US 2011 | Exp.Doc. | 3 min
Director: Tiffany Shlain
Teknologi kan være avhengighetsskapende.
En hyllest til Allen Ginsbergs klassiske dikt fra 1956.
Technology can be addictive.
A tribute to Allen Ginsberg's classic 1956 poem.
Script: Tiffany Shlain, Ken Goldberg | Editing: Dalan McNabola | Cast: Peter Coyote
Production: Tiffany Shlain / The Moxie Institute,
Contact: Tiffany Shlain / The Moxie Institute,
GB, MA 2012 | Fic. | 16 min
Director: Fyzal Boulifa
Fatine har reist langt fra landsbyen sin for å møte sin eldre
elsker. Når hun blir tatt på fersken av en liten gutt, er alt
hun ønsker å komme seg hjem igjen.
Fatine has ventured far from the village to meet her older lover.
When she is caught by a small boy, all she wants to do is to go
back home.
Production: Natalya Manskaya / Studio "Vertov.
Realnoe kino", e:
Contact: Valery Shevchenko / Studio "Vertov.
Realnoe kino", e:
FR, DE, BE 2012 |
Exp. Fic. | 15 min
Director: Bertrand Mandico
Fièvre er en merkelig kvinne som samler på døde dyr. Hun
puster liv i dem i animasjonsfilmer. En dag kommer en
mann på besøk: hans kone er død.
Fièvre is an enigmatic woman who collects dead animals. She
brings them to life through animated films. One day, a man
comes to see her: his wife has died.
Script: Bertrand Mandico | Camera: Pascale Granel Sound:
Laure St. Marc | Music: Tazartes |
Editing: George Cragg, Laure St. Marc |
Cast: Elina Löwensohn, Jean-Marc Montmont
Production: Urte Amelie Fink / Parisienne de Production,
t: +49 0156026000, m:
Contact: Anne-Claire Martin / Coproduction Office,
t: +49 493032777879, m:
AU 2012 | Fic. | 10 min
Director: Andrew Kavanagh
Trafikken står stille på grunn av veiarbeid, men hva holder
kommunearbeiderne på med? Et privilegert møte med arbeidernes
andektige og hemmelige ritualer.
Traffic is delayed at the edge of a roadwork site, but what are
the council workers doing? A privileged encounter with a secret, sombre ritual of working men.
Script: Andrew Kavanagh | Camera: Kai Smythe , Kai
Smythe | Sound: Benjamin Holmes | Music: Benjamin
Holmes, Andrew Kavanagh | Editing: Andrew Kavanagh |
Cast: Paul Bennett
FR 2012 | Ani. | 7 min
Director: Michaela Pavlatova
Det daglige slitet til en trikkefører. Hver morgen kommer
de samme tause og likegyldige mennene ombord på vei
til jobb. Men denne dagen får ristingen og lyden deres begjær
til å vri virkeligheten om til surrealistisk galskap.
The daily grind of a tram driver. Every morning, the same silent,
indifferent men get aboard on their way to work. But this day,
the bumps and sounds foment their desire to transform reality
into a surrealistic delirium.
Script: Michaela Pavlatova | Camera: Michaela
Pavlatova | Sound: Daniel Nemec | Music: Petr Marek |
Editing: Milos Krejcar, Michaela Pavlatova
En skrekkslagen kvinne ønsker ikke å bli forstyrret, men
dørklokka fortsetter å ringe, og den besøkende gir seg ikke
før hun svarer.
A distraught woman doesn't want to be disturbed, but the
front doorbell keeps ringing and the caller won't leave until
she answers.
Script: Cathy Brady, Sarah Woolner |
Music: Finn Mcnicholas
Production: Hemant Sharda / National Film and
Television School, t: +44 1494731452, e:
Contact: Cathy Brady, t: +44 7403342177,
CA 2012 | Fic. | 12 min
Director: Phillip Barker
En svakelig ung kvinne sitter i en stille kafé. Omgivelsene
blir mer og mer ustabile. Kaoset som følger, mens verdenen
hennes bokstavelig talt snus opp ned, utløser en
truende hendelsessrekke.
As an infirm young woman sits at a quiet diner counter, her surroundings
become increasingly unstable. The ensuing chaos,
as her world literally turns upside down, triggers an ominous
sequence of events.
Script: Phillip Barker | Camera: Kris Belchevski |
Sound: Tom Third | Music: Tom Third | Editing: Roland
Schlimme | Cast: Thomas Hauff, Ashleigh Warren, Alex
Paxton-Beesley, Ryan Granville-Martin
Menn samles for å holde en gammel tradisjon i live. Det
er fartsfølelse og spenning på en fem hundre meter lang
bane. To ryttere, fire okser, fire hjul i 60 kilometer i timen i
25 sekunder.
Men gather in secret to keep an old tradition alive. It's the
thrill of speed and danger on a quarter mile drag strip. Two
riders, four bulls, four wheels and 60 kilometers per hour for
25 seconds.
Sound: Michael Schmidt
Production: Hannes Gieseler, t: +49 1785644471,
Contact: Hannes Gieseler, t: +49 1785644471,
GB 2011 | Fic. | 7 min
Director: Douglas Hart
Alex og hans far står langt fra hverandre, både emosjonelt
og i fysisk avstand. Mens jula ebber ut ringer Alex hjem.
Alex and his father are as distant emotionally as they are in
miles. In the waning light of Christmas day Alex phones home.
Script: Douglas Hart |Camera: Stuart Bentley | Sound:
Tom Drew | Music: Gruff Rhys | Editing: Dan Robinson |
Cast: Peter Mullan, Alan Tripney, Caroline Paterson
En gang kalte vi vår noble, inderlige og mystiske eksistens
for "det store". Siden den gang har vi utviklet oss, våre tanker
og bevissthet har forandret seg. Men hva er det som
gjør at vi fremdeles insisterer på å kalle den "det store"?
Once we called our noble, profound and mysterious existence "The Great". Since then, we have moved with the times; our
thought and consciousness have changed. And yet, what
makes us persist in calling it "The Great"?
Det tunisiske småborgerskapet, i sine store, tomme hus,
gjør alt for å skjule tragedien når den inntreffer.
In the huge empty houses of the Tunisian petite bourgeoisie,
when a tragedy occurs, everything is done to hide it.
Script: Leyla Bouzid, Marie-Sophie Chambon | Camera:
Alexandra Sabathé | Sound: Quentin Lepoutre | Editing:
Louise Jaillette | Cast: Bouraouia Marzouk, Salah
Production: Hubert Charuel / La Fémis, t: +01 53412116,
Contact: Géraldine Amgar / La Fémis, t: +01 53412116,
CA 2011 | Fic. | 13 min
Director: Andrew Cividino
Forskere finner en kur for sykdommer i spiserøret som går
ut på å transplantere organer fra griser inn i menneskekroppen.
Dette medisinske mirakelet fører til at søppelspising
blir et pop-fenomen. Er samfunnet forberedt på å takle
skremmende konsekvenser som går langt utover en overfladisk
Researchers discover a radical cure for digestive tract illnesses
by transplanting pig organs into the human body. The medical
miracle morphs into a pop phenomenon as eating garbage
explodes in popularity, but society may not be prepared for
consequences more chilling and irreversible than a fleeting fad.
Script: Andrew Cividino, Geoffrey Smart | Camera:
Stephen Chandler Whitehead | Sound: Alex Aslund, JR
Fountain | Music: Chris Thornborrow | Editing: James
Vandewater | Cast: David Disher, Keith Berry
Amr vandrer en kveld alene gatelangs i Bahari, en bydel i
Alexandria. Han samler materiale til et kunstprosjekt, og
begynner å filme en gruppe barn som leker. To av bydelens
innbyggere lar seg sjokkere.
One night, Amr is wandering alone in the streets of Bahari, a
neighbourhood on the eastern shore of Alexandria. While he
collects material for an art project, he starts filming a playful
group of children he finds cute. Two locals are shocked by his
Script: Ahmed Ghoneimy | Camera: Islam Kamal |
Sound: Samir Nabil | Editing: Perry Moataz | Cast: Amr
Wishahy, Yasser Beltagy, Mohamed El Sayed
Production: Ahmed Ghoneimy, t: +20 35220808,
Contact: Ahmed Ghoneimy, t: +20 35220808,
PT 2012 | Fic. | 22 min
Director: Miguel Fonseca
THE WAVES (As ondas)
Vakre portugisiske havlandskap sveiper foran meg. I disse
bildene finnes min barndom, mitt tapte paradis.
Det uendelige havet, stranden, menneskene, alle venter,
alle dør forsiktig, trist, vakkert.
Beautiful, truly Portuguese seascapes sweep before my eyes.
Tied up in these images was my youth, my lost paradise. The
vast sea, the beach, the people, all waiting, all dying gently,
sadly, beautifully.
Script: Miguel Fonseca | Camera: Mario Castanheira |
Editing: Sandro Aguilar | Cast: Alice Contreiras, Andreia
Production: Sandro Aguilar / O Som e a Fúria, t: +35
1213582519, m:
Contact: Salette Ramalho / Agencia - Portuguese Short
Film Agency, t: +35 1252646683, m:
SK 2011 | Ani. | 16 min
Director: Ivana Laucíková, Martin Snopek
THE LAST BUS (Posledny Auto bus)
Jaktsesongen har begynt. Skogens dyr går ombord i en
buss og flykter mot friheten. Når jegere stopper bussen
midt på natten avslører passasjerene sin sanne natur.
It's the start of the hunting season. The animals of the forest
board a small bus and flee to safety. When hunters stop the
bus in the middle of the night, its passengers reveal their true
natures in fear for their lives.
Production: Martin Snopek, t: +42 1905745667, e:
Contact: Alzbeta Skalova / Feel me film, t: +42
1911456832, m:
IE 2012 | Doc.Ani. | 8 min
Director: Tony Donoghue
En animert dokumentar om reparasjon og resirkulering i
en irsk landsby.
An animated documentary about repair and recycling in an
Irish village.
Nok en dag på ballettskolen. Timene går sin gang når
Sophie legger merke til en gutt ute på gaten. Han er mystisk,
synes hun, og kanskje til og med tiltrekkende, men hun
våger ikke å gjøre noe med det.
Another day at ballet school. Her classes are going as usual,
when Sophie notices a boy outdoors, on the street. She finds
him mysterious, and perhaps even attractive, but doesn't dare
to do anything about it.
Script: Pascal Yorks | Camera: Max Preiss |
Sound: Roman Volkholz | Music: Robert Infiesta |
Editing: Wolfgang Niederhoffer |
Cast: Luise Sophia Engel
En trikk kjører gjennom byen. Rachid, Youssef og Igor bøller
litt med de andre passasjerene. Rachids blikk møter Annas.
De utveksler et smil og stryker borti hverandre. Et kort delt
øyeblikk. Anna går av trikken og oppdager at vesken hennes
er borte.
A tram is speeding up across the city. Rachid, Youssef and Igor
merrily mess around with the passengers. Rachid catches Anna's eyes. They exchange smiles and brush past each other.
It's a fleeting moment between them. Anna gets off the tram.
She realises her bag is missing.
BE 2012 | Ani. | 17 min
Directors: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels
Når Willys mor dør vender han tilbake til nudistkolonien der
han vokste opp. Minnene gjør ham trist, og han bestemmer
seg for å dra ut på landet. Der finner han moderlig omsorg
hos et stort, hårete dyr.
After his mother's death, Willy returns to the nudist community
where he grew up. He is saddened by his memories, and
decides to head out into the countryside, and finds the maternal
protection of a big, hairy animal.
Script: Emma de Swaef, Marc Roels |
Camera: Marc Roels | Sound: Bram Meindersma |
Music: Bram Meindersma | Editing: Emma de Swaef, Marc Roels, Dieter Diependaele
GB 2011 | Ani.Doc. | 15 min
Director: Will Anderson
Et innblikk i livet bak scenen der en animatør/filmskaper
strever med rollefiguren sin.
A behind-the-scenes look at an animator/filmmaker as he
struggles with his character.
Script: Vitalij Sicinava, Ainslie Henderson |
Camera: Ainslie Henderson | Sound: Keith Duncan |
Cast: Vitalij Sicinava, Tobias A. Feltus
Production: Donald Holwill / Edinburgh College of Art,
t: +44 1312216138, e:
Contact: Will Anderson, t: +44 7970574061,
KR 2011 | Fic. | 20 min
Director: Ga Eun Yoon
En glovarm sommerdag og Ja-gyung er forbannet på farens sidesprang. Hun stormer inn i elskerinnens hus og
støter på hennes to små barn.
One blazing summer day, Ja-gyung, a sixteen-year-old girl, is
pissed off with her dad's affair. She barges into her dad's mistress'
house and encounters her two little kids.
Script: Ga eun Yoon | Camera: Heun oh Baek |
Sound: Hyeon joo Sim | Editing: Sei-young Park |
Cast: Ye rim Song, Yeon joo Jung
Production: Sehun Kim
Contact: Hee-jung Kim / Korea National University of
Arts, t: +82 27469547, m:
IE 2012 | Ani. | 12 min
Director: Eamonn O'Neil
Vi ble eldre. Vi drev fra hverandre. Neill forandret seg.
Det gjorde jeg også.
We got older. We drifted apart. Neill changed. And so did I.
Script: Eamonn O'Neill | Sound: Joseph Tate |
Music: Pierre O'reilly
Production: Royal College of Art, t: +44 2075904512,
Contact: Jane Colling / Royal College of Art,
t: +44 2075904512, m:
GB 2012 | Exp.Fic. | 11 min
Director: Nicholas Abrahams
EKKI MUKK (Ekki Múkk)
En magisk reise gjennom det engelske landskapet. En
mann møter en snakkende snegle som hjelper ham å finne
veien hjem.
A magical journey through the English landscape, as a man
meets a talking snail who helps him find his way home.