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Minimalen 2018

Festival 2018
» Schedule 2018
INT: International Comp.
NOR: Nordic Comp.
European Award Winners
Iran Now
Nick Jordan
Estonian Animation
Hollywood Revisited: Mark Rappaport Essays
Norwegian Film Art: Rolf Aamot and Ane Hjort Guttu
Multiplié dansefilm
Trondhjem 1908
Short Film Studies Symposium
30th Anniversary Screening
Short Treats
Children & Youth
Outdoor Cinema
Opening Screening
Award Ceremony and Screening
Regional Student Comp.
Industry: Nordic Shorts Expo
Party and map

  Awards 2018
  Virtual Catalogue 2018
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Minimalen Short Film Festival

Previous festivals:
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
  2013 - 2014 - 2015
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003


INT is Minimalen’s International Competition for shorts from all over the world (i.e. the world outside the Nordic countries; the Nordic and Norwegian films compete in the NOR section). 42 of the best new shorts of the World have been selected and are to be presented in six programmes. The directors are presented at the beginning of each screening. The Award Ceremony is due Sunday.

INT Statistics: 42 films selected from 25 different countries outside The Nordic Countries. 18 films (42%) with one or more female directors.


• Best International Film
One film is awarded by the INT Award Jury and presented with The Minimalen
Trophy and EUR 1 000 given by Minimalen.

• Audience Award
The audience vote for their favourite INT film, and the winner is awarded EUR 500 given by Minimalen.

• The Raskin Spirit Festival Award
The festival chooses the film in INT or NOR that best fits the ideals for a short film as defined by Richard Raskin, and the winner is presented with The Minimalen Trophy.



(b. 1950, Norway), freelance consultant and producer of short- and documentary films. Currently curator and member of the programme committee at The Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad, a festival she has been working with since 1980; from 1994 – 2010 as festival director. Studied film history and media science at Stockholm University. Contributor to festivals such as Movies on War in Elverum, Norway, and Short Riga in Latvia.

(b. 1968, Spain), director and writer. Studied photography in Spain and film at the California Institute of Arts in Los Angeles. His short Bamboleho (2001) won over 45 international awards, including Best Short Film at Tribeca Film Festival, and is one of the subjects of this year's Short Film Studies Symposium. Prietos’ most recent features are Pusher (2012) and Kidnap (2017, starring Halle Berry).

(b. 1981, Switzerland) graduated in Master of Arts in Cinema at the University of Zurich in 2010. Shorts selection for Shnit Intl. Short Film Festival 2009-2015. Since 2011 she has been working for SRF – Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (Swiss Radio and Television) as programme planner focusing on Swiss and international feature and short films.


Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music


INT 1 (Total: 89 min.)
Ons | Wed 15:00 [Nova 2]
Fre | Fri 19:00 [Cinemateket]

COL, GRC 2016 | Fic. | 21 min.
Director: Spiros Stathoulopoulos


Under innspillingen av Fitzcarraldo mot slutten av 70-årene, tilbød en amazonsk leder Werner Herzog å myrde Klaus Kinski for ham, på grunn av Kinskis tilsynelatende truende atferd.

During the filming of Fitzcarraldo in the late 70's, an Amazonian leader offered Werner Herzog to assassinate Klaus Kinski for him due to Kinski's apparently threatening behavior.

Script: Spiros Stathoulopoulos | Cast: David Ortiz, Juan Camilo Amaris, Joseph Wager, Ramiro Mendoza, Placido Mendoza, Luis Antonio Ariza

Production: José David Corredor
Contact: Candelaria Films, José David Corredor, e: david[at]

ZAF 2017 | Ani. | 4 min.
Director: Naomi van Niekerk

MY MUM’S BONKERS (My Mamma Is Bossies)

Min mor er gæren. Ut av ett øye gråter hun Puccini, ut av det andre refser hun meg.

My mum’s bonkers. Out of one eye she cries Puccini, out of the other she reprimands me.

Script: Jeanne Goosen

Production: Naomi van Niekerk
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

CHN 2017 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Yang Qiu

A GENTLE NIGHT (Xiao Cheng Er Yue)

I en navnløs kinesisk by nekter en mor, mens hennes datter er savnet, å gå forsiktig inn i den gode natt.

In a nameless Chinese city, a mother with her daughter missing refuses to go gentle into this good night.

Script: Yang Qiu | Cast: Shuxian Li

Production: Yang Qiu, Yi Li
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

DEU 2016 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Francy Fabritz


Et tilfeldig møte i en heis i et varehus leder to eldre kvinner til å utfordre sine grenser, og tvinger dem til å improvisere når heisen setter seg fast.

An accidental meeting in an elevator at a department store leads two older women to their limits and forces them to improvise when the elevator gets stuck.

Script: Francy Fabritz, Manuela Kay | Camera: Sarah Vetter | Cast: Eva Medusa Gühne, Morgana Muses

Production: Eike Eckold
Contact: DFFB, Francy Fabritz, e: francy.fabritz[at]

ITA 2016 | Ani. | 6 min.
Director: Giulia Martinelli, Marta Genari


I en blå eventyrskog mister en gretten bestemor en flaske vin. Denne hendelsen blir kimen til en kjede av hendelser: som en følge etableres en dialog, en morsom veksling mellom bilder og figurer, som vil lede til en uventet utvikling.

In a blue fairy-tale forest, a grumpy granny loses a bottle of wine. This event will give rise to a crescendo of linked events: consequently establishing a dialogue, a funny repartee between frames and characters, which will lead to an unexpected development.

Cast: Alessandro Nepote

Production: CSC - National Film School
Contact: Kurzfilm Agentur, Giulia Martinelli, e: gmpumirus[at]

USA, AUT 2016 | Doc.Exp. | 9 min.
Director: Aemilia Scott


En film som forsøker å skape formell mening av meningsløs vold. Opptakene stammer fra hver eneste politiskyting de siste to årene der det finnes tilgjengelig video. Hver bit av opptakene er uredigert og koordinert - synkronisert til det første skuddet. Sluttresultatet er en uhyggelig bølge av opprørende terror og vold.

A film that tries to make formal sense out of senseless violence. Footage was found from every police shooting over the last two years for which there is available video. Each piece of footage is taken unedited, and aligned – synchronised to the moment of the first gunshot. The end result is an uncanny wave of terror, violence, and outrage.

Sound: Jacob Ross | Cast: James Boyd, Samuel Dubose, Gilbert Flores, a.o.

Production: Recursive Pictures
Contact: Markus Kaatsch, e: markus[at]

ROM, AUT 2016 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Adrian Silisteanu


Utenfor en barselavdeling får en familie av romfolk vite at deres mindreårige datter har født ei lita jente. Pardică (50) ser ikke ut til å feire dette øyeblikket.

Outside a maternity ward, a Roma family is told their underage daughter has just had a baby girl. Pardică (50) doesn't seem to celebrate the moment.

Script: Claudia Silisteanu | Camera : Adrian Silisteanu | Editing: Mircea Olteanu, Costi Zaharia | Cast: Alina Serban, Sorin Mihai, Elena Ursaru

Production: Anamaria Antoci, Adrian Silisteanu
Contact: Markus Kaatsch, e: markus[at]

Til topps

INT 2 (Total: 87 min.)
Ons | Wed 21:00 [Nova 2]
Fre | Fri 21:00 [Cinemateket]

IRN 2017 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Bahram Ark

ANIMAL (Heyvan)

En mann som ønsker å passere grensen forkler seg som en sauebukk.

A man who wants to pass the border disguises himself as a ram.

Script: Bahram Ark, Bahman Ark | Cast: Davoud Noorpoor

Production: Iranian National School of Cinema
Contact: Bahram Ark, e: bahramark[at]

USA, GBR 2016 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Anne Hollowday, Bill Kirstein


Blant fragmentariske erindringer av vennskap og det sublime, utforsker to venner endrede prioriteter, som tester deres surrealistiske og impulsive reise. Når den ene utfordrer den andre forstår vi at deres virkelighet kanskje ikke er som den later å være.

Amongst fragmentary recollections of friendship and the sublime, two friends explore changing priorities. Surreal and impulsive; their journey is tested by their changing priorities. When one challenges the other, we begin to realize that their reality may not be exactly what it seems.

Script: Anne Hollowday, Bill Kirstein | Cast: Rosalie Lowe, Adea Lennox

Production: Billy Holiday
Contact: Anne Hollowday, e: anne.hollowday[at]

GRC 2017 | Fic.Exp. | 11 min.
Director: Jacqueline Lentzou


I Jays drøm er Atens sol så svak at du kan se rett på den uten å bli blind.

In Jay’s dream, Athens’ sun is so weak you can look straight at it without getting blind.

Script: Jacqueline Lentzou | Cast: Melchor Lopez

Production: Jacqueline Lentzou, Vicky Miha
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

CUB, USA, MKD 2017 | Doc.Exp. | 6 min.
Director: Milcho Manchevski


Filmen belyser det ene øyeblikket på en ordinær, fordringsløs tirsdag der du blir klar over at tiden har stoppet og universet har blitt sugd inn i et enkelt riskorn.

The film highlights that one moment on a regular, unassuming Tuesday when you realize that the time has stopped and the universe has been sucked into a single grain of rice.

Script: Milcho Manchevski

Production: Monica Alejandra Pila, Dany Celeiro Rodrigez, Yenisleidys Vasquez Capote
Contact: Milcho Manchevski, e: info[at]

DEU 2017 | Ani.Exp. | 12 min.
Director: Nikita Diakur


En stygg katt sliter med livet i en fragmentert og ødelagt verden. Etter hvert finner den sin sjelevenn i en mystisk høvding. Inspirert av internetthistorien “Ugly the Cat”.

An ugly cat struggles to coexist in a fragmented and broken world, eventually finding a soulmate in a mystical chief. Inspired by the internet story 'Ugly the Cat'.

Script: Nikita Diakur, Redbear Easterman | Editing: Nikita Diakur | Music: Enrica Sciandrone, Cédric Dekowski, Felix Reifenberg | Sound: Nicolas Martigne, David Kamp | Cast: Redbear Easterman

Production: Nikita Diakur
Contact: Nikita Diakur, e: info[at]

PHL 2016 | Fic. | 16 min.
Director: Raymund Ribay Gutierrez


En 54 år gammel alenemor i Manila drar ut for en ny natt på jobben; en jobb full av risiko og desperasjon, som likevel er normal prosedyre for henne. I natt må hun imidlertid stride med mer enn hun kan håndtere.

A 54-year-old single mother in Manila heads out for another night at a job that, though rife with risk and desperation, is business as usual for her. Tonight, however, before her task is through, she‘ll have to contend with more than she can bear.

Script: Raymund Ribay Gutierrez | Cast: Ruby Ruiz

Production: Brillante Ma. Mendoza
Contact: Raymund Anthony Gutierrez, e: ragutierrez14[at]

NED 2017 | Doc. | 17 min.
Director: Reber Dosky


Denne filmen, filmet under slaget ved Kobani, viser oss kvinnene som står midt i krigen mot IS. Med stoisk utholdenhet og hjelp fra amerikanske luftangrep leder disse kvinnene frihetskampen.

Filmed during the battle of Kobani, this film reveals the women at the heart of the fight against IS. With stoical perseverance and the aid of American airstrikes, these women are leading the fight for freedom.

Production: Jos de Putter
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

Til topps

INT 3 (Total: 90 min.)
Tor | Thu 19:00 [Nova 2]
Lør | Sat 15:00 [Cinemateket]

DEU 2017 | Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Christoph Girardet


Portretter av kvinner. Og menn som er fortryllet av dem. De malte portrettene, et tilbakevendende motiv i film noir samt i europeisk etterkrigsfilm, står i estetisk tradisjon med en gammeldags akademisk stil som streber etter å skape likhet med modellen. De er gjenferd, varsel på fravær, metaforer for bortgang og død, objekter for begjær og fiksering, som trollbinder både tilskueren i filmen og foran lerretet.

Portraits of women. And men, who are spellbound by them. The painted portraits – a recurring motif of film noir as well as European postwar cinema – stand in an aesthetic tradition of an outmoded academic style that is bent on striking likeness with the model. They are revenants, omens of absence, metaphors for loss and death, objects of desire and fixation, which mesmerize both the viewer in the movie and in front of the screen.

Production: Christoph Girardet
Contact: Christoph Girardet, e: girardet[at]

CAN 2017 | Ani.Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Matthew Rankin


New York, 1905. Den visjonære oppfinneren Nikola Tesla gjør en siste appell til J.P. Morgan, hans tidligere velgjører.

New York, 1905. Visionary inventor Nikola Tesla makes one last appeal to J.P. Morgan, his onetime benefactor.

Cast: Robert Vilar

Production: Julie Roy
Contact: NFBC, Élise Labbé, e: festivals[at]

CHE, ARG 2016 | Doc. | 25 min.
Director: Matteo Gariglio


I Buenos Aires lever og jobber Molina-familien i skyggen av Boca Juniors legendariske stadion. Siden de selger falske billetter til kampene kommer de stadig i konflikt med det korrupte politiet. Idet hennes familie synker dypere inn i underverdenen prøver mora forgjeves å stoppe dem alle fra å falle sammen.

In Buenos Aires, the Molina family lives and works in the shadows of the legendary Boca Juniors stadium. Selling fake tickets to the soccer games, they constantly get in conflict with the corrupt police. As her family sinks deeper into this underworld, the mother tries in vain to keep them all from falling apart.

Camera: Andi Widmer | Editing: Thais Odermatt

Production: Matteo Gariglio
Contact: Matteo Gariglio, e: info[at]

CAN 2017 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Gabrielle Demers

IRIS (Paupière Mauve)

Emanuelle trener på sin trimsykkel, men klarer ikke å slutte å tenke på Laura. Desto mer hun tråkker, desto mer blir minnene hennes gjort om til begjær.

Emanuelle is training on her stationary bike but she can't get her mind off the image of Laura. The more she pedals, the more her memories turn to desire.

Script: Gabrielle Demers | Cast: Marie Babbini

Production: Isabelle Kalar
Contact: Gabrielle Demers, e: gabrielle.demers1[at]

ARG 2016 | Fic.Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Nele Wohlatz

(Tres oraciones sobre la Argentina)

Arkivopptak av argentinske skiløpere er transponert til spørsmål fra språkkurs.

Archival footage of Argentinian skiers is transposed into prompts for language exercises.

Script: Nele Wohlatz | Cast: Liang Mian, Josue Wong

Production: Nele Wohlatz
Contact: Nele Wohlatz, e: nele[at]

MYS 2017 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Amanda Nell Eu

(Lagi Senang Jaga Sekandang Lembu)

To tenåringsutskudd former et uhyggelig vennskap i en avsidesliggende landsby. Idet den ene oppdager den andres mørke hemmeligheter, observerer hun forandringer i sin nye venn mot vold, monstrøsitet og hengivenhet.

Two teenage outcasts form an uncanny friendship in their remote village. As one discovers the other’s dark secrets, she observes the changes in her new friend to the point of violence, monstrosity and affection.

Script: Amanda Nell Eu | Cast: Sharifah Aryana Syed Zainal Rashid, Sofia Sabri

Production: Gan Hui Yee
Contact: Amanda Nell Eu, e: nelleu[at]

GBR 2017 | Fic. | 16 min.
Director: Antony Petrou


En ung jente er desperat etter å oppdage kilden til den mystiske lyden som plager hennes mor.

A young girl is desperate to discover the source of the mysterious sound that is plaguing her mother.

Script: Chris Dundon-Smith | Cast: Joseph Mawle, Sienna Guillory, James Hyland, Hanna Saxby

Production: Gina Powell, Chris Dundon-Smith
Contact: Antony Petrou, e: angelo[at]

Til topps

INT 4 (Total: 92 min.)
Tor | Thu 21:00 [Nova 2]
Lør | Sat 17:00 [Cinemateket]

USA 2016 | Doc.Exp. | 11 min.
Director: Jay Rosenblatt


“Hjernen er som et isfjell, den flyter med en sjuendedel av sitt omfang over vann” - Sigmund Freud. En uvitenskapelig og komisk studie av hva som skjer når to personer er hypnotisert, som leder inn i en oppkvikkende reise inn i underbevisstheten (oppbevaringsstedet for frykt, begjær, aggresjon, drømmer) hvor alle bilder, lyder og musikk er fra “found footage”.

'The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water.' –Sigmund Freud. An unscientific and comedic study of what happens when two people are hypnotized leading into an exhilarating journey into the unconscious mind (the repository for fears, desires, aggression, dreams) where all the images, sounds and music are from found footage.

Script: Jay Rosenblatt

Production: Jay Rosenblatt
Contact: Jay Rosenblatt, e: jayr[at]

VEN 2016 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: María Saavedra

LEAVE (Partir)

Rita forsøker å rømme fra huset sitt hver natt for å finne sin mann, som har forlatt henne. Søsteren Saida stopper henne alltid. En dag bestemmer en lei Saida seg for å bli med henne i stedet; sammen begir de seg ut på en reise gjennom den venezuelanske ørkenen på jakt etter svar.

Rita tries to escape from her house every night to find her husband who has abandoned her. Her sister Saida always stops her. One day, tired of it, Saida decides to go with her; together they embark on a journey through the Venezuelan desert in search of answers.

Script: María Saavedra | Cast: Haydee Faverola, Mónica Cárdenas, Elsy Loyo, Fernando Yvosky

Production: Beto Benites, Mariana Rondón
Contact: María Saavedra, e: mariagraciasaavedra[at]

CHE 2017 | Doc. | 13 min.
Director: Thomas Horat, Corina Schwingruber Ilic


Snø, svette, testosteron og lyden av motorsager. Hvert fjerde år, over en periode på tre måneder om vinteren, kuttes skog på et bratt fjell høyt over Ägeri-sjøen og forberedes for tømmerfløting. Verken økonomiske endringer eller teknologi har kunnet erstatte dette tradisjonelle og bærekraftige håndverket i Sveits.

Snow, sweat, testosterone and the sound of chainsaws. Every four years, over a period of three moths in winter, wood is being cut in a steep mountain high above Lake Ägeri and prepared for log rafting. Neither economic change nor technology has been able to replace this traditional and sustainable craft in Switzerland.

Camera: Luzius Wespe

Production: Mytherfilm
Contact: Corina Schwingruber Ilic, e: cschwingruber[at]

COL 2016 | Fic. | 21 min.
Director: Daniel Alberto Sanchez


Maicol, Anyi, Jackson, Leidi, David og Rafael er en gruppe nabolagsvenner som er misfornøyd med livet og miljøet sitt. Sammen bestemmer de seg for å fikse en forlatt bil for å rømme. Dette setter dem ansikt til ansikt med starten på det å bli voksen, noe som samler dem rundt et felles mål.

Maicol, Anyi, Jackson, Leidi, David and Rafael are a group of neighbourhood friends unhappy with their lives and environment. Together they decide to fix an abandoned car to escape from the neighborhood. This faces them with the beginning of their growing up experience, that will join them in one common aim.

Script: Adalía Gonzalez, Laura Angel | Camera: Juan Pablo Rozo Gutiérrez |Editing: Juan Manuel Salazar, Daniel Sánchez | Cast: Laura Angel

Production: Jhonny Gámez
Contact: Imago Colombia, Laura Angel, e: filmsdeimago[at]

CHE 2017 | Ani. | 6 min.
Director: Fabio Friedli


Fra et frø til krig, fra kjøtt til kjærlighet, fra likegyldighet til verdens ende. Et forsøk på å fange verden i et nøtteskall.

From a seed to war, from meat to love, from indifference to apocalypse. An attempt to capture the world in a nutshell.

Script: Fabio Friedli | Animation: Joder von Rotz | Cast: Manfred Liechti

Production: Lukas Pulver, Ramon Schoch
Contact: Fabio Friedli, e: feebl[at]

GBR 2016 | Exp. | 11 min.
Director: Kathryn Elkin


Dame 2 gjenskaper et intervju fra Parkinson med Helen Mirren fra 1975, transkribert og fremført som en sang av Elkin. Hun er akkompagnert av et kor bestående av venner og bekjente som hun gjeter inn i løs harmoni.

Dame 2 recreates an interview on Parkinson with Helen Mirren from 1975, transcribed and performed as a song by Elkin. She is backed by a choir of associates and friends she corrals into chanting in loose harmony.

Contact: Alice Lea, e: distribution[at]

ITA, IRN 2017 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Farnoosh Samadi

GAZE (Negah)

På veien tilbake fra jobb bevitner en kvinne noe som skjer i en buss, og hun må velge om hun skal avsløre det eller ikke.

On her way back from work a woman witnesses something happening on the bus and she has to decide if she should reveal it or not.

Script: Ali Asgari, Farnoosh Samadi | Cast: Marzieh Vafamehr

Production: Pouria Heidary Oureh
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e: info[at]

Til topps

INT 5 (Total: 90 min.)
Fre | Fri 13:00 [Nova 2]
Søn | Sun 19:00 [Cinemateket]

IRN 2017 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Kaveh Mazaheri


I hjørnet av hjemmet driver Maryams mann med vektløfting. Plutselig faller vektstangen på halsen hans og fanger ham mellom liv og død.

In the corner of the home, Maryam's husband does weight-lifting. Suddenly, the weight falls on his throat and puts him between life and death.

Script: Kaveh Mazaheri | Camera: Mohammad Reza Jahanpanah | Editing: Pooyan Sholevar | Sound: Hossein Ghoorchian, Hadi Manavipoor | Cast: Sonia Sanjari, Mohammad Ziksari, Hana Fooladifard, Azadeh Abaadpoor, Hanieh Mofleh, Siamak Farsi, Foroogh Azizi, Negin Ahmadi, Shirin Harati, Hamed Nejabat

Production: Kaveh Mazaheri
Contact: Peyvand Sholevar, Kaveh Mazaheri, e: mazaherikaveh[at]

GRC 2017 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Christos Massalas


Dette er fortellingen om Copa-Loca, et forlatt gresk feriested. Paulina er jenta i sentrum av Copa-Loca. Alle ivaretar henne og hun bryr seg om alle, på alle mulige vis.

This is the story of Copa-Loca, an abandoned Greek summer resort. Paulina is the girl at the heart of Copa-Loca. Everyone cares for her and she cares about everyone – in every possible way.

Script: Christos Massalas | Cast: Elsa Lekakou, Jenny Hiloudaki, Pavlos Iordanopoulos

Production: Christos Massalas
Contact: Christina Liapi, e: outreach[at]

CAN 2016 | Fic. | 5 min.
Director: Peter Huang


Et blikk på den dummere siden av teknologi.

A look at the dumber side of technology.

Script: Peter Huang

Production: Evan M. Landry, Jonathan Keltz
Contact: Ouat Media Canada, Evan Landry, e: evan.landry[at]

USA 2017 | Doc.Exp. | 11 min.
Director: Daniel Robin


En kort film om minne, tap, familie og et sukkerlønnetre.

A short film about memory, loss, family, and a sugar maple tree.

Script: Daniel Robin | Cast: Stanley Robin, Beth Robin, Daniel Robin

Production: Daniel Robin
Contact: Daniel Robin, e: dbrabinowitz[at]

BRA 2017 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Ricardo Saraiva


Carvalho, en bussjåfør i utkanten av São Paulo, har nettopp kjøpt en veldig spesiell gave til barnebarnet sitt til deres første jul sammen. For å kunne delta på familiens feiring må han nå håpe på at hans nattevaktvikar dukker opp i tide.

Carvalho, a bus driver in the outskirts of São Paulo, just bought his grandson a very special gift for their first Christmas together. In order to join the family’s celebration, he now must hope for his night shift replacement to turn up on time.

Script: Ricardo Saraiva | Camera: J.P. Garcia | Sound: Tales Manfrinato, Tomas Framco | Editing: Radu Ghelbereu | Cast: Edson Carvalho

Production: Ricardo Saraiva
Contact: Markus Kaatsch, e: markus[at]

BEL 2017 | Exp. | 4 min.
Director: William Henne


En rekke av fotografier passerer raskt. Stedet avsløres bare av detaljer, rammet inn i nærbilder. Området er en storartet kirkegård på 42km², som befinner seg i øvre Silesia og har sine kjente motiver: jernbaneoverganger og skiver, vinduer, røde mursteiner, gjørme og sølepytter, vogner, løkker av piggtråd, bjørketrær, nummer, gjerdestolper, elektriske gjerdebjeller, klynger av skjeer, brytere, skoesker, kofferter, knagger, striper, paneler, pukk...

A succession of photos quickly pass. The place is revealed only by details, framed in close-up. This site is an immense cemetery of 42 km², located in Upper Silesia, whose motifs are known: railway crossings and rivets, windows, red bricks, mud and puddles, details of wagons, knots of barbed wire, birches, numbers, details of fence pillars, electric fence bells, clusters of spoons, switches, shoe boxes, suitcases, pegs, stripes, panels, rubble, ...

Script: William Henne

Contact: Belgium Short Film Agency, Anne-Françoise Reynders, e: info[at]

FRA 2017 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Shalimar Preuss

STRANGE SAYS THE ANGEL (Étrange dit l'ange)

Sju år gamle Nina kan ikke være sin tantes datter. Ei heller kan hun være sin fars elskerinne. I denne verdenen truet av forurensning, hva er da Ninas plass?

Seven-year-old Nina cannot be her aunt’s daughter. Nor can she be her father’s lover. In this world threatened by contamination, what then is Nina’s place?

Cast: Hélène Iratchet

Production: CHAUMET Emmanuel
Contact: Louise Rinaldi, e: rinaldi[at]

Til topps

INT 6 (Total: 89 min.)
Fre | Fri 17:00 [Nova 2]
Søn | Sun 21:00 [Cinemateket]

COL 2016 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Andres Porras, Jesus Reyes


Genaro er en bonde som har blitt beordret av paramilitære om å levere de døde kroppene til de kjempendes mødre, sammen med en konvolutt med penger. Genaro er immun mot dødens smerte. Jobben har revet i stykker hans sjel og han håper bare på én ting: å finne en bestemt kropp blant de døde.

Genaro is a farmer who’s been ordered by the paramilitary to deliver the dead bodies of their combatants to their mothers and an envelope with money. Genaro is immune to the pain of death. His job has ripped his soul apart and he hopes for only one thing: finding a particular body amongst the dead.

Script: Andres Porras,Jjesus Reyes | Camera: Juana Gonzalez | Cast: Alvaro Bautista

Production: Irina Henriquez, Andres Porras
Contact: Jelly fish Colombia, Andres Porras, e: porronuno[at]

GRC 2017 | Fic. | 11 min.
Director: Yorgos Zois


På øya Lesvos ligger en gammel, forlatt losseplass på et fjell med to store krater. Kraterne er overfylt av tusenvis av redningsvester fra bølgene av flyktninger. En arbeider er eneste beboer på dette stedet, et sted som ligner en utenomjordisk planet eller et nytt kontinent.

In Lesvos island an old abandoned dump lies on a mountain with two big craters. The craters are overflown by thousands of life jackets from the refugee waves. A worker is the only inhabitant in this place that resembles an alien planet or a new continent.

Script: Yorgos Zois | Cast: Pavlos Iordanopoulos

Production: Antigoni Rota, Yorgos Zois
Contact: Squared Square Greece, Antigoni Rota, e: antigonirota[at]

RUS 2016 | Ani. | 11 min.
Director: Anna Budanova

AMONG THE BLACK WAVES (Sredi Chernyh Voln)

Denne fortellingen er basert på en eldgammel nordisk legende om at sjelene til druknede mennesker forvandler seg til sjødyr. Jegeren stjeler seljentas hud, slik at hun ikke kan forvandles tilbake til et dyr. Hun blir hans kone, men hennes blikk er festet på sjøen.

This story is based on the ancient northern legend according to which the souls of the drowned people turn into sea animals. The Hunter steals the seal-girl’s skin. So she can’t turn back into an animal. She becomes his wife, but more often glances at the sea.

Script: Anna Budanova

Production: Irina Volodina, Valentina Khizhniakova
Contact: Valentina Khizhniakova, e: a-film21[at]

GBR 2017 | Ani. | 12 min.
Director: Will Anderson


En GIF som går i sløyfe har en eksistensiell krise.

A looping GIF has an existential crisis.

Sound Design: Keith Duncan | Music: Atzi

Contact: Will Anderson, e: will[at]

AUS 2016 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Luci Schroder


En blakk og opprørsk tenåring svindler til seg penger for å få penger til å kunne kjøpe angrepillen, før det er for sent.

A broke and rebellious teen hustles money for the morning-after pill, before it’s too late.

Script: Luci Schroder, Sam West | Cast: Sapphire Blossom, Dylan Peck

Production: Luci Schroder, Jason Byrne, Michael Latham, Stephanie Westwood
Contact: Luci Schroder, e: contact[at]

CHN, USA 2016 | Ani.Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Wenhua Shi


Walking Cycle er et abstrakt audiovisuelt arbeid som feirer linjen, dens kvalitet og bevegelser. Dette arbeidet er en hyllest til tidlige mestere av abstrakt animasjon: Len Lye og Hans Richter.

Walking Cycle is an abstract audiovisual piece that celebrates the line, its quality, and its movements. This piece is a tribute to early abstract animation masters Len Lye and Hans Richter.

Contact: Wenhua Shi, e: wenhua.shi[at]

USA 2016 | Doc.Exp. | 14 min.
Director: Kristy Guevara-Flanagan


En kriminalteknisk utforsking av vår kulturelle besettelse med bilder av døde kvinner på lerretet.

A forensic exploration of our cultural obsession with images of the dead woman on screen.

Cast: Danyi Deats

Production: Mark
Contact: Kristy Guevara-Flanagan, e: kgflanagan[at]

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