Norsk og nordisk konkurranse
Beste norske film - Minimalen-troféet og 5.000 kroner gitt av NTNU Institutt for kunst- og medievitenskap
RETRACT (RETRETT) av Itonje Søimer Guttormsen [NOR]
A minimalist character study where form perfectly matches the content. Fragmented scenes and the disruptive camera movements along with the lead actress’ brilliant performance allow the audience to follow the protagonists psycological state trying to find her place in the world. Poignant and unconventional, with well balanced humor, this film tells a timeless story of the quest for affirmation and the inability to connect with society.
Beste nordiske film - Minimalen-troféet og 1.000 euro fra Minimalen
RETRACT (RETRETT) av Itonje Søimer Guttormsen [NOR]
A minimalist character study where form perfectly matches the content. Fragmented scenes and the disruptive camera movements along with the lead actress’ brilliant performance allow the audience to follow the protagonists psycological state trying to find her place in the world. Poignant and unconventional, with well balanced humor, this film tells a timeless story of the quest for affirmation and the inability to connect with society.
Beste nordiske fiksjon
6A by Peter Modestij [SWE]
This film depicts social behavior on the small scale while at the same time addressing the inherent problems of democracy. The naturalistic style and up close camerawork put the audience out of their comfort zone and in the middle of a difficult and awkward situation. The adults leave their kids to solve their problems on their own, much the same as the audience are left to their own devices in figuring out how to end this film. This short fiction feels almost like a documentary.
Beste nordiske animasjonsfilm
This film is a great analysis of the emerging Internet Gaming Disorder. The film uses animation to bring the audience into the world of the gamers and allows us to meet them through their avatars. The juxtaposition of the «IRL world» and the gaming world points to the blurring borders of reality and personal identity.
Beste nordiske dokumentar
This film is not easy to watch. The filmmaker has an important story to tell, and found a simple, yet precise approach that is both elegant and gross at the same time. The film speaks to the viewer in several layers. A voice-over gives us factual information as well as a very subjective story about living with an eating disorder. The visual style is poetic yet concrete as we are presented with food in much the same way as we imagine it presents itself to the protagonist: as something dirty that will taint the clean and pristine original image.
Hederlig omtale, norsk konkurranse
THE COMMITTEE av Gunhild Enger og Jenni Toivoniemi [NOR, FIN, SWE]
Fortunately art doesn’t always imitate life. This nordic cooperation resulted in a funny and true depiction of cultural bureaucracy among the well meaning, political correct nordic nations. Well written, well played, an absurd comedy with depth and universal appeal.
Hederlig omtale, nordisk konkurranse
HOW THEY DANCE 2 (HVORDAN DE DANSER 2) av Jesper Ravn Nielsen [DNK]
Simple, funny and humane, following in the tradition of Danish filmmaking, studying the phenomenon of the Perfect Man.
Jury: Vibeke Heide (NOR), Mikhail Zheleznikov (RUS), Daniel Vadocky (CZE).
Beste norske forfilm, Forfilm på Trondheim kino i 1 måned, valgt ut av Trondheim Kino
CRYING MAN av Jorunn Myklebust Syversen
Prisen går til en sober produksjon, hvor alt utspiller seg i løpet av én tagning uten kamerabevegelser. I løpet av 5 minutter inviterer filmen til undring og humring, men også til medfølelse med en mann som tydeligvis ikke har det så godt med seg selv, verken fysisk eller psykisk. I Anders Baasmo Christiansens skikkelse bakser karakteren, bokstavelig talt, med følelsene sine – i et landskap som oppleves kjent og fremmed på samme tid. Vi blir nysgjerrige på dette mennesket, og håper inderlig at det vil gå ham vel.