Ukraine has a rich cultural scene with a large production of short films. As we approach three years since the Russian full-scale invasion war, it is reassuring that this culture is being carried forward, even under particularly challenging conditions.
The first part, Life, is a selection from the national competition at KISFF, and provides a kind of present-day picture from inside the country.
The second part, Exile, is a curated program labelled UKRAINE. DISPLACED, with films that take their point of view from life outside their homeland.
Guest programmes from Kyiv International Short Film Festival - KISFF
Ukraina 1: Liv | Ukraine 1: Life (Total: 97 min.)
Cine ONS - WED 18:00 |
Cine LØR - SAT 14:00
This selection of 2023-2024 Ukrainian short films offers a vibrant and dynamic mix that captures the surreal essence of our times. These filmmakers not only navigate the contradictions of a world in flux — where the mundane meets the extraordinary and the urgency to embrace life feels stronger than ever — but also delve into the past to uncover insights about who we are in the present. Through their bold and fresh perspectives, these stories weave together resilience, eagerness, and a profound exploration of what it means to exist in this uniquely intense moment in history.
Curated by the Kyiv International Short Film Festival team.
UKR, FRA 2024 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Masha Kondakova
Ksyusha må bruke sommeren til å plukke blåbær i Kyiv-skogene, men når hun blir distrahert av kjæresten Misha, beveger de seg dypere og dypere innover, uvitende om faren som lurer.
Ksyusha has to spend the summer harvesting blueberries in the forest of Kiev, but as she is distracted by her lover Misha, they go deeper and deeper into the forest, unaware of the danger.
UKR 2024 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Eugene Slupchuk
To venner kommer hjem fra en fest og overnatter hos den ene. Det ser ut til å bli en helt vanlig og hyggelig kveld, men plutselig blir de fanget i et flyangrep.
Two friends return from a party and stay at the home of one of them. It would seem like an ordinary cozy evening but suddenly the heroes are caught in an air raid.
UKR, POL 2024 | Fic. | 26 min.
Director: Adelina Borets
Stepan adopterer jevnlig gamle hunder, som tilbringer sine siste dager ved siden av ham og dør fredfullt. Det er hans egen måte å forsone seg med slutten av livet. Han drømmer om å dø fredelig av alderdom. Men fred er et privilegium stjålet av den unge gutten Gogo.
Stepan regularly adopts old dogs, who spend their last days beside him and die peacefully. It's his own way of coming to terms with the end of his life. He dreams of dying peacefully at old age. But peace is a privilege stolen by the young boy Gogo.
Ukraina 2: Eksil | Ukraine 2: Exile (Total: 92 min.)
Cine ONS - WED 20:00 |
Cine SØN - SUN 14:00
Over 6 million Ukrainian refugees have been recorded globally, and almost 5 million people have been displaced internally within Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war, making it the largest displacement crisis since World War II. The films of this programme delve into the emotional landscapes of those forced to flee the ravages of war, capturing the essence of starting anew against one’s will, and the challenges of adapting to a new reality while preserving one’s roots.
Curated by Sasha Prokopenko and Olha Gusiatynska (KISFF)
Det er Portugal, det er det portugisiske språket og det er en ukrainsk filmskaper som lærer språket og nærmer seg rollen som den potensielle migranten. Mellom språk, bilder herfra og bilder fra et land i krig, prøver en stemme å sette ord på lengselens tilstand.
There is Portugal, there is the Portuguese language and there is a Ukrainian filmmaker who learns the language and approaches the role of the potential migrant. Between languages, images from here and those from a country at war, a voice tries to put into words the state of longing.
UKR, DEU 2023 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Ukrainske barn blir konfrontert med fortiden sin mens de utforsker sitt nye hjem i Tyskland: en tidligere militærbrakke.
Ukrainian children are confronted with their past as they explore their new home in Germany: a former military barracks.
Script, Editing: Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi | Camera: Tobias Blickle
Production: Babylon'13 - Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi, Andrii Kotliar
UKR, FRA 2023 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Andrii Kokura
Alissa er en ukrainsk modell som har søkt tilflukt i Paris. Traumatisert av krig og eksil virker hun likegyldig til alt rundt seg, og søker nå bare én ting: harmoni.
Alissa is a Ukrainian model who has taken refuge in Paris. Traumatized by war and exile, Alissa seems indifferent to everything around her, and now seeks only one thing: harmony.
Production: Jules Charpentier, Maxime Daniélou, Andrii Kokura
UKR 2023 | Doc. | 20 min.
Director: Halyna Lavrinets
Nelia og ektemannen har et gårdsbruk i den ukrainske Poltava-regionen, og hjelper mennesker som har flyktet fra bombeangrep i Kharkiv. Men hvordan vil bymenneskene håndtere det fysiske arbeidet som er nødvendig for å produsere maten de spiser?
Nelia and her husband have a farm in Ukraine's Poltava region, and are helping people who have fled bombings in Kharkiv. But how will the townspeople deal with the physical labor required to produce the food they eat?
UKR 2023 | Doc. | 8 min.
Director: Marta Smerechynska
Hva skal man ta med seg, og hva skal man etterlate? En stemme vekker minner om både uviktige og kjære personlige eiendeler, som i et hjerteskjærende avskjedsbrev til Kyiv.
What to take, what to leave? A voice stirs memories of frivolous and treasured personal effects, in an apparent heart-breaking farewell letter to Kyiv.
Script: Marta Smerechynska, Kateryna Babkina | Camera: Asma Benazouz, Sarp Uzunoglu | Editing: Marta Smerechynska