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Minimalen 2013

Festival 2013:
  • Norwegian Comp.
  • Nordic Comp.
  • International pan.
  • One-minute-films & EMU
  • EFA - Short Matters!
  • Short Film Studies Symposium
  • Cordell Barker
  • Japanese Indie Anim: CALF
  • Swedish Teens Unleashed
  • Children's Prog.
  • Regional
  • Polish Video Art
  • Filmschool: Volda

  • Awards 2013
  • Virtual Catalogue
  » Download catalogue (pdf)

Film Participants:
  • Nordic Competition
  • International Panorama
  • Norwegian Competition
  • One-minute-films (Norwegian)
  • EMU: One-minute-films - Young (Norwegian)



About Minimalen

Network membership:
  • ISFC
  • Nordic SFF Network
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Minimalen Short Film Festival

  • Past winners
(International Panorama)
Previous festivals:
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003

Nordic Competition

->Part 1 / ->Part 2 / ->Part 3 / ->Part 4

The Selection Committee has made this selection of 31 films from the 260 considered candidates from the Nordic Countries except Norway. The Nordic Competition is screened in four parts on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The directors are presented
at the beginning of each screening. Afterwards, they get the opportunity to talk about their film in Meet the Filmmakers.

The films compete for four awards, along with the films in the section Norwegian Competition. The Award Ceremony is due Sunday.

Four films are awarded by the Jury, and all winners receive a Nordic Competition trophy. Please note that the films in the Norwegian Competition also participate.
Best Nordic Film: Incl. EUR 1 000 donated by Minimalen
Best Nordic Fiction
Best Nordic Documentary
Best Nordic Animation or Art Film

The Award Jury for Norwegian and Nordic Competition:

(b. 1971, France) has studied architecture and worked as a photographer. He began working for the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in 1992, and has for thirteen years been one of the permanent members of the organisation. He works on selection for the international competition programme and organizes a variety of special programmes at home and abroad.

(b. 1980, Norway), film director and scriptwriter. Graduated from Edinburgh College of Art and The School of Film Directing in Gothenburg. Has a number of short films behind her, many of which have been screened at Minimalen over the years. Her short film Premature received the Best Norwegian Film Award at Minimalen 2012, and has since gone from one prestigious festival to the next, scooping awards.

(b. 1983, Norway), film director and scriptwriter. Graduated from the Norwegian Film School. Won the 2007 Minimalen Festival Award for Life Worth Living (Pieniä Iloja), made together with Jyrki Väisänen whom he met while participating in an exchange program to STADIA Polytechnic in Finland. Their team work has further resulted in the feature film debut Must have been Love (En som deg), which just recently had its premiere at the cinemas in Norway.



Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music
Countries: DK = Denmark, FI = Finland, IS = Iceland, SE = Sweden


Del 1
Onsdag/Onsday 14:00

SE 2011 | Fic. | 13 min
Directors: Pella Kågerman, Hugo Lilja


Et innblikk i den svenske supporterkulturen. Gjennom hovedpersonen Axel blir vi dratt inn i en verden av avhengighet, bekreftelse og vold.

An insight into Swedish supporter culture. Through its main
character Axel we are drawn into a world of dependency,
affirmation and violence.

Script: Pella Kågerman | Camera: Iga Mikler | Sound: Jon Persson | Editing: Britta Norell

Production: Georgie Mathew, Cecilia Forsberg Becker, Stellanova Film, e:
Contact: Mirja Hildbrand, SFI, t: +46 86651136, e:

FI 2012 | Doc. | 6 min
Directors: Hannes Vartiainen,
Pekka Veikkolainen

GATES OF LIFE (Häivähdys el ämää)

Korte øyeblikk av levd liv, snappet opp av forbipasserende,
danner et hendelsesforløp som er skjult i all åpenhet.

Brief moments of life stolen from passing-by strangers form a
sequence of events hidden in plain sight.

Script: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen | Camera: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen | Sound: Joonatan Portaankorva | Music: Joonatan Portaankorva | Editing: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen

Production: Hannes Vartiainen and Pekka Veikkolainen, Pohjankonna Oy, t: +35 8503209050, e:
Contact: Hannes Vartiainen, t: +358503209050, e:

DK 2012 | Ani. | 4 min
Director: David Tart


En opplysningsfilm om animasjonsprossessen, hovedsakelig
beregnet på potensielle kunder.

An educational film about the process of animation aimed primarily at potential animation clients.

Script: David Tart | Sound: Mark Menza | Music: Mark Menza

Production: Michelle Nardone, t: +45 87255400, e:
Contact: Jody Ghani, t: +4587554900, e:

DK 2012 | Fic. | 25 min
Director: Jacob Bitsch

WILD BIRD (Vild fugl)

Karla har temmet fuglen Krabat, nå vil hun vise den til Janus,
som hun er forelsket i. Janus synes fuglen er ekkel, dette
sårer Karla som reagerer voldsomt.

Karla has tamed the bird Krabat and now she wants to show it to Janus. Karla is in love with Janus, but when he rejects the bird as disgusting, she is hurt and reacts violently.

Script: Jacob Bitsch | Camera: Niels Buchholzer | Sound: Alex Pavlovic, Carl Plesner | Music: Sune Martin | Editing: Marlene Billie Andreasen

Production: Lea Løbger / SF Film Production Contact: Signe Egemose Agger / DFI. t: +45 33743464, e:

SE 2012 | Ani. | 12 min
Director: Malin Erixon

BENJAMIN'S FLOWERS (Benjamins blommor)

Ensomhet og mangel på kjærlighet har ført Benjamin til
grenselandet mellom fantasi og virkelighet, hvor det kan
være vanskelig å forstå hva som er hva.

Benjamin's lack of love and company has placed him on the
blurry borderline between fantasy and reality, where it can be
hard to understand what's what.

Script: Malin Erixon | Camera: Malin Erixon | Sound: Lea Korsgaard | Music: Christofer Ahde & Simon Caringer | Editing: Malin Erixon | Cast: Andreas Wilson (voice)

Production: Malin Ekerstedt, Malin Erixon, Ganzanderes Animation, t: +46 707973568, e:
Contact: Malin Erixon, t: +46 707973568, e:

FI 2011 | Doc. | 7 min
Director: Anna Nykyri

(Viisi fragmenttia empatian luonteesta)

I de senere år har menneskerettighetsorganisasjoner ved
gjentatte anledninger kritisert de nordiske landene, særlig
Finland, for deres ineffektive respons når det gjelder vold
mot kvinner. En kort dokumentar om mangelen på empati
for og volden mot kvinner i Finland.

In recent years, human rights organizations have repeatedly
criticized the Nordic countries, Finland in particular, for their
unwieldy response to violence against women. A short documentary about the lack of empathy for and violence against women in Finland.

Script: Anna Nykyri | Camera: Heikki Färm | Music: Petri | Kuljuntausta | Editing: Maria Haipus | Cast: Marja Nurmio

Production: Oktober Oy / Joonas Berghäll, t: +35 8407093331, e:
Contact: Isabella Karhu, t: +35 8505924530, e:

SE 2012 | Fic. | 12 min
Created by: Daniel Wirtberg, Jenny Wilson


En poetisk beskrivelse av tilværelsen i et grenseområde i
kjølvannet av en katastrofe. Et sted hvor man må holde seg
våken for å overleve. Et tidløst ninja-epos om å takle den
ultimate avgjørelse - å stå i mot eller å gi seg.

A poetic depiction of being in a borderland, in the wake of the
disaster. A place where one is forced to stay awake in order not to perish. A timeless ninja epos about facing an ultimate, lifechanging decision – to resist or surrender.

Script: Jenny Wilson | Camera: Daniel Wirtberg | Sound: Séamus Deivert, Aleksander Karshikoff | Music: Jenny Wilson, Daniel Fagerström | Editing: Daniel Wirtberg, Jenny Wilson | Cast: Jenny Wilson

Production: Daniel Wirtberg, t: +46 736724218, e:
Contact: Daniel Wirtberg, t: +46 736724218, e:

AU, KH, SE 2012 | Doc. | 2 min
Directors: Camille Hardman, Yusuke Nagano


En gutt bor i en verden der man bør frykte de skarpe

A boy lives in a world where bright colors are to be feared.

Sound: Brandon Jones | Editing: Olga Nikoulina, Camille Hardman | Cast: Cham Nou

Production: Camille Hardman, t: +13 108553758, e:
Contact: Camille Hardman, t: +13 108553758, e:

SE 2012 | Fic. | 17 min
Director: Jens Assur


Elleve navnløse fremmede, ni afrikanere og to kinesere, befinner seg i et lukket rom. De er på en reise inn i det ukjente.

In an enclosed space eleven nameless strangers, nine Africans and two Chinese, are on a journey into the unknown.

Script: Niklas Rådström, Jens Assur | Editing: Philip Bergström

Production: Jens Assur, Studio Jens Assur, t: +46 708111145, m:
Contact: Mirja Hildbrand / SFI, t: +46 86651136, e:

Til topps

Del 2
Torsdag/Torsday 14:00

DK 2011 | Fic. | 13min
Malene Choi Jensen

Yin Yin er en svart katt. Moren hans dør i en ulykke når hun
og Yin Yin flykter fra en storby i kollaps. Yin Yin er nå helt
alene og begir seg ut på en reise gjennom en ukjent og
farefull verden.

Yin Yin is a black cat. His mother dies in an accident while she
and Yin Yin is trying to flee a collapsing city. Yin Yin is now completely alone, and starts out on a journey through an unknown and dangerous world.

Script: Malene Choi Jensen | Camera: Sophie Winqvist | Sound: Thomas Jæger | Music: Tobias Hylander | Editing: Camilla Ebling

Production: Jonas Bagger
Contact: Signe Egemose Agger / DFI. t: +45 33743464, e:

SE 2013 | Fic. | 15 min
Director: Frida Kempff


En gammel kvinne har bodd alene med fjernsynet som eneste selskap siden mannen hennes døde for flere år siden. Når hun en dag møter en gutt som blir utsatt for mishandling begynner fangenskapet hun lever i å falle fra hverandre.

With only the television for company, an elderly woman is living
alone since her husband died several years ago. One day
she discovers a boy who has been subjected to serious abuse,
and the captivity she is living in is falling apart.

Camera: Andréas Lennartsson | Sound: Joel Näslund | Editing: Erik Andersson | Cast: Harriet Andersson, Gorm | Rembe-Nylander

Production: Erik Andersson, t: +46 706892756, e:
Contact: Erik Andersson, t: +46 706897265, e:

DK 2012 | Ani. | 8 min
Director: Johan Oettinger


Warzava-ghettoen, 1942. Samek er en åtte år gammel gutt,
rampete og full av liv. Han ser gjennom et hull i ghettoveggen
og får øye på en gulrot som ligger på fortauet på den
andre siden.

The Warsaw Ghetto, 1942. Samek, an eight year old boy who is naughty and full of life, peeks through a hole in the ghetto wall and sees a carrot lying on the sidewalk just on the other side.

Script: Richard Raskin | Camera: Johan Oettinger | Sound: Jess Wolfsberg | Music: Emil Brahe | Editing: Johan Oettinger

Production: Ellen Riis, t: +45 23257414, e:
Contact: Jody Ghani, t: +45 87554900, e:

SE 2012 | Fic. | 19 min
Directors: Simon Vahlne, Sebastian Lundberg

A PICTURE IN THE HEAD (En bild i huvudet)

Tre venner sjekker inn på et hotell. De skal i et bryllup.
Forberedelsene til bryllupet minner dem på hvor de befinner seg i livene sine. De har bilder i hodet om hvordan fremtiden vil se ut, bilder de har et ambivalent elsk/ hat-forhold til.

Three friends check in to a hotel. They are about to go to a wedding. The preparations for the wedding remind them of where they are in their lives. They have pictures in their heads of how the future will look like; images they see on with love-hate, and ambivalence.

Script: Simon Vahlne, Sebastian Lundberg | Camera: Jörgen Brennicke | Sound: Sebastian Petersen | Music: Niklas Zachrisson | Editing: Simon Vahlne, Sebastian Lundberg, Anton Qvist | Cast: Danny Saucedo, Niklas
Zachrisson, Amanda Ekdahl-Svalling

Production: Simon Strandvik, Niklas Zachrisson, Don Piano AB, t: +46 730663651, e:
Contact: Niklas Zachrisson, t: +46 730663651,

FI 2011 | Doc. | 9 min
Director: Elina Hyvärinen


Om å bli mor. Basert på arkivmateriale.

About becoming a mother. Based on archive footage.

Script: Elina Hyvärinen

Production: Aalto University, ELO Film School, t: +35 8503317754, e:
Contact: Saara Toivanen, t: +35 8503317754, e:

DK 2012 | Ani. | 4 min
Thorvaldur Gunnarsson


Mørket sprer seg over hele multiverset. Langt avsted, i
den ville hingstens galakse, fødes et glimt av håp. Ledet av
Moder Mustangs lys må The Space Stallions bekjempe Destructo, mørkets demon.

A darkness is covering the multiverse. Far away in the galaxy of the wild stallion, a spark of hope is born. Guided by the light of Mother Mustang, The Space Stallions must defeat the demon of darkness, Destructo.

P roduction: Michelle Nardone, t: +45 87255400, e:
Contact: Jody Ghani, t: +45 87554900, e:

FI 2012 | Fic. | 28 min
Director: Antti Heikki Pesonen

SO IT GOES (Korsoteoria)

Historien om arbeiderklassekvinnen Elli som aldri har vært
utenfor Finland.

A story about a working class woman called Elli who has never
traveled outside of Finland.

Script: Antti Heikki Pesonen | Camera: Aarne Tapola

Production: Aalto University, ELO Film School, t: +35 8503317754, e:
Contact: Saara Toivanen, t: +35 8503317754, e:

Til topps

Del 3
Fredag/Friday 13:00

SE 2012 | Fic. | 15 min
Director: Katja Wik


Et tragikomisk portrett av den kvinnelige, manipulerende

A tragicomic portrayal of the female, manipulative, victimmentality rhetoric.

Script: Katja Wik | Camera: Isak Bodin Alfredsson | Sound: Jon Eriksson | Music: Saunder Jurriaans, Daniel | Bensi | Editing: Katja Wik | Cast: Bodil Mannheimer, Emmeli Johansson Stjärnfeldt, Jonas Karlén

Production: Marie Kjellson, t: +46 737255365, e:
Contact: Marie Kjellson, t: +46 737255365, e:

DK 2012 | Exp. | 15 min
Director: Louise Haugaard Jørgensen


Et filmarbeide som handler om det generelt uforståelige
ved drømmer, og som nøye forsøker å beskrive og å forstå
hvert aspekt ved en spesifikk gjentakende drøm.

A film work that deals with the basically ineffable substance of
dreams and meticulously attempts to describe and understand
every aspect of a specific reoccurring dream.

Script: Louise Haugaard Jørgensen | Camera: Kasper Rune Larsen, Louise Haugaard Jørgensen | Sound: Laurits Nymand Svendsen | Music: Jens Peter Møller | Editing: Louise Haugaard Jørgensen | Cast: Louise Haugaard Jørgensen

Production, contact: Louise Haugaard Jørgensen, t: +45 20823373, e:

IS 2011 | Fic. | 15 min
Director: Björn Hlynur Haraldsson

KORRIRO (Korriró)

Om en hjemløs kvinne i Reykjavik, og om en hendelsesrik
dag i hennes heller miserable liv som minner om en mørk
versjon av «Gullhår og de tre bjørnene».

About a homeless woman in Reykjavík, and an eventful day
in her rather miserable life, which resembles a dark version of

Camera: Óttar Guðnason | Sound: Árni Benediktsson | Music: Birgir Ísleifur Gunnarsson, Bjarni Sigurdsson

Production: Rakel Gardarsdottir, t: +48 607062, e:
Contact: Rakel Gardarsdottir, t: +48 607062, e:

FI 2012 | Ani. | 7 min
Director: Jenni Rahkonen

WHEN ONE STOPS (Hänen tilanne)

Et ødelagt narrativ om møtet med åtte kvinner.

A broken narrative about the encounter of eight women.

Script: Jenni Rahkonen | Sound: Jenni Rahkonen, Heta Bilaletdin | Music: Jukra | Editing: Jenni Rahkonen

Production: Eija Saarinen / Turku Arts Academy, t: +35 8505985219, e:
Contact: Jenni Rahkonen, t: +35 8503470087, e:

FI 2012 | Exp. | 9 min
Directors: Mikko Keskiivari, Diana Luganski


Et ødelagt narrativ om møtet med åtte kvinner.

A broken narrative about the encounter of eight women.

Script: Mikko Keskiivari | Camera: Kerttu Hakkarainen | Sound: Mikko Keskiivari | Editing: Ville Hakonen

Production: Mikko Keskiivari, t: +35 8408465340, e:
Contact: Mikko Keskiivari, t: +35 8408465340, e:

FI 2012 | Doc. | 10 min
Director: Sakari Suuronen

THE TUNNEL (Tunneli)

Du begynner å se på livet fra et nytt perspektiv når en alvorlig sykdom slår til. Hva er tid, og hvor blir den av?

When a serious illness strikes, you start to look at life from a new perspective. What is time and where does it go?

Script: Sakari Suuronen | Camera: Matti Eerikäinen | Sound: Elias Nieminen | Music: Miki Brunou | Editing: Jussi Sandhu | Cast: Edvard Lammervo, Arto Koskinen

Production: Mikko Helmanen, t: +35 8407161979, e:
Contact: Mikko Helmanen, t: +35 8407161979, e:

DK 2011 | Ani. | 4 min
Director: Denis Chapon


I tre år (2008-2011) laget jeg tolv tegninger med animasjon
hver dag, ett sekund film. Så, hver påfølgende dag, tok jeg
de tre siste tegningene fra dagen før og fortsatte å animere
på baksiden av brukt A4-papir.

In three years (2008-2011) I made twelve drawings of animation every day, one second of film. And then, each of the following days, I took the three last drawings from the day before and kept on animating on the back side of used A4 paper.

Production: The Animation Workshop, t: +45 87255400, e:
Contact: Jody Ghani, t: +45 87554900, e:

FI 2012 | Fic. | 18 min
Director: Jussi Hiltunen


Aki er dørvakt på et utested som blir åsted for en meningsløs
skyteepisode. Kati er en videregåendeelev som blir vitne til sin søsters voldelige dødsfall. Disse to øyenvitnene må leve med følelsene sine.

Aki is a bouncer whose workplace becomes the scene of a senseless shooting. Kati is a high school student who witnesses her sister's violent death. The two eyewitnesses are left to mull over their feelings.

Script: Jussi Hiltunen | Camera: Jani-Petteri Passi | Sound: Antti Haikonen | Music: Tapani Siirtola | Editing: Jussi Rautaniemi | Cast: Antti Luusuaniemi,
Rosa Salomaa

Production: Kaarle Aho, Kai Nordberg, e:
Contact: Otto Suuronen / FFF, m:

Til topps

Del 4
Lørdag/Saturday 13:00

US, IS 2012 | Fic. | 17 min
Director: Ása Hjörleifsdóttir

LOVE STORY (Ástarsaga)

En historie om kjærlighet, galskap og 24 timer dagslys. Solanges kjæreste Baldur stikker mystisk nok av til Island. Hun følger etter, men et enda dypere mysterium venter henne.

A story of love, madness, and 24-hour daylight. Solange's boyfriend Baldur mysteriously takes off for Iceland. She follows, but an even deeper mystery awaits her.

Script: Ása Hjörleifsdóttir | Camera: Arnar Þór Þórisson | Cast: Katherine Waterston, Walter Grímsson

Production: Hlín Jóhannesdóttir, t: +35 46954230, e:
Contact: Ása Hjörleifsdóttir, t: +13 472417467, e:

SE 2012 | Fic. | 15 min
Director: Fijona Jonuzi


Astrid, 11 år, vil bestemme selv. Mammaen hennes synes hun er for ung til det. Astrid gjør opprør og stikker av. Når dagen er slutt har Astrid et problem hun må håndtere.

11-year-old Astrid wants to do things her way, but her mother
thinks she's too young. Astrid rebels and slips away. As the day draws to a close she has a problem she needs to deal with.

Script: Fijona Jonuzi | Camera: Lisabi Fridell | Music: Tobias Hylander | Editing: Guro Bruusgaard

Production: Emma Kjellander / Plattform, t: +46 317116660, m:
Contact: Mirja Hildbrand / SFI, t: +46 86651136, e:

DK 2012 | Ani. | 6 min
Director: Adrian Dexter


En prins legger ut på en reise for å redde sin døende far. Han er drevet av sin redsel for å svikte ham.

A prince sets off on a journey to save his dying father, driven by his fear of failing him.

Production: Michelle Nardone, t: +45 87255400, e:
Contact: Jody Ghani, t: +45 87554900, e:

FI 2012 | Fic. | 7 min
Director: Jenni Toivoniemi

THE DATE (Treffit)

16 år gamle Tinos manndom blir satt på prøve foran to kvinner når han må arrangere et stevnemøte for Diablo, familiens avlskatt.

Tino's (16) manhood is put to test in front of two women, when
he has to host a date for Diablo, the family's stud cat.

Script: Jenni Toivoniemi | Camera: Jarmo Kiuru | Sound: Tuomas Klaavo | Editing: Tuuli Alanärä | Cast: Oskari Joutsen, Anna Paavilainen, Päivi Mäkinen, Tarja Heinula

Production: Elli Toivoniemi, Lotta-Kaisa Riistakoski / Tuffi Films, t: +35 8401721778, e:
Contact: Jenni Toivoniemi, t: +35 8407402752, e:

FI 2011 | Exp. | 5 min
Director: P.V. Lehtinen


Bevegelsene til en turner i ringene. Bevegelsene hans er like ville som lyden av en fiolin, akkurat på nippet til å miste kontrollen.

The movement of a gymnast on rings. His movements are wild
as the sound of violin - just on the edge of being out of control.

Script: P.V. Lehtinen | Editing: P.V. Lehtinen

Production: P.V. Lehtinen / Cine Paradiso, t: +35 8505828634, m:
Contact: Otto Suuronen / FFF, m:

SE 2012 | Exp. | 2 min
Director: Johanna Rubin


En veldig kort romantisk komedie, essensen, klimakset, omfavnelsen, kysset. Alt representert med rått kjøtt. Det blir
ikke mer fysisk enn dette.

A very short romantic comedy, the essence, the very crescendo, the embrace, the kiss. All of it represented in raw meat. It can't get more physical than this.

Script: Johanna Rubin | Music: Otto Niklasson Elmerås

Production: Freddy Olsson / Bokomotiv Filmproduktion, t: +46 08194999, m:
Contact: Mirja Hildbrand / SFI, t: +46 86651136, m:

SE, MX 2011 | Doc. | 29 min
Director: Roberto Duarte

CROSSED OUT (Los Tachados)

Roberto, som bor i Sverige, reiser tilbake til Mexico forå feire sin bestemors 90-årsdag. Familiealbumet skjuler en mørk hemmelighet, ansiktene til to av fem barn har blitt fjernet fra alle bildene. Hva var det som skjedde i fortiden som bestemor er så lite villig å snakke om?

Roberto, who lives in Sweden, goes back to Mexico to celebrate
his grandmother's 90th birthday. Family albums with photographs hide a dark secret – the faces of two out of five children have been blotted out of all photographs. What happened in the past that the grandma is so unwilling to talk about?

Script: Roberto Duarte | Camera: Jens Molander | Music: Roberto Duarte | Editing: Roberto Duarte

Production: Roberto Duarte / Way Creative, t: +46 406614960, m:
Contact: Roberto Duarte / Way Creative, t: +46 406614960, e:

Til topps

Programme 2013
Nova Cinema, room 3

12:00 EFA -
Short Matters! 1
14:00 Nordic 1
16:00 Norwegian 1
18:00 Meet the
Filmmmakers 1 
18:00 Midnordic Film Pitch
19:30 Regional Shorts
21:00 Anniversary Party 

11:00 Short Film Studies
14:00 Nordic 2
16:00 Norwegian 2
18:00 Meet the
Filmmmakers 2 
19:00 EFA -
Short Matters! 2
21:00 International
Panorama 1
23:00 Festival Club 

10:00 Childrens Prog. 1
10:00 Swedish Teens
12:00 Childrens Prog. 2
12:00 One-minute-films
13:00 Nordic 3
15:00 Norwegian 3
17:00 Meet the
Filmmmakers 3 
18:00 Cordell Barker 1:
20:00 International
Panorama 2
22:00 Festival Club 

11:00 Film School in Focus
13:00 Nordic 4
15:00 Norwegian 4
17:00 Meet the
Filmmmakers 4 
18:00 Cordell Barker 2: Timing Workshop
20:00 International
Panorama 3
22:00 Festival Club 

11:00 Polish Video Art
13:00 Japanese Indie Animation: CALF
15:00 Award ceremony
and screening
18:00 EFA -
Short Matters! 3
20:00 International
Panorama 4
22:00 Festival Club 

Changes might occur.

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