Step into a world of stunning animation artistry. This program features five powerful short films, created by visionary European filmmakers over the past two years. With their thought-provoking narratives and imaginative staging, they push the boundaries of what storytelling on film can be.
Curated by Per Fikse.
Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music
Nova 4 | SØN - SUN 18:00
CHE 2024 | Ani. | 15 min.
Director: Samuel Patthey
Dan er en ung mann som tilbringer mye tid i leiligheten sin. Alltid pumper elektronisk musikk gjennom hodetelefonene hans. Men når han går ut, føler han seg fjern fra verden rundt seg og finner bare trøst på nattklubber.
Dan is a young man who spends a lot of time in his flat. Electronic music is always pumping through his headphones. But when he steps outside, he feels disconnected from the world around him and only finds solace in nightclubs.
Script: Samuel Patthey | Animation: Samuel Patthey, Julie Ecoffey
Production: Mark Olexa
Contact: Square Eyes, e:
FRA 2024 | Ani. | 15 min.
Director: Eric Briche
Vinteren er her. For å overleve sulten flykter den lille røyskatten Fuseline fra det ville miljøet sitt og slår seg ned i nærheten av en isolert gård med høns. Men hennes ankomst utfordrer mannen som bor der.
Winter is here. To survive hunger, the little weasel Fuseline flees her wild environment and settles near an isolated chicken farm. But her arrival challenges the man who lives there.
Script: Eric Briche
Production: Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, Pierre Baussaron
Contact: Miyu Distribution - Luce Grosjean, e:
LVA 2024 | Ani. | 10 min.
Director: Edmunds Jansons
Den hvite roen i fjellene forstyrres av fargerike vintersportsentusiaster som liker slalåm. En audiovisuell opplevelse, en abstrakt dans av frihet som gjenspeiler gleden og skjørheten ved å være til.
The white tranquility of mountains is disturbed by colorful winter sports enthusiasts who enjoy downhill skiing. An audiovisual experience, an abstract dance of freedom that reflects the joy and fragility of being.
Production: Ron Dyens
Contact: Sacrebleu - Ron Dyens, e:
POL 2023 | Ani. | 25 min.
Director: Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki
Den vokser sakte som en istapp, men en dag faller den ned og knuses. Anka elsker katter. Og Jesus. I vinterstillheten fryser lagunen og det usagte dukker opp igjen som en sprekk i isen. En mørk historie om ensomhet og fellesskap fortalt med magisk realisme.
It grows slowly as an icicle, but one day it drops and crashes. Anka loves cats. And Jesus. In a winter silence the lagoon freezes and the unspoken resurfaces like crack on ice. An eerie story of loneliness and community narrated with magical realism.
Script, Camera, Editing: Tomek Popakul | Animation: Tomek Popakul, Jakub Baniak, Alicja Blaszczynska, Michal Orzechowski, Olga Klyszewicz
Production: Marcin Podolec
Contact: Marta Swiatek, e: