Love, that ineffable force that stirs the soul and ignites the body, is often celebrated as the pinnacle of human experience. With a flutter of the heart, the mundane world is transformed into a canvas painted with vibrant hues of passion and possibility. Yet, there is a darker side to love weighing on our shoulders – as we balance on the precipice of hope and despair, we become acutely aware of our vulnerability. Insecurity and dependency creep in. What if they don’t reciprocate our feelings? For this very reason, some never dare to weave a single thread into the tangled tapestry of love. Meanwhile, others plunge headfirst into its elaborate designs, enjoying every moment. Join us in Cinemateket, where Affairs of the Heart 2.0 unravels the intricate emotions woven into the fabric of love.
Welcome to an evening of romance!
Curated by Katarzyna Sopińska.
Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music
ROMANCE: AFFAIRS OF THE HEART 2.0 (Total: 88 min.)
Cine | FRE - FRI 20:00
GBR 2023 | Ani. | 11 min.
Director: Gustavo Arteaga (MEX)
Gretas verden blir snudd på hodet når kjærligheten banker på. Det blir komplikasjoner etter hvert som lidenskapen vokser, men omveltningen kommer i form av vann.
When love comes knocking, Greta’s world is turned upside down. As her passion grows, complications follow - but change is coming in the shape of water.
Production: Mullet Studios, Høgskulen i Volda
Contact: e:
NED 2024 | Fic. | 23 min.
Director: Florence Bouvy
Mangeårige venner Carry og Daniel har aldri erkjent sine underliggende følelser for hverandre. Nå som Carry dør, begynner tiden å renne ut. Vil de følge hjertet sitt, vel vitende om at de er i ferd med å miste hverandre?
Longtime friends Carry and Daniel have never acknowledged their underlying feelings for each other. Now that Carry is dying, time is running out. Will they follow their heart, knowing they’re about to lose each other?
Script: Florence Bouvy | Camera: Christiaan van Leeuwen | Editing: Mischa Lamping | Cast: Michael Muller, Emmanuel Ohene Boafo
Production: Ellen Havenith
Contact: Florence Bouvy, e:
CHN 2024 | type | 6 min.
Director: Nadja Tanno
En ung kvinne føler seg fortapt og alene i sitt langdistanseforhold, med følelser som svinger mellom melankoli, frustrasjon, håp og spenning.
A young woman feels lost and alone in her long-distance relationship, her emotions swinging between melancholy, frustration, hope, and excitement.
Script: Nadja Tanno | Animation: Nadja Tanno, Gian Widli | Cast (voices): Milena Lapcevic, Tom von Arx, Susanne von Fioreschy-Weinfeld
Æsj. Par som kysser på munnen er ekle. Lille Léo ler av dem, akkurat som alle barna på sommerleiren. Men han har en hemmelighet han ikke vil fortelle vennene sine.
Yuck. Couples kissing on the mouth are gross. Little Léo laughs at them, just like all the kids at the summer camp. But he has a secret he won't tell his friends.
NOR 2024 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Ibrahim Mursal
Mona, en norsk blondine, møter familien til sin ghanesiske kjæreste for første gang. Det som starter som en enkel middag hvor begge sider er ivrige etter å imponere hverandre, eskalerer raskt til historiens mest pinlige middag!
Mona, a Norwegian blonde, meets her Ghanaian boyfriend's family for the first time. What starts as a simple dinner with both sides eager to impress each other, quickly escalates into the most awkward dinner in history!
Script: Tani Dibasey | Camera: Kim Krohn Berle | Editing: Thomas Kristian Larsson | Cast: Mathilde Storm, Tani Dibasey
I dag er det ikke lenger bare en drøm for mennesker å fly på himmelen og seile på havet. Men hvorfor føler vi fortsatt at hendene våre er bundet, og at føttene ikke får være fri? Er det begjæret som har bundet oss? Eller er det at vi undertrykker våre lengsler?
Nowadays, it is no longer just a dream for humans to fly in the sky and sail on the sea. But why do we still feel that our hands are tied, and our feet are not allowed to be free? Is it that the desire has tied us up? Or is it that we ignore our desire?
Script: Shok Han Liu | Animation: Liu Shok Han
Production: Shok Han Liu
Contact: Alice Liu, e: