Minimalen is pleased to present this year's edition of the Regional Student
Competition. Students from Trøndelag, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark’s film, TV, art and animation studies have submitted their films to a competition for the Best student film of 2024.
The jury consists of Sondre Nymoen, Arne Vidar Stoltenberg and Thea Sundet. The winner receives a diploma and the title of Best Student Film, and the award ceremony takes place towards the end of the session.
Note: The films do not necessarily have English subtitles.
Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music
På en tur til Lofoten sammen for å rydde ut av et dødsbo, navigerer Una sin relasjon til en sørgende Maria. Om et komplisert bånd mellom to unge kvinner.
While on a trip to Lofoten together to clear out after a dead relative, Una is adjusting to a grieving Maria. About a complicated bond between two young women.
Production: Filmkunstskolen i Kabelvåg
Contact: Thale Frobenius Stana, e:
NOR 2024 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Pamela Lent Montero
Historien om en kvinne uten hensikt og uten hjem, som finner et skjell som forvrenger verdensoppfattelsen hennes.
The story of a woman with no purpose and no home, who finds a seashell which distorts her sense of the world.
NOR 2024 | Doc. | 11 min.
Director: Andreas Tangen Nygaard
Jonas Skogstroll er et tidligere medlem av Jehovas vitner. Han har nå blitt far og arbeider som geitebonde, samtidig som han forsøker å bli stand-up komiker.
Jonas Skogstroll is a previous member of Jehova's witnesses. He is now a father and works as a goat farmer, while he simultaneously tries to become a stand-up comedian.
Camera: Marthe Kitty Solstad | Cast: Jonas Skogstroll
Production: NTNU Trondheim - Andreas Tangen Nygaard
Contact: Andreas Tangen Nygaard, e:
NOR 2024 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Lars Jakob Hesby
Når en dommedagsprofeti ikke slår til, blir menighetens tro utfordret, og splid oppstår mellom ekteparet Anna og Thomas.
When a doomsday prophecy fails, the congregation's faith is challenged, and discord arises between the married couple Anna and Thomas.
Script: Lars Jakob Hesby | Camera: Rollo Begbie Crewe | Cast: Ingrid Pukstad, Emil Eide Stjern, Mario Erichsen, Heidi Klefstad
Production: Nord Universitet - Pamela Lent Montero, Jaroslavs Andrjuscenko
Contact: Lars Jakob Hesby, e:
NOR 2024 | Fic. | 17 min.
Director: Elia Biondi
STARDUST AND ASHES (Stjernestøv og aske)
Marta og Nikolai reiser gjennom det øde og vakre landskapet i Nord-Norge for å spre asken til deres avdøde mor. En følelsesladet og hjertevarmende historie om søskenbånd, sorg og aksept.
Marta and Nikolai travel through the desolate and beautiful landscape of Northern Norway to spread the ashes of their deceased mother. An emotional and heartwarming story about sibling bonds, grief and acceptance.
Script: Elia Biondi | Camera: Ivo Ek | Editing: Katrin Ebersohn | Cast: Odin Storm, Mille Gran