us an oppressed society and to free its voices. The way the film turns music into an act of resistance celebrates youth, passion and tenacity. We could hear the heart, the beat and the cardiogram of Tehran in a film which feels more relevant than ever in the Iranian context.


Hederlig omtale

• FROM.BEYOND av Fredrik S. Hana (NOR)

If there was a category for Best Sci-Fi Short, this film would have totally deserved it.


Jury: Léo Soesanto (FRA), Douwe Dijkstra (NED), Alice Shone (GBR).


Beste forfilm
Vinneren vises som forfilm på Trondheim kino i én måned, velges av Trondheim kino.

• SERENITY (Sinnsro) av Kaveh Tehrani (NOR)

To a film that plays with genre and content in an exciting way and thus challenges us as viewers in several ways. The film's wrapping as an advertisement for a revolutionary new digital aid to limit people's opportunities for religious offense is playful, while at the same time suggesting that our new digital world can also bring new restrictions for selected target groups.

Hederlig omtale

• DRUNK (Foill) av Rune Denstad Langlo (NOR)

We want to highlight a film that, although not rated as the best, a film of high quality and with great degree of recognition from a turbulent youth.


Ettminuttsfilm Ung
Publikumspris, 3.000 kroner gitt av Midtnorsk Filmsenter

• SKATE OR DIE av Sigurd Eidhamar Næss, Ingemar Stenskrog Midjo, Lisbeth Mamie-K Moijueh, Aurora Herheim Gabrielsen

Ettminuttsfilm (Uten aldersbegrensning)
Publikumspris, trofeet Den Gyldne Saks 2.0

• REAL MAN COCKWASH av Joakim Amundsen, Alexander Olsen, Dawid Pasinski, Emil Rønningen


Nordenfjeldsk studentkonkurranse

Beste film

• SHEPHERD (Hyrden) av Daniel Ardt Nilssen (NOR)


Jury: Kjersti Sofie Greger, Jon Vatne, Øyvind Nyborg Gregersen


Multiplié dansefilm

Nordisk konkurranse

Beste film - 1.000 euro gitt av DansiT

• The Meatlump av Morten Arnfred (DNK)

The jury was impressed by the technical execution of The Meatlump, citing its high-quality production and well-crafted concept as standout aspects of the film. The use of levels and the viewer's perspective within the space helped to fully immerse the audience in the film, and the costumes and sound design added to its raw and emotional atmosphere. The jury felt the subject and style were handled well and enhanced the almost visceral viewing experience. The strong relationship between creative choreography, evocative and simple costumes, as well as the use of color were all strong elements of the film. Some members of the jury had a physical reaction to the film, feeling uneasy or almost sick, and appreciated its ability to evoke strong emotions. Overall, The Meatlump is a cohesive and impactful film creatively telling a fundamental story through the movement of the body.

Hederlig omtale

• Walks With Me av Kati Kallio (FIN)

A beautifully choreographed film that depicts a touching story about relationships over time through the use of dance as an evocative medium. The dancers’ movements are graceful and captivating. The film explores the themes of friendship, dance, and loneliness in a way that is relevant to our current society, particularly given the isolation and divide we have experienced in recent years. The overall message of the film - the importance of human connection and the ups and downs of relationships over time - is moving and inspiring. The use of dance as a medium for storytelling is particularly effective, and the dancers were a joy to watch. Overall, Walks with Me was a delightful and thought-provoking film that left us feeling moved and inspired.


Internasjonal konkurranse

Beste film - 1.000 euro gitt av DansiT

• Do Butterflies Remember Being Caterpillars? av Caraz (CAN)

The jury found the production to be highly enjoyable, with a light and humorous tone. They appreciated the unique use of multiple forms of dance and the thoroughly composed setting and costumes. The flow of the switch between child and adult was an exciting aspect of the film's concept and execution. The use of nostalgia resonated with the jury, aiding to tell the story through the varied movements in rhythm with the settings. Do Butterflies Remember Being Caterpillars? is overall a highly enjoyable film with a unique telling of a simple story.

Hederlig omtale

• Tamada av Natia Chikvaidze / Ovvo (FRA)

A short film that uses a combination of dance, music, and narration to tell the story of a woman who follows her passion in dance to express the struggles she faces in Georgian society. The film features beautiful nature scenes and haunting music, and its use of internal spaces, costumes, and headdresses help set the stage for a series of tensions between space and setting. The strong visual and musical elements evoked a strong aesthetic and emotional response. Overall Tamada is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant film that offers a unique perspective on an unstaged world.


Jury: Mishi Foltyn, Rebecka Lange, Espen Lauritzen Von Ibenfeldt


Note: According to the Festival Competition Rules, the festival is responsible for awarding the above mentioned prizes to the directors of the winning films.

Award Sponsors:


Awards Sponsors
