A panorama of the five short films nominated for the European Film Awards 2024, a nomination achieved by being selected from EFA award winners from 30 qualifying festivals. The Croatian film The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent (Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti) won the EFA Grand Prix short film award. The European Film Academy (EFA) is the organizer of this short film tour, with the intention of giving as big an audience as possible the opportunity to enjoy this panorama of young, contemporary European filmmaking.
Contact: European Film Academy e.V. – Sandra Leege, e: s.leege@europeanfilmacademy.org
Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music
Nova 4 | ONS - WED 21:00
PRT, CHE 2023 | Fic. | 24 min.
Director: Basil da Cunha
Etter et voldelig politiraid i et fattig, uregulert nabolag i Lisboa, leter en sju år gammel jente etter sin eldre bror. Samtidig prøver en ung, nylig løslatt straffedømt å starte på nytt og bli lovlydig. Skjebnen til disse to vil krysses på verste vis.
After a violent police raid in a poor clandestine neighbourhood in Lisbon, a 7-year-old girl seeks to find her missing older brother. At the same time, a young newly released ex-convict tries to start anew, free from a life of crime. The fate of these two will cross in the worst way.
Script: Basil da Cunha | Camera: Vasco Viana | Editing: Basil Da Cunha | Cast: Jason Varela, Camila Diniz, residents of the Reboleira neighbourhood
Production: Basil Da Cunha, Edgar Medina
FRA 2023 | Fic | 25 min.
Director: Salomé Da Souza
CLAMOR (Bocan)
Johannes og Gabin er unge, søskenbarn og forelsket i hverandre. Historien deres finner sted i Sør-Frankrike.
Johannes and Gabin are young, cousins and in love with each other. Their story takes place in the South of France.
Script: Salomé Da Souza, Romy Coccia du Ferro | Camera: Pauline Doméjean | Editing: Rafael Torres Calderón | Cast: Marylou Cabanel, Rodrigue Toledo, Salomé Da Souza
Production: Lou Chicoteau, Jean-Etienne Brat
FRA 2024 | Ani. | 19 min.
Directors: Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel
THE EXPLODING GIRL (La fille qui explose)
De siste tre månedene har Candice eksplodert hver dag. Noen ganger til og med to eller tre ganger om dagen. Rekorden hennes er syv ganger. Hun har for tiden 192 eksplosjoner.
For the past three months, Candice has been exploding every day. Sometimes even 2 or 3 times a day. Her record is seven times. She currently has 192 explosions.
Script: Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel | Editing: Jonathan Vinel | Animation: Lucien Krampf, Saradibiza | Cast: Grace Seri
Production: Oriane Hurard
HRV 2024 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Nebojša Slijepčević
(Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti)
27. februar 1993 i Strpci i Bosnia-Hercegovina. Et passasjertog fra Beograd til Bar blir stoppet av paramilitære styrker i en aksjon for etnisk rensing. Basert på en sann historie.
February 27, 1993, Strpci, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A passenger train from Belgrade to Bar is stopped by paramilitary forces in an ethnic cleansing operation. Based on a true story.
Mary, Billybud og Fumbleton er tre miniatyrskuespillere som opptrer i en åttitalls TV-serie for barn kalt "Wander to Wonder". Etter at serieskaperen døde, ble de igjen alene i studio. De fortsetter imidlertid å lage stadig mer merkelige episoder for fansen.
Mary, Billybud and Fumbleton are three miniature, human actors who perform in an eighties kids TV series called 'Wander to Wonder'. After the creator of the series died, they were left alone in the studio. They continue, however, to make increasingly strange episodes for their fans.
Script: Nina Gantz, Simon Cartwright, Daan Bakker, Stienette Bosklopper |
Camera: Steven Frederickx | Editing: Joseph Comar | Cast: Neil Salvage, Toby Jones, Amanda Lawrence, Terence Dunn