Minimalen 2015
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Minimalen 2015

Festival 2015:
  • Norwegian Comp.
  • Nordic Comp.
  • International pan.
  • One-minute-films & EMU
  • EFA - Short Matters!
  • Children's Prog.
  • Jens Assur
  • Walerian Borowczyk
  • Bertrand Mandico
  • Multiplié dansefilm
  • Norwegian Art Film:
The 70s
  • Short Film Studies Symposium
  • Short Film Convention
  • Regional: Premieres & seminar
  • Mid Nordic: Pitch & panorama & seminar
  • Outdoor Cinema

  • Awards 2015
  • Virtual Catalogue
  » Download catalogue (pdf)

Call for entries:
  • Nordic Competition
  • International Panorama
  • Norwegian Competition
  • One-minute-films (Norwegian)
  • EMU: One-minute-films - Young (Norwegian)



About Minimalen

Network membership:
  • ISFC
  • Nordic SFF Network
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Minimalen Short Film Festival

  • Past winners
(International Panorama)
Previous festivals:
  2013 - 2014
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003


->Part 1 / ->Part 2

Polish filmmaker Walerian Borowczyk (1923-2006) was a label-defying auteur, and an innovator across the standard categories of the film universe. He is not least interesting for his shorts, which undoubtedly has meant a lot for other filmmakers like Jan Švankmajer, Terry Gilliam, David Lynch and Bertrand Mandico. Thanks to Arrow Films and Daniel Bird, who will present these two programmes, a large part of his oevre is restored and finally available again after decades on dusty shelves in the archives.

Borowczyk studied painting and graphic arts and was trained a lithographer. He contributed to advance Polish film posters from run of the mill consumables to becoming art. In the political thaw at the end of the 1950s he cooperated with Jan Lenica to make films that led to the advancement of animation worldwide.

In 1959 Borowczyk emigrated to France, where he was to create his most famous works. He would make a name for himself as a director of both shorts and feature films, and often took responsibility for screenplay, editing and graphic design on his own films. As with his compatriot Polanski, voyeurism is a dominant motif for Borowczyk – just like it is closely related to the actual situation of watching movies. While surrealism never had any obvious representatives in Poland, the absurd was well rooted through Slawomir Mrozek, Poland's most celebrated absurdist playwright. Thematically, Mrozek's influence is visible in the subversion of authority, satire on the power struggle in the home as well as in the society, and in a consistent interest in social dysfunctionality.

But on his move to feature films, just as the 60s became the 70s, something changed. Borowczyk became a controversial director, as his idiosyncratic style and interest in turbulent sexuality eventually came to be rather explicitly expressed in many of his films. Borowczyk was no stranger to shocking the audience, and was by some considered to be a reckless pornographer. Others saw him as a genius, a great artist who expressed the human libido in a refreshing way.

This unique and brilliant filmmaker, whom we this year want to pay tribute to with a retrospective, stands out as a representative of many of the qualities that Minimalen wishes to fight for: a personal, visionary, pioneering and media specific film expression, where animation and live-action are equally important forms. We hope you will let yourself be enchanted, shocked and pleased by the extraordinary film world of Walerian Borowczyk.

Sources: Arrow Films | Daniel Bird | Adam Mickiewicz Institute – Jan Strekowski (
Kamila Kuc (editor) 2014: The Struggle for Form: Perspectives on Polish Avant-Garde Film 1916-1989.
Rights Clearance (except where noted): Tamasa Distribution,


Del 1
Onsdag/Wednesday 16:00

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1963 | Ani. | 9 min


En haug med skrot finner gradvis tilbake til sin originale form og framstår som ikoniske gjenstander i et pent organisert tablå; så smeller bomben. Elegant animert med baklengs stop-motion-teknikk foregriper dette monumentale signaturverket på mange måter det som senere skulle komme gjennom Jan Švankmajer og Quay-brødrene.

A load of junk gradually returns to its original shape and appears as iconic objects in a neatly organized tableau; then the bomb explodes. Elegantly animated with backwards stop-motion technique, this monumental signature work in many ways anticipates what would later come through Jan Švankmajer and the Brothers Quay.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk | Camera: Guy Durban | Editing: Claude Blondel | Music: Avenir de Monfred | Sound: Claude Blondel

Production: Les Cinéastes Associés – Jacques Forgeot

Director: Walerian Borowczyk, Jan Lenica
POL 1957 | Ani. | 9 min


Ved at de to opphavsmennene tar med seg minimalismen, intelligensen og glimtet i øyet fra polsk plakatkunst over i denne cut-out-animasjonen, blir filmen stående som selve bindeleddet mellom de to kunstformene. Verkets verdi som stildanner øker ytterligere av det radikalt nyskapende elektro-akustiske lydsporet.

By employing much of the minimalism, intelligence and twinkle in the eye known from Polish poster art in this cut-out animation, the creators manage to establish a unique link between the two forms of art. The level of esteem as a pioneering work is further increased by the radically innovative electro-acoustic soundtrack.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk, Jan Lenica | Camera: Edward Bryla | Music: Andrzej Markowski

Production, Rights clearance: Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych, Zespól Filmowy KADR

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1963 | Ani. | 7 min


Her skaper Borowczyk en ny og leken kunstform ved å animere Art Nouveau-etsinger, og foregriper i samme slengen både Terry Gilliams animasjoner i Monty Python og Peter Greenaways bruk av alfabetet som motor i filmfortellingen.

Here Borowczyk is creating a new and playful form of art by animating Art Nouveau etchings, thus anticipating both Terry Gilliam's animations in Monty Python and Peter Greenaway's use of the alphabet as an engine for storytelling.

Script, animation: Walerian Borowczyk | Camera: Francis Pronier | Editing: Claude Blondel | Music: Avenir de Monfred

Production: Les Cinéastes Associés – Jacques Forgeot

Director: Walerian Borowczyk, Jan Lenica
POL 1958 | Ani. | 11 min


Vi dras inn i et hus hvor en ung kvinne eksponeres for en serie absurde scener, skildret med et bredt arsenal av animasjonsteknikker som gjør filmen til et essensielt historisk knutepunkt på veien fra 20-tallets franske avant-garde, som Hans Richter og Jean Cocteau, og framover mot samtidens østeuropeiske surrealister som Jan Švankmajer og Priit Pärn. Og som prikk over i-en: det elektro-akustiske lydsporet til Kotonski.

We are drawn into a house where a young woman is exposed to a series of absurd scenes, depicted with a wide array of animation techniques that make the movie an essential historical hub on the road from the 20s French avant-garde, like Hans Richter and Jean Cocteau, onwards to contemporary eastern European surrealists like Jan Švankmajer and Priit Pärn. And to dot the i: the electro-acoustic soundtrack of Kotonski.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk, Jan Lenica | Camera: Antoni Nurzynski |
Editing: Krystyna Rutkowska | Music: Wlodzimierz Kotonski | Sound: Halina Paszkowska | cast: Ligia Borowczyk

Production, Rights clearance: Romuald Hajnberg – Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych, Zespól Filmowy

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1962 | Ani. | 7 min


En absurd slapstick-komedie tegnet i grov strek om ekteparet Kabal, hvis forhold bølger mellom kjærlighet og krigføring. En pilot for langfilmen «Theatre of Mr & Mrs Kabal».

An absurd slapstick comedy drawn in a rough line about the Kabals, a married couple whose relationship shifts between love and warfare. A pilot for the feature film 'Theatre of Mr &
Mrs Kabal'.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk

Production: Les Cinéastes Associés – Jacques Forgeot

Director: Walerian Borowczyk, Chris Marker
FRA 1959 | Ani. | 13 min


I Georges Méliès' ånd bygger vår aspirerende astronaut et romskip av papp og legger friskt i vei med bare en kattugle som selskap. Den polske animasjonsteknikken er videreutviklet til et svimlende nivå – her er fotografier redigert og kopiert inn i hverandre og sammenflettet med tegninger og gamle kobberstikk.

In the spirit of Georges Méliès, our aspiring astronaut builds a spaceship out of cardboard and sets off with only a tawny owl as company. The Polish animation technique is further developed to dizzying heights – here photographs are edited and copied into each other and interlaced with drawings and old engravings.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk, Chris Marker | Camera: Daniel Harispe | Editing: Jasmine Chasney | Animation: Walerian Borowczyk | Music: Andrzej Markowski
Cast: Michel Boschet, Ligia Borowczyk, Anatole Dauman, Philippe Lifchitz

Production: Anatole Dauman - Argos Films/Les Films Armorial

Director: Walerian Borowczyk, Jan Lenica
POL 1957 | Ani. | 8 min


Historien om en sjenert ung manns gjengjeldte kjærlighet, lekent fortalt med de naive, folkloristiske maleriene til Jan Plaskocinski, bare supplert med stumfilmaktige mellomtekster.

The story of the requited love of a shy young man, playfully told by use of the naïve folkloristic paintings of Jan Plaskocinski, only supplemented by intertexts alá the silent film.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk, Jan Lenica | Camera: Edward Bryla | Editing: Krystyna Rutkowska | Music: Orkiestra Deta Gazowni Miejskiej w Warszawie
Sound: Halina Paszkowska

Production, Rights Clearance: WFDiF, Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1964 | Ani. | 12 min


Borowczyks mesterverk, hvor hans talenter som maler, animatør og filmkunstner går opp i en større enhet. Basert på en serie abstrakte vannfarge-malerier, som sammen med det ekstraordinære lydsporet makter å fremkalle konsentrasjonsleirenes angst samtidig som det er uendelig

Borowczyk's masterpiece, where his talents as a painter, animator and artist of the cinema adds up to a larger unified whole. Based on a series of abstract water color paintings, which, supported by the extraordinary soundtrack, manages to evoke the concentration camp anxiety while still being infinitely beautiful.

Script, animation: Walerian Borowczyk | Camera: Francis Pronier, Gerard Cox
Editing: Claude Blondel | Music: Bernard Parmegiani

Production: Les Cinéastes Associés – Jacques Forgeot

Til topps

Del 2
Torsdag/Thursday 16:00

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1967 | Exp. | 9 min


To paneler som både teknisk og innholdsmessig framstår som de totale motsetninger til hverandre, men som sett i sammenheng skaper et spenn hvor stor kunst får rom til å oppstå.

Two panels, seemingly the complete opposites of each other both technically and contentwise, that however, seen in context, creates a span from where great art is given space to arise.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk | Camera: Guy Durban | Editing: Marie-Louise Barberot | Music: Jean-Philippe Rameau

Production: Pantaléon Films – Dominique Duvergé

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1969 | Exp. | 5 min


Borowczyks siste objekt-animasjon – om en gammel fonograf som monterer seg selv, spiller noen voksruller og selvdestruerer – kan oppfattes som en litt stillferdig slektning
til Renaissance.

Borowczyk's final object animation – about an old phonograph that assembles itself and plays some wax drums before self destructing – can be perceived as a subdued companion piece to Renaissance.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk | Camera: Guy Durban | Editing: Claude Blondel

Production: Pantaléon Films – Dominique Duvergé

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1967 | Fic. | 11 min


Til tonene av barokkmusikk slåss to dverger i sin kjedsomhet om en pute. Borowczyk tar et steg i retning av spillefilmen, men behandler skuespillere på animatørens vis: kamera i fast posisjon rett forfra, med et diffust, skyggeløst lys.

To the tune of baroque music, two bored dwarves fight over a pillow. Borowczyk takes a step in the direction of the live action film, but treats actors as the animator he is: camera in a fixed position straight on, with soft, shadow-less lighting.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk | Camera: Guy Durban | Editing: Marie-Louise Barberot | Music: Jean-Philippe Rameau | Cast: Roberto, Ludo

Production: Pantaléon Films – Dominique Duvergé

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1966 | Fic. | 15 min


Det rystende vitnemålet til en tjenestepike som drepte og begravde sitt nyfødte barn i hagen, basert på en novelle av Guy de Maupassant. Med minimalistiske virkemidler, som ettsekunds innklipp av bevisgjenstander, klarer Borowczyk på mesterlig vis å gjøre framstillingen mer blodfrysende ubehagelig enn de fleste av dagens såkalte skrekkfilmer.

The harrowing testimony of a maid who murdered and buried her newborn child in the garden, based on a short story by Guy de Maupassant. With minimalist measures, such as one second
long shots of items of evidence, Borowczyk masterfully manages to make the staging more blood-freezingly uncomfortable than most of today's so-called horror films.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk, based on Guy de Maupassant | Camera: Yann le Masson, Antoine Georgakis | Editing: Catherine Kelber | Sound: Jacques Boujon | Cast: Ligia Branice

Production: Dominique Duvergé

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1972 | Doc. | 12 min


En vandring gjennom surrealistforfatteren Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues' samling av antikvert snusk og erotiske leker som gir grunnlag for å spørre seg hvorvidt den vestlige verden virkelig er blitt så mye mer seksualfiksert enn den var i 'gode gamle dager'.

A tour through surrealist author Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues' collection of antiquated smut and erotic toys, which gives reason to ask oneself whether the Western world really has become so much more sexually fixated than it was in the 'good
old days'.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk | Cast: André Pieyre de Mandiargues

Production: Anatole Dauman, Peter Schamoni

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1963 | Ani. (commercial) | 10 min


En reklamefilm laget for Wills Cigars om S.C.C.S.S.P.s framvekst
og nederlag – Foreningen for bevaring av sigarrøyking for de spesielt privilegerte. Et morsomt forvarsel for Monty Python, både i type humor og animasjonsstil.

An advert made for Wills Cigars about the rise and fall of The Society for the Conservation of Cigar Smoking for the Specially Privileged. A hilarious precursor to Monty Python, both in type of humour and style of animation.

Script, animation: Walerian Borowczyk

Production: Les Cinéastes Associés

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1965 | Ani. | 9 min


Joachim definerer et ord for hver bokstav i alfabetet med visuelle illustrasjoner som tyder på at han mangler noe på å mestre verdens absurditeter. Samme grunnidé som i Grandmother's Encyclopaedia, men ytterligere anarkistisk.

Joachim defines a word for each letter of the alphabet through visual illustrations that suggest that he lacks something to master the world's absurdities. Same basic idea as in Grandmother's Encyclopaedia, but with even more anarchy.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk | Camera: Constantin Tchikine | Editing: Catherine Kelber | Music: Bernard Parmegiani

Production: Dominique Duvergé

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1975 | Doc. | 5 min


En feiring av de erotiske stifttegningene til Bona Tibertelli de Pisis, som er befolket av hybridvesener med trekk fra både mennesker og bløtdyr.

A celebration of the erotic crayon drawings of Bona Tibertelli de Pisis, which are populated by hybrid creatures with features of both humans and molluscs.

Script: Walerian Borowczyk | Camera: Noël Véry, Roger Grange | Cast: Bona Tibertelli de Pisis

Production: Anatole Dauman

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1984 | Ani. | 5 min


Det tilfeldige møtet mellom en opprørsk djevel og en attraktiv englefrøken i det brennende – enskjønt sensuelle – helvetets inferno. Borowczyks siste animasjonsfilm, og den eneste gangen han kombinerer interessen for erotikk med sine animatørferdigheter.

The chance encounter between a rebel devil and a nubile angel in the fiery – albeit sensual – inferno of Hell. Borowczyk's final animation, and the only time he combines his interest in erotica with his skill as an animator.

Script, animation: Walerian Borowczyk | Music: Bernard Parmegiani | Cast: Yves Robert (voice)

Production: Anatole Dauman

Director: Walerian Borowczyk
FRA 1977 | Doc. | 10 min


Et portrett av den Paris-baserte serbiske surrealist-maleren Ljuba Popovic i arbeid, hektisk klipt som en slags bevissthetsstrøm. En påminnelse om den unge Borowczyks ivrige dokumentering av kunstnere.

A portrait of the Paris-based Serbian surrealist painter Ljuba Popovic at work, hectically edited as a kind of stream of consciousness. A reminder of the young Borowczyk's eagerness to document artists.

Script, camera, editing: Walerian Borowczyk | Cast: Ljuba Popovic

Production: Anatole Dauman

Til topps
Programme 2015
Nova Cinema, 2 & 3

10:00 EFA - Short Matters! 1
12:00 Nordic 1
14:00 Norwegian 1
16:00 Walerian Borowczyk 1
16:00 Meet the Filmmakers 1
18:00 Jens Assur 1: Retrospective
20:00 Regional Premieres
22:00 Reception & Opening Party

10:00 EFA -
Short Matters! 2
10:00 Seminar: The Film Consultants
12:00 Nordic 2
14:00 Norwegian 2
16:00 Walerian Borowczyk 2
16:00 Meet the Filmmakers 2
18:00 Short Film Studies Symposium
20:00 International Panorama 1
22:00 Bertrand Mandico 1
23:30 Festival Club

10:00 EFA -
Short Matters! 3
10:00 Seminar: Mid Nordic Co-production
10:00 Childrens Prog. 1 [Nova 1]
12:00 Nordic 3
12:00 Childrens Prog. 2 [Nova 1]
14:00 Norwegian 3
14:00 Mid Nordic Panorama
14:00 One-minute-films
& EMU [Nova 1]
16:00 Mid Nordic Film Pitch
16:00 Meet the Filmmakers 3
18:00 Jens Assur 2: Masterclass
20:00 International Panorama 2
22:00 Outdoor Cinema

11:00 Norwegian Art Film 1970-79:
Part 1 – Anja Breien
11:00 For children: Motion Capture workshop
13:00 Nordic 4
15:00 Norwegian 4
17:00 Meet the Filmmakers 4
18:00 Bertrand Mandico 2
20:00 International Panorama 3
22:00 Festival Club

11:00 Norwegian Art Film 1970-79: Part 2
13:00 International Panorama 4
15:00 Award ceremony
and screening
18:00 Multiplié Dance Film
20:00 DansiT film/dance get-together
& Festival Club

Changes might occur.

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