Nordic Competition
Best Nordic Film - The Minimalen Trophy and 1.000 euro granted by NTNU - Department of Art and Media Studies
• SWEET TOOTH (Munbloss) av Willy Fermelin (SWE)
For its multi-layered approach, exploring teenage life, self-acceptance, coming of age, and drug use. The jury admired how successfully this film combined these seemingly complex and heavy themes into a lighthearted tone.
Best Norwegian Film - The Minimalen Trophy and 5.000 kroner granted by by Minimalen
• SORRY I'M LATE (BUT I BROUGHT A CHOIR) (Dette er ikke en fest (det er en vinkveld)) av Håkon Anton Olavsen
The jury was charmed av a playful film that shows how the best of decisions influenced av alcohol can be quite hilarious. For its originality, its humor and authenticity.
Best Nordic Documentary
• DE GALLO QUI OVAVIT av Nina Forsman (FIN)
With imaginative use of archive material, combined with intelligent and humorous storytelling, the winner of best documentary manages to make a curious tale from fifteenth century Switzerland resonate with serious global issues of today. The egg laying rooster becomes a representative for marginalized gender minorities and for the right to define one's own life and body.
Best Nordic Animation
• NIP IT IN THE BUD av Ida Thronæs Rotli (NOR)
Combining wit with a clever approach to tackling stubborn facial hair, this film brilliantly uses animation to deliver a heartfelt and engaging story of self-acceptance.
Honorable Mentions
• Honorable Mentions Best Norwegian Film: IRIS av Jon Vatne (NOR)
• Honorable Mentions Best Nordic Animation: CONUNDRUM av Jostein Braa Leland (NOR)
• Honorable Mentions Best Nordic Documentary: ON AIR av Astrid Ardagh (NOR)
• Honorable Mentions Best Nordic Film: B D E av Douglas Enhager (SWE)
Best Norwegian Prerunner
To be screened before a feature film at Trondheim kino for one month, selected by Trondheim kino.
• NIP IT IN THE BUD av Ida Thronæs Rotli (NOR)
The movie is a humorous comment on what, for many, is a serious problem. With simple and colorful animation it portrays a series of complications and challenges tied to something as straightforward as trying to remove a hair from the chin.