Barnimalen 1
Onsdag | Wednesday 10:00 (Totalt 58 min.) [Nova 1]
Dette programmet er beregnet for barn i 1.-4. trinn.
This programme is for grades 1 - 4.
NOR 2021 | Doc.Exp. | 7 min.
Director: Jan Otto Ertesvåg |
BUSY (Bergtatt)
Strandsnegler kan framstå som å ha lite til felles med mennesker, men går man dem nærmere inn på livet er det lite som skiller.
Beach snails may appear to have little in common with humans, but if you take a closer look at their lives, there is little difference.
Script, Editing: Jan Otto Ertesvåg | Camera: Janne K. Hansen
Production: Hammerhai AS - Jan Otto Ertesvåg
Contact: Vanja Andrijevic, e: |
DEU 2021 | Ani. | 1 min.
Director: Elena Walf |
Den eldgamle kampen mellom godt og ondt.
The ancient struggle between good and evil.
Script, Animation: Elena Walf
Production: Thomas Meyer-Hermann, Elena Walf
Contact: Bianca Just, e: |
CAN 2022 | Fic. | 9 min.
Director: Nadia Louis-Desmarchais |
BIRD'S NEST (Nid d'oiseau)
Lena, en 7 år gammel svart jente mottar en tegning som spotter håret hennes. Ved hjelp av storesøsteren skal de bruke kvelden på å prøve å gjøre henne like vakker som klassekameratene.
Lena, a 7-year-old black girl receives a drawing mocking her hair. With the help of her big sister, they will spend the evening trying to make her beautiful like her classmates.
Script: Nadia Louis-Desmarchais | Camera: Clémentine Martin | Editing: Miryam Charles | Cast: Varina Epassy, Michmael Aubourg
Production: Laura Kamugisha
Contact: Marc-Olivier Blackburn, e: |
NOR 2021 | Ani. | 11 min.
Director: Margrethe Danielsen |
En ivrig liten bjørn venter på at bursdagsgjestene skal komme. Sakte skjønner han at han ingen kommer. Men viljen til å feire bursdagen sin er fortsatt sterk, og fri som fuglen begynner jakten på selskap.
An eager little bear is waiting for his birthday guests to arrive. Slowly he realizes that no one is coming. But the determination to celebrate his birthday is still strong, and, free as a bird, his hunt for company begins.
Script: Margrethe Danielsen | Camera: Simon Filliot | Editing: Jean-Marie Le Rest
Production: JPL Films & Mikrofilm - Camille Raulo, Jean-Francois Bigot, Tonje Skar Reiersen, Lise Fearnley
Contact: Lise Fearnley, e: |
IND 2021 | Fic. | 16 min.
Director: Suman Sen |
Fire tenåringer fra en avsidesliggende fjellandsby tilbringer dagene i en forlatt buss på en ås og spiller musikk. Når det arrangeres en bandkonkurranse i en naboby samler de penger og mot for å delta.
Four teenagers from a remote mountain village spend their days in an abandoned bus on a ridge, playing music. When a band competition is organized in a neighbour town, they gather money and courage to participate.
Script: Suman Sen, Bijon | Cast: Kunsang Gurung, Tashi Wangdue Gurung, Pema Wangyal Gurung, Tsering Dhundup Gurung
Production: Bijon, Arifur Rahman, Dominique Wellenski, Suman Sen, Vivek Modi, Ram Krishna Pokharel
Contact: Bijon Imtiaz, e: |
PRT 2022 | Ani. | 14 min.
Director: João Gonzalez |
Hver dag hopper en far og sønnen med fallskjerm fra det kalde huset deres som er festet til en klippe, for å dra til landsbyen nede på bakken, langt unna, hvor de selger isen de daglig produserer.
Every day, a father and his son jump with a parachute from their cold house, attached to a cliff, to go to the village on the ground, far away where they sell the ice they produce daily.
Script: João Gonzalez
Production: Bruno Caetano, Michaël Proença
Contact: Agência - Portuguese Short Film Agency, e: |
Barnimalen 2
10:00 - Torsdag | Thursday (Totalt 90 min.) [Nova 1] - UTSOLGT
eller | or
12:00 - Torsdag | Thursday (Totalt 90 min.) [Nova 1]
First we get Welcome to Kids 2! This programme is for grades 5 – 7, and in collaboration with DKS we this year especially like to invite all 5 graders in Trondheim.
First we get to see a bunch of short films. After the films, we meet the sound wizards of Ambolt Audio, who will demonstrate how they work with sound and music to reinforce messages, emotions and stories in the films.
We will see how the soundtrack in a film is built, and how the different layers of sound and music work together. How can a piece of music change the impression of a person being good or evil? Can you tell the difference between the sound of frying bacon and rain hitting a window?
PRT 2022 | Ani. | 14 min.
Director: João Gonzalez |
Hver dag hopper en far og sønnen med fallskjerm fra det kalde huset deres som er festet til en klippe, for å dra til landsbyen nede på bakken, langt unna, hvor de selger isen de daglig produserer.
Every day, a father and his son jump with a parachute from their cold house, attached to a cliff, to go to the village on the ground, far away where they sell the ice they produce daily.
Script: João Gonzalez
Production: Bruno Caetano, Michaël Proença
Contact: Agência - Portuguese Short Film Agency, e: |
ROM 2021 | Doc. | 9 min.
Director: David Power |
Når de får vite om morens ulykke, rømmer to unge brødre ut på et eventyr. Konfrontert med frykten oppdager de snart at de må stole på hverandre for å overvinne den.
When they learn of their mother's accident, two young brothers escape on an adventure. Confronted with their fears they soon discover they need to rely on each other in order to overcome them.
Camera: Bence Prokop | Editor: Julia Elger | Cast: Mihail Tise, Stefan Tise
Production: Dan Nutu
Contact: David Power, e: |
DEU 2021 | Ani. | 6 min.
Director: Julia Ocker |
En astronaut lander på en ukjent planet. Alt er fremmed.
An astronaut lands on an unknown planet. Everything is foreign.
Script: Julia Ocker
Production: Thomas Meyer-Hermann
Contact: Bianca Just, e: |
DNK 2022 | Ani. | 8 min.
Director: Georges Marion |
Når en gutts får vite om foreldrenes beslutning om å selge det gamle familiehuset, konfronteres han med familienrøttene, og grensen mellom fortid og nåtid viskes ut.
When a boy learns of his parents' decision to sell the old family house, he is confronted with his family roots, and the line between past and present blurs.
Script: Georges Marion, Angsane Sallaud Pujade Renault, Axel Lawrence Nugaard
Production: Lotte Kronborg Thomsen
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e: |
NOR 2014 | Fic. | 6 min
Director: Rune Denstad Langlo |
En road movie som følger en ti år gammel jente og all motgangen hun møter en helt vanlig vinterdag. En humoristisk og melankolsk hverdagsskildring basert på regissørens egne minner fra 80-tallet.
A road movie that follows a ten-year-old girl through all the resistance she experiences on a normal winter day in Norway. A humorous and melancholy everyday odyssey based on the director's own memories from the 1980s.
Camera: Øystein Mamen | Editing: Karen Gravås | Sound: Audun Røstad, Jørgen Meyer
Production, contact: Håvard Gossé Bergseth – Spætt Media, t: +47 98878923, e: |
NOR 2017 | Mus.Ani. | 3 min.
Directors: Daniel Bansal Dahn,
Audun Kvitland Røstad |
Om en ivrig Komodo-drage som elsker å spille ping-pong. Musikkvideo med Audun Kvitland Røstad, som følger opp etter den indonesiske berømmelse han fikk med sangen "Nasi Padang".
About an eager but short-handed Komodo Dragon who loves to play Ping-Pong. Music video with Audun Kvitland Røstad, following up on his Indonesian fame won with the song 'Nasi Padang'.
Animation: Daniel Bansal Dahn | Music: Kvitland
Production, Contact: Ambolt Audio - Audun Kvitland Røstad |
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