INT is Minimalen’s International Competition for shorts from all over the world except the Nordic countries (the Nordic films compete in the NOR section). 38 of the best new shorts worldwide have been selected and are to be screened in six programs. The directors are presented right after their film is screened, and the audience gets the opportunity to ask questions. The Award Ceremony is due on Sunday.


• Best International Film One film is awarded by the INT Award Jury and presented with The Minimalen
Trophy and EUR 1 000 given by Minimalen.

• Audience Award The audience vote for their favourite INT film, and the winner is awarded EUR 500 given by Minimalen.

• The Raskin Spirit Festival Award The trophy is awarded to a compact, poetic short film that makes use of its visual and auditory possibilities in an imaginative way, and has its own optimal form. Selected from INT or NOR by the festival.



JING HAASE (DNK) has been working with short films for more than two decades, mainly in international distribution, but also as a programmer and in film production. She worked with Nordic shorts and docs at Nordisk Panorama for many years before moving to the Swedish Film Institute to focus on Swedish shorts and their international success. Jing is frequently engaged by international festivals and industry events as a moderator, panelist or jury member.



THOM PALMEN (NED), Festival Director and Film Producer. For over 30 years he has been curating, directing and producing international film and arts festivals all over the world. From his base in Latvia, Thom is also a film producer for award winning films, advises various arts organizations and helps empower the next generation of filmmakers and artists.

KJERSTI GREGER (NOR), Creative Producer at the Norwegian production company Klipp og Lim, overseeing the creative development of fiction projects. Over 20 years of film industry experience in Norway and Sweden as a project manager, festival producer, regional film commissioner and consultant. Kjersti is dedicated to bringing fun, original and compelling stories to life, and is currently focusing on financing and producing three animated TV series and one short film.


Award sponsor:

Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music


INT 1 (Total: 83 min.)
NOVA 4 - TOR | THUR 17:00

JPN 2024 | Ani.Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Koji Yamamura


En mann legger ut på leting etter den korteste tingen i Tokyo, som viser seg å være en enkeltstavelse uttalt av en døende mann. Basert på en historie av Hideo Furukawa, lest av forfatteren selv.

A man sets out in search of the shortest thing in Tokyo, which turns out to be a single syllable uttered by a dying man. Based on a story by Hideo Furukawa, read by the author himself.

Script: Hideo Furukawa | Cast: Hideo Furukawa (v.o.)

Production: Koji Yamamura
Contact: Yamamura Animation - Koji Yamamura, e:

FRA 2024 | Fic. | 25 min.
Director: Selin Öksüzoğlu

BYE BYE TURTLE (Adieu Tortue)

Lille Incis mor er død. Mens hun går sorgfullt rundt på de øde høydedragene ved Svartehavet, støter hun på en fremmed som har returnert til regionen etter et langt fravær.

Little Inci's mother is dead. While maundering in the deserted plateaus of the Black Sea, Inci runs into a stranger who has returned to the region after a long absence.

Script: Selin Öksüzoğlu | Camera: Léo Roussel | Editing: Charles Claudon | Cast: Nursema Çepni, Meltem Ünel

Production: Jeanne Ezvan, Marthe Lamy
Contact: Anaïs Colpin, e:

GRC 2024 | Doc.Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Giorgos Efthimiou


Minner om en dag med venner på en nedlagt fabrikk i Elaionas utenfor Athen. Fabrikken eksisterer ikke lenger. Hvordan kunne alle disse stedene med ungdom og frihet forsvinne?

Recalling a day with friends in an abandoned factory in Elaionas, an area of Attica. The factory no longer exists. How could all those places of youth and freedom disappear?

Script: Giorgos Efthimiou | Cast: Eleftheria Kazana

Production: Giorgos Efthimiou
Contact: Giorgos Efthimiou, e:

BEL 2024 | Ani.Doc.Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Nicolas Piret


En tegning blir gradvis til foran øynene våre, og forteller en historie om et villsvin på flukt, og om hvordan mennesker okkuperer naturen. Tegnet og animert bare på ett enkelt ark som en performance.

A drawing gradually comes to life before our eyes, telling a story of a wild boar on the run, and of the ways people occupy nature. Drawn and animated alone on a single sheet of paper as a performance.

Script: Nicolas Piret

Production: Delphine Renard, Delphine Cousin, William Henne
Contact: Nicolas Piret, e:

Kosovo 2024 | Doc. | 19 min.
Director: Ilir Hasanaj

WORKERS' WINGS (Krahët e punëtorëve)

Vi møter tre ofre for arbeidsulykker i den nådeløst ny-kapitalistiske industrien Kosovo. Med mild stemme deler de sine fatale skjebner med verdighet og oppriktighet.

We meet three victims of work accidents in the ruthlessly neo-capitalist industry of Kosovo. In gentle voices, they share their fatal stories with dignity and sincerity.

Script: Ilir Hasanaj | Camera: Vigan Nimani | Editing: Enis Saraçi | Cast: Milazimi, Fatmiri, Liridoni

Production: Arvan Berisha, Ilir Hasanaj
Contact: Ilir Hasanaj, e:

HRV 2024 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Nebojša Slijepčević

THE MAN WHO COULD NOT REMAIN SILENT (Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti)

27. februar 1993 i Strpci i Bosnia-Hercegovina. Et passasjertog fra Beograd til Bar blir stoppet av paramilitære styrker i en aksjon for etnisk rensing. Basert på en sann historie.

February 27, 1993, Strpci, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A passenger train from Belgrade to Bar is stopped by paramilitary forces in an ethnic cleansing operation. Based on a true story.

Script: Nebojša Slijepčević | Camera: Gregor Božič | Editing: Tomislav Stojanovic | Cast: Goran Bogdan Dragan, Alexis Manenti, Dragan Mićanović, Silvio Mumelaš

Production: Katarina Prpić, Danijel Pek, Katya Trichkova, Noëlle Lévénez, Boštjan Virc
Contact: Anaïs Colpin, e:

GBR 2023 | Ani. | 11 min.
Director: Gustavo Arteaga (MEX)


Gretas verden blir snudd på hodet når kjærligheten banker på. Det blir komplikasjoner etter hvert som lidenskapen vokser, men omveltningen kommer i form av vann.

When love comes knocking, Greta’s world is turned upside down. As her passion grows, complications follow - but change is coming in the shape of water.

Script, Editing, Animation: Gustavo Arteaga

Production: Gustavo Arteaga
Contact: Gustavo Arteaga, e:

Til topps

INT 2 (Total: 83 min.)
NOVA 4 - TOR | THUR 21:00

POL 2023 | Ani. | 2 min.
Director: Malgorzata Rybak


Når du endelig kommer frem til favorittsnorklestedet ditt, men plutselig er alt ute av kontroll. Hva kommer til å skje når temperaturen i sjø og hav stiger?

When you finally arrive at your favorite snorkeling spot, but then suddenly everything is getting out of control. What is going to happen once the temperature of the seas and oceans rises?

Script: Malgorzata Rybak

Production: Malgorzata Rybak
Contact: Malgorzata Rybak

CZE 2024 | Exp.Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Marie-Magdalena Kochová


En atomkraftverksarbeider besatt av tall har satt en maksgrense på hvor mye strøm han ønsker å forbruke. Men det som skulle vært tilstrekkelig for resten av livet, begynner sakte å ta slutt.

A nuclear power plant worker obsessed with numbers has set a maximum limit on how much electricity he wants to consume. But what should have been sufficient for the rest of his life is slowly running out.

Script: Josef Kokta | Camera: Kristina Kulova | Editing: Veronika Kasparova | Cast: Jaroslav Pizl

Production: Agata Kolarova
Contact: Flavio Armone, e:

GRC 2024 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Thelyia Petraki


Etter en leksjon om kosmisk arkeologi stjeler Elly Fayes sjel, og Faye gir Elly en sjelden bursdagsgave. Men en sang fra fortiden vil minne jentene på at ingenting egentlig varer evig.

After a lesson about cosmic archaeology, Elly steals Faye’s soul and Faye gives Elly a rare birthday present. But a song from the past will remind the girls that nothing really lasts forever.

Script: Thelyia Petraki | Camera: Tudor Vladimir Panduru | Editing: Christos Giannakopoulos, Myrto Karra | Cast: Panayiota Yiagli, Ellie Galou

Production: Kostas Tagalakis, Panos Papadopoulos
Contact: Flavio Armone, e:

GBR 2024 | Exp. | 16 min.
Director: Rachel Maclean


Med dristig deepfake følger vi Sean Connerys sammenbrudd etter å ha vært vitne til Marilyn Monroes tilbakekomst fra de døde i en "ny" britisk spionthriller. En utforsking av identitetens skjørhet og virkelighetens glidende natur.

In daring deepfake, we follow Sean Connery's breakdown after witnessing Marilyn Monroe's return from the dead in a 'new' British spy thriller. An exploration of the fragility of identity and the fluid nature of what is real.

Script: Rachel Maclean

Production: Beth Allan, Ciara Dunne
Contact: Rachel Maclean, e:

GBR 2024 | Fic. | 22 min.
Director: Kun Sun (CHN)

POET (诗人)

En kvinnelig arbeider ved en steinfabrikk oppdager en plakat for et poesidelingsarrangement i den lokale bokhandelen. Fra da av blir hennes dystre tilværelse gjenstand for små streif av lys og farge.

A female worker at a stone factory discovers a poster for a poetry sharing event at the local bookstore. From then on, her bleak existence becomes the subject of small streaks of light and color.

Script: Kun Sun | Camera: Leslie Y Lin | Editing: Kun Sun | Cast: Peixin Li, Wen Yao

Production: London Film School - Haoyuxuan Liu
Contact: Kun Sun, e:

DEU 2023 | Fic. | 17 min.
Director: Francesco Sossai (ITA)

THE BIRTHDAY PARTY (Il compleanno di Enrico)

Desember 1999. Midt i Y2K-angsten husker jeg at jeg dro i bursdagen til Enrico, en gutt som bodde med familien sin på et gammelt og isolert gårdsbruk.

December 1999. I remember that, amidst the Millennium Bug anxiety, I went to the birthday of Enrico, a kid who lived with his family in an old and isolated farmhouse.

Script, Editing: Francesco Sossai | Camera: Giulia Schelhas | Cast: Matthias Tormen, Nicola Cannarella, Luisa Trigilla

Production: Cecilia Trautvetter, François-Pierre Clavel
Contact: Cecilia Trautvetter, e:

Til topps

INT 3 (Total: 80 min.)
NOVA 4 - FRE | FRI 19:00

Kosovo 2024 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Samir Karahoda

ON THE WAY (Rrugës)

Far og sønn er på vei til flyplassen for å hente en gave sendt fra utlandet. Midt i striden med byråkratiske hindringer finner de trøst og styrke i deres felles optimisme for fremtiden.

Father and son are on their way to the airport to pick up a gift sent from abroad. Amid bureaucratic hurdles, they find comfort and strength in their shared optimism for the future.

Script: Samir Karahoda, Miron Karahoda | Camera: Samir Karahoda | Editing: Enis Saraçi | Cast: Ylber Mehmeti, Miron Karahoda

Production: Eroll Bilibani, Samir Karahoda
Contact: Samir Karahoda, e:

USA 2024 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Claire Barnett


På sin 26-årsdag blir Lainey konfrontert med et spørsmål som tester grensene for forholdet hennes: Hva er din dypeste, mørkeste fantasi?

On the eve of her 26th birthday, Lainey is confronted with a question that tests the boundaries of her relationship: What is your deepest, darkest fantasy?

Script: Claire Barnett | Cast: Nancy McArthur, Oliver Demers

Production: Natalie Remplakowski
Contact: Pierre Brouillette-Hamelin, e:

BRA 2024 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: André Hayato Saito


På finaledagen for VM i fotball mellom Brasil og Frankrike opplever den japansk-brasilianske tenåringen Erika en fiendtlighet som virker usynlig, men kaster henne ut i et smertefullt hav av følelser.

On the day of the World Cup final between Brazil and France, Japanese-Brazilian teenager Erika experiences a hostility that seems invisible but throws her into a painful sea of emotions.

Script: André Hayato Saito | | Cast: Melissa Uehara

Production: Mayra Faour Auad, Gabrielle Auad
Contact: Salaud Morisset, e:

CAN 2023 | Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Maxime-Claude L'Écuyer


En utforskning av konsekvensen av menneskelig korrupsjon, ultrakapitalisme og utnyttelse av naturressurser i en dystopisk postapokalyptisk visjon om verdens ende, i ordene til poeten Charles Bukowski i et opptak fra 1993.

An exploration of the consequence of human kind corruption, ultra capitalism and the exploitation of natural ressources in a dystopian post-apocalyptic vision of the end of the world, in the words of poet Charles Bukowski in a recording from 1993.

Script: Charles Bukowski (poem) | Editing: Maxime-Claude L'Écuye | Cast: Charles Bukowski (v.o.)

Production: Maxime-Claude L'Écuyer
Contact: Serge Abiaad, e:

HTI 2024 | Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Samuel Suffren


Edouard har bodd i Port-au-Prince sammen med datteren Zara i fem år. Siden kona dro har de bare mottatt en kassett fra henne, og det var lenge siden. Etter år med fravær, hva kan vi forvente av en fjern kjærlighet?

Edouard has been living in Port-au-Prince with just his daughter Zara for five years. Since his wife left, they have only received a cassette from her, and that was a long time ago. After years of absence, what can we expect from a distant love?

Script, Editing: Samuel Suffren | Camera: Phalonne Pierre Louis | Cast: Kenny Laguerre, Clorette Jacinthe, Zaraina Ruth-Amma Suffren

Production: Samuel Suffren
Contact: Square Eyes, e:

BEL 2023 | Ani.Exp. | 13 min.
Director: Nina Gantz (NED)


Mary, Billybud og Fumbleton er tre miniatyrskuespillere som opptrer i en åttitalls TV-serie for barn kalt "Wander to Wonder". Etter at serieskaperen døde, ble de igjen alene i studio. De fortsetter imidlertid å lage stadig mer merkelige episoder for fansen.

Mary, Billybud and Fumbleton are three miniature, human actors who perform in an eighties kids TV series called 'Wander to Wonder'. After the creator of the series died, they were left alone in the studio. They continue, however, to make increasingly strange episodes for their fans.

Script: Nina Gantz, Simon Cartwright, Daan Bakker, Stienette Bosklopper |
Camera: Steven Frederickx | Editing: Joseph Comar | Cast: Neil Salvage, Toby Jones, Amanda Lawrence, Terence Dunn

Production: Stienette Bosklopper, Nina Gantz, Maarten Swart
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e:

Til topps

INT 4 (Total: 84 min.)
NOVA 4 - FRE | FRI 21:00

PRT 2024 | Fic. | 9 min.
Director: Gonçalo Almeida


I Valyas hule blir hun forstyrret av en gjentatt rumling som skyver henne ut i det ukjente. Uutforsket.

In Valya's burrow, a repeated rumbling disrupts her life, pushing her into the unknown. Unexplored.

Script: Gonçalo Almeida

Production: Gonçalo Almeida
Contact: Portugal Film, e:

FRA 2024 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Viv Li (CHN)


Sandstormer blåser, vann er det lite av. I en avsidesliggende gruveby uten radiosignaler blir en sær tenåringsjente nysgjerrig på en forbipasserende lastebilsjåfør.

Sandstorms blow, water is scarce. In a remote mining town without any radio signals, a quirky teenage girl gets curious about a passing truck driver.

Script: Viv Li | Cast: Qinglian Zhao, Yuxin Yang

Production: Raphaëlle Simavonian, Romain Bent
Contact: Shortcuts Distribution, e:

CAN 2024 | Ani. | 10 min.
Director: Theodore Ushev


En gammel mann jager en ulveflokk. En liten ulv overlever, og kommer til slutt tilbake. Hvem vinner til slutt - ulven eller mannen?

An old man is chasing a wolf pack. A little wolf survives, and will eventually return. Who will win in the end - the wolf or the man?

Script, Animation, Editing: Theodore Ushev

Production: Bravo Charlie - Etienne Hansez
Contact: Justine Baillargeon, e:

USA 2023 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Hannah Schierbeek


Det er kald vinter i Midtvesten, og varebilsjåføren Julie, som har en uklar sykdom, prøver å avdekke sannheten bak forfallet som plager både henne og industribyens vannveier.

During a cold Midwestern winter, Julie, a factory driver with a mysterious illness, attempts to unravel the truth behind the decay that plagues her and her industrial town’s waterways.

Script: Hannah Schierbeek | Cast: Nathalia Acevedo, Mariea Luisa Macavei

Production: Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan, Hannah Schierbeek
Contact: Hannah Schierbeek, e:

POL 2023 | Ani. | 5 min.
Director: Zofia Klamka


En pedantisk animatør har et rutinemessig liv, og beveger seg bare mellom hjem og jobb. Sakte synker hun ned i apati og begynner å isolere seg fra omverdenen. Så oppdager hun et bilde av en sau. Inspirert av romanen Sauejakten av Haruki Murakami.

A pedantic animator has a routine life, moving only between home and work. Slowly sinking into apathy, she begins to isolate herself from the outside world. Then she discovers a picture of a sheep. Inspired by the novel A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami.

Script, Animation, Editing: Zofia Klamka

Production: Przemysław Adamski
Contact: Marta Swiatek, e:

MEX 2024 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Marinthia Gutiérrez

SHE STAYS (Ella se queda)

Gjennom en natt ute på byen i Tijuana venter Laura på skjebnen.

Throughout a night out in downtown Tijuana, Laura waits for her destiny to arrive.

Script, Editing: Marinthia Gutiérrez | Camera: Mayela Ponce | Cast: Marianna Escobedo, Sofia Jofré, Násmar Guzmán, Leo Aldair, Brenda Bellozo

Production: Melissa Castañeda
Contact: Flavio Armone, e:

PHL 2024 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Arvin Belarmino


En fersking i en merkelig kyllingdans-gruppe blir trakassert etter å ha gjort det dårlig i en danseforestilling. Etter hvert kommer det fram hva gruppen gjør med sitt svakeste ledd.

A rookie in a bizarre chicken-dance group is harassed after performing poorly in a dance performance. It eventually becomes clear what the group is doing to its weakest link.

Script: Arvin Belarmino, Kyla Romero | Cast: Elora Españo, Timothy Castillo, Ross Pesigan

Production: Kristine De Leon
Contact: Zahra Benasri, e:

Til topps

INT 5 (Total: 84 min.)
NOVA 4 - LØR | SAT 15:00

CZE, SVK 2023 | Ani. | 8 min.
Director: Nina Rybárová (SVK), Tomáš Rybár (SVK)

CRISS CROSS (Krížom Krážom)

En kort brodert historie om vennskap og svik mellom en fugl, en killing og en rev, inspirert av ordtaket "det er i motgang vennskap blir satt på prøve".

A short cross-stitched story about friendship and treason between a birdie, a baby goat and a fox, inspired by the proverb 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'.

Script: Nina Rybárová, Barbora Németh | Editing: Michal Kondrla, Oliver Bahúl

Production: Simona Hrušovská, Veronika Zúbek Kocourková, Monika Lošťáková, Zuzana Jankovičová
Contact: Bear With Me Distribution, e:

BRA 2024 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Moara Passoni

MY MOTHER IS A COW (Minha Mãe é uma Vaca)

Overlatt til tantens omsorg på en familieranch i utkanten av de brennende brasilianske våtmarkene, er 12 år gamle Mia desperat etter morens kjærlighet. Men omgitt av utemmet natur kommer kjærligheten i uventet form.

Left in her aunt’s care on a family ranch at the edge of the burning Brazilian wetlands, 12-year-old Mia is desperate for her mother’s love. But surrounded by untamed nature, love comes in unexpected forms.

Script: Moara Passoni, Fernanda Frotté | Camera: Carolina Costa | Editing: Germano de Oliveira | Cast: Luísa Bastos, Amorosa, Helena Albergaria, Ana Carolina Guztazazky, a.o.

Production: Uvaia Films - Sofia Geld, Daniel Liu
Contact: Flavio Armone, e:

GBR 2024 | Doc.Exp. | 10 min.
Director: Miranda Pennell


Gaza, desember 2023. En konfrontasjon med et urovekkende fotografi på sosiale medier utløser spørsmål om hva det vil si å være en tilskuer.

Gaza, December 2023. A confrontation with a disturbing photograph on social media triggers questions about what it means to be an onlooker.

Script: Miranda Pennell | Editing: Miranda Pennell | Cast: John Smith (v.o.)

Production: Miranda Pennell
Contact: Miranda Pennell, e:

IRN 2023 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Saeid Asadi, Mehdi Boroumand


Om en jente hvis far blir arrestert dagen før hun har en viktig nasjonal prøve på skolen. Til tross for alle hindringene hun møter, inkludert å ta vare på den lille baby-broren sin, gjør hun sitt ytterste.

About a girl whose father gets arrested the day before she has an important olympiad test at school. Despite all the obstacles she faces, including taking care of his infant brother, she puts herself to the test.

Script: Sahar Sotoodeh | Cast: Shaghayegh Mokhtari, Yazdan Poursalimi

Production: Ashkan Ashkani, Bahar Moridi
Contact: Mehdi M, e:

FRA 2024 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Guil Sela


På en vakker høstdag i Montsouris-parken i Paris leter Jacques og Nathan etter interessante mennesker til å filme for dokumentaren deres.

On a beautiful autumn day in Montsouris Park in Paris, Jacques and Nathan are looking for interesting people to shoot for their documentary.

Script: Guil Sela | Cast: Martin Jauvat, Pierre Gandarmay, Raika Hazanavicius

Production: Guil Sela
Contact: Anaïs Colpin, e:

DEU 2024 | Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Julia Patey (CAN)


En audiovisuell kunstners tvil omkring hennes mislykkede ekteskap utløser en mystisk lyd som blir umulig å ignorere.

An audiovisual artist’s doubts about her failing marriage trigger a mysterious sound that becomes impossible to ignore.

Script, Editing: Julia Patey | Camera: Konstantin Minnich | Cast: Alexandra Sagurna, Tobias Licht, Carolin Ott, Alfred Ott

Production: Scumeck Sabottka, Julia Patey
Contact: Gorrilla Distribution, e:

Til topps

INT 6 (Total: 84 min.)
NOVA 4 - LØR | SAT 19:00

PSE 2023 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Rakan Mayasi


Sjelefreden til en israelsk familie går gradvis i oppløsning etter hvert som den mystiske lyden av en nøkkel i døren til leiligheten deres høres hver kveld.

An Israeli family’s equilibrium gradually disintegrates as the mysterious sound of a key is heard in the door of their apartment every evening.

Script: Rakan Mayasi | Camera: Joe Saade | Editing: Nathalie Rbeiz, Louis De Schrijver | Cast: Saleh Bakri, George Ibrahim, Nada Zoabi, Morad Hasan, a.o.

Production: Rakan Mayasi, Laura Jumel, Frank Barat, Nadine Naous, Patrizia Roletti
Contact: Andrew Norton, e:

TUR 2023 | Ani.Doc.Exp. | 15 min.
Director: Şirin Bahar Demirel

BETWEEN DELICATE AND VIOLENT (Zarafet ve Şiddet Arasında)

Kan vi se volden fra malerens hender i penselstrøkene på maleriene hans? Kan korssting være et alfabet? Avdekking av traumatiske minner som ikke har vært med i familiealbum.

Can we see the violence of the painter's hands in the brush strokes of his paintings? Could cross-stitch be an alphabet? Unearthing traumatic memories that have not been included in family albums.

Script, Camera, Editing, Animation: Şirin Bahar Demirel | Cast: Şirin Bahar Demirel (v.o.)

Production: Şirin Bahar Demirel
Contact: Freak Independent Film Agency, e:

FRA 2024 | Ani. | 9 min.
Director: Veronica Martinadonna (ITA)


Etter å ha gått inn i et telt dukker en liten jente opp - skremt, voksen og kledd i kaninkostyme. På denne indre reisen vil den unge kvinnen forstå det opphavelige dramaet som forårsaker plagene hun har i dag.

After entering a tent, a little girl emerges frightened, grown up and dressed in a rabbit costume. In this inner journey, this young woman will understand the original drama that causes the suffering she is enduring today.

Script: Veronica Martinadonna

Production: Ron Dyens
Contact: Ron Dyens, e:

FRA 2024 | Ani. | 11 min.
Director: Alexandra Ramires (PRT), Laura Gonçalves (PRT)


Med havet og det urbane Algarve som bakgrunn, følger vi den komplette livssyklusen til et spesielt skalldyr kalt percebes, gåsebraen. Gjennom denne reisen på tvers av miljøer får vi et innblikk i regionens kultur og menneskene som bor der.

With the sea and urban Algarve as a backdrop, we follow the complete life cycle of a special shellfish called percebes, the goose barnacle. Through this journey across contexts, we gain insight into the region's culture and the people who live there.

Script: Alexandra Ramires, Laura Gonçalves, Regina Guimarães | Animation: Leonor Pacheco, Inês Teixeira, Joana Teixeira, Laura Equi, Carolina Bonzinho, Alexandra Ramires, Laura Gonçalves

Production: David Doutel, Vasco Sá, Edwina Liard, Nidia Santiago
Contact: Agência - Short Film Agency, e:

FRA 2024 | Fic. | 16 min.
Director: Azer Guliev (AZE)


I det Samir og Leyla er i ferd med å flykte fra familienes kritikk, forsvinner Samir neste morgen. Leylas søken hemmer henne, fletter hennes skjebne sammen med hans overraskende forsvinning, og hun blir selv en del av mysteriet.

When Samir and Leyla decide to flee their families' discord, Samir disappears the next morning. Leyla's quest ensnares her, entwining her fate with his strange disappearance, becoming part of the mystery herself.

Script: Azer Guliev, Nijat Mukhtarov | Camera: Konstantinos Koukoulios | Editing: Mosmanue, Nicolas Milteau | Cast: Milana Həsənova, Oktay Mehtiyev, Elşən Məmmədov

Production: Sébastien Hussenot

PAN 2023 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Marcela Heilbron


Etter å ha blitt svelget levende av en krokodille finner immigranten Juan seg så godt til rette at han bestemmer seg for å bli inne i krypdyret for alltid. Han etterlater Camila, sin kone og følgesvenn, alene på den krevende reise nordover til USA hvor deres datter venter.

After being swallowed alive by a crocodile, immigrant Juan finds himself so comfortable that he decides to stay inside the reptile forever, leaving Camila, his wife and companion, alone on the arduous journey north to the United States where their daughter awaits.

Script: Marcela Heilbron | Cast: Genesis del Monte, Monica Bartholomew, Carina Weber

Production: Marcela Heilbron, Dilva Barriga, Madeline Leach
Contact: Marcela Heilbron, e:

Til topps