Ever since the inception of our Nordic Competition 15 years ago, Minimalen has had the pleasure of following the Nordic short film scene closely. Of the five Nordic Countries, Finland stands out with prominence in the realm of artistic ingenuety, with an ever growing list of talents bursting with explorative energy and reckless imagination. We are pleased to present a two part retrospective of the very source of it all, AV-arkki: AV-arkki, the Centre for Finnish Media Art, has been a pioneering distributor of Finnish media art over three decades and has opened up opportunities for artists to get their works recognized internationally. The activities of AV-arkki have contributed to the success that Finnish media art enjoys today. These activities are unique in both Finland and the other Nordic countries. Although AV-arkki was established by video artists in 1989, its archive extends even longer in the history of the Finnish experimental film, video art, and artists’ moving image. The oldest films are from the early 1960s while the newest are from 2022.

Curated by Tytti Rantanen, AV-arkki
Print & Text Source & Contact: AV-arkki – Tytti Rantanen e:



NOVA 4 - LØR | SAT 13:00

The first screening is a chronological dive into the depths of the archive, picking something from each decade: beloved classics like Eino Ruutsalo’s The Jump (1965) or Erkka Nissinen’s Vantaa (2008), but also rare gems like Mervi Kytösalmi-Buhl’s enigmatic Sinisukka 1948 (1984), Rosa Liksom’s travelogue Dyve In (1990) or Saila Puranen’s 00:01 (1991), a gloomy study on what doomscrolling looked like before there were smartphones. Pasi Myllymäki’s Sleeping (1979) was an influential short film in the spirit of punk rock during an otherwise sleepy era in the Finnish experimental film scene. The screening also includes the esoteric video ritual Hexual Spellings (2015) by Timo Vaittinen, the Fluxus event score performance Passing Music for a Tree (2018) by renowned lens-based artist Elina Brotherus, and HNV Collective’s pensive take on the history of radioactive jewelry, Atomic (2020).

FIN 2021 | Fic.Ani.Exp | 4 min.
Director: Eino Ruutsalo


Holdt fast i mekaniseringens grep, utfører en liten mann ustanselig monotone serier av bevegelser. Verden er tom for menneskelighet og varme.

Clutched in the grasp of mechanization, a little man incessantly performs monotonous series of movements. The world is a void of humanity and warmth.

Script, Camera, Editing: Eino Ruutsalo

Production: Eino Ruutsalo

FIN 1979 | Exp.Ani. | 2 min.
Director: Pasi Myllymäki


Den ansiktsløse opprørerens krigserklæring og "et oppløftende stikk til finsk amatørfilm".

The faceless rebel's declaration of war and 'a rousing stab into the gunky eye of Finnish amateur cinema'.

Script, Editing: Pasi Myllymäki | Camera: Risto Laakkonen

Production: Pasi Myllymäki

DEU 1984 | Exp. | 6 min.
Director: Mervi Kytösalmi-Buhl (FIN, DEU)


Et barns hender leker med en liten øgle. En kvinnes fingre er maskert som blå strømper. Først kjærtegner de tykt mørkt hår. Deretter utfører blåstrømpene en mystisk koreografi på et forstørrelsesglass.

A child’s hands play with a small lizard. A woman’s fingers are masked as blue stockings. First, they caress thick dark hair. Then the blue stockings perform a mysterious choreography on a looking glass.

Script: Mervi Deylitz-Kytösalmi | Camera: Manfred Buhl | Editing: Ivo Andreew

Production: Mervi Deylitz-Kytösalmi

FIN 1990 | Exp.Fic. | 6 min.
Director: Rosa Liksom


En ung mann i badekaret reiser til Kina, Murmansk og Paris.

A young man in his bathtub travels to China, Murmansk and Paris.

Script, Camera, Editing: Rosa Liksom | Cast: Pietari Kaakkomäki

Production: Rosa Liksom

FIN 1991 | Exp.Doc. | 5 min.
Director: Saila Puranen


Gulfkrigen, et mediemareritt, krenker hjemmefreden. Men er avisene bare papir, og nyhetene bare blekk? Er det mulig å forstå konsekvensene og dimensjonene til disse fenomenene? Fra synsvinkelen til en hjemmevideo.

The Gulf War, a media nightmare, violates homely peace. But are the newspapers only paper, and the news only ink? Is it possible to make sense of the consequences and the dimensions of these phenomena? From the point of view of a home video.

Script, Camera, Editing: Saila Puranen

Production: Saila Puranen

FIN, NED 2008 | Exp.Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Erkka Nissinen


En musikalsk reise. Arnold Schönberg ser etter yoghurten sin – Karlheinz Stockhausen kan ha noe med det å gjøre.

A musical journey. Arnold Schönberg is looking for his yoghurt – Karlheinz Stockhausen might have something to do with it.

Script, Camera, Editing: Erkka Nissinen | Cast: Nathaniel Mellors, Erkka Nissinen

Production: Erkka Nissinen

FIN 2015 | Exp.Fic. | 5 min.
Director: Timo Vaittinen


Et selskap basert i New York på slutten av 1980-tallet leverte skreddersydde visuelle fortryllelser i form av videoproduksjoner. Trylleformularene var kraftigere når de ble spilt om natten, helst i en fullmåneperiode.

A company based in New York in the late 1980′s provided custom made visual spells in the form of video productions. The spells were more powerful when played at night, preferably during a full moon period.

Script, Camera, Editing: Timo Vaittinen

Production: Timo Vaittinen

FIN 2018 | Exp. | 2 min.
Director: Elina Brotherus


Etter Mieko Shiomis verk Passing Music for a Tree fra 1964: Gå forbi et tre eller la en gjenstand passere et tre, men hver gang annerledes.

After Mieko Shiomi, Passing Music for a Tree, 1964: Pass by a tree or let some object pass by a tree, but each time differently.

Script, Camera: Elina Brotherus | Editing: Lauri Astala, Elina Brotherus | Cast: Elina Brotherus, Vera Nevanlinna

Production: Elina Brotherus

FIN, LVA 2020 | Exp. | 13 min.
Director: HNV Collective


På oppdrag fra den amerikanske hæren i 1945 ble en prydstein av radioaktiv trinititt født som et biprodukt av den første atomprøvesprengningen i New Mexico. I dette lille objektet smelter total vold sammen med skjønnhet, og dyrebare, sublime og spesielle materialer sammen med menneskelig ufullstendighet.

Commissioned by the US army in 1945, an ornamental stone of radioactive Trinitite was born as a side product of the first nuclear test in New Mexico. In this small object, total violence merges with beauty, and precious, sublime and particular materials merge with human incompleteness.

Script: HNV Collective | Camera: Ernest Protasiewicz, Jonatan Sundström, HNV Collective | Editing: Ernest Protasiewicz | Cast: Saana Kujala, Anni Harjunpää, Venla Leino, Erik Brücken, Vilma Nikkarinen Jouni Heino

Production: HNV Collective



FINNISH ART 2: AV-ARKKI NOW (Total: 61 min.)
NOVA 4 - SØN | SUN 12:00

The second screening is a showcase of the youngest generations of AV-arkki’s artists, most of them millennials. The short films and videos look at both queer histories and futures (Elian Mikkola’s Via Karelia, 2021 and Jade Kallio’s and Remi Vesala’s Magma, 2020) or imagine the post-apocalyptical poetics like Nastja Säde Rönkkö’s Iceland (Nighttime) (2019). Anni Puolakka’s From the Heart (2021) and Maija Tammi’s The Problem of the Hydra (2020) both give the floor to very small creatures of other species, but while the former is a comedy with tragic nuances, the latter is a scientific essay film.

FIN, CAN 2021 | Exp.Doc. | 13 min.
Director: Elian Mikkola


Hvordan blir traumer ført videre fra en generasjon til en annen, og er det en måte å stoppe syklusen på? En families reise tilbake til en landsby som ligger i det gamle Karelen, nå en del av Russland.

How does trauma get carried on from one generation to another, and is there a way to stop the cycle? A family's journey back to a village located in the old Karelia, now a part of Russia.

Script, Editing: Elian Mikkola | Camera: Tuomas Mikkola, Valtteri Mikkola, Elian Mikkola

Production: Elian Mikkola

FIN 2019 | Exp.Fic. | 6 min.
Director: Nastja Säde Rönkkö


Med utgangspunkt i et dikt skrevet av kunstneren utforskes det kollektive tankesettet av angst og håp i den episke men tidvis post-apokalyptisk utseende islandske naturen. Om følelsen av at vi er nær slutten av verden slik vi kjenner den.

Taking its starting point from a poem written by the artist, the collective mindset of anxiety and hope is explored in the epic but sometimes post-apocalyptic-looking Icelandic nature. About the sensibility that we are close to the end of the world as we know it.

Script: Nastja Säde Rönkkö | Editing: Heli Kota, Rosaliina Paavilainen, Nastja Säde Rönkkö | Cast: Rosaliina Paavilainen, Nastja Säde Rönkkö

Production: Nastja Säde Rönkkö

FIN 2020 | Exp.Fic.| 17 min.
Director: Jade Kallio, Remi Vesala


Magma er en balsam for å lindre jordiske smerter, et minne om verdener som ennå ikke er påtenkt. Å puste ut er det minste mulige ritualet, et som har med hukommelse å gjøre: en gammel verden, en lavalampe, lukten av gass, en hengende boble; et offer som er slutten på alt offer.

Magma is a balm for soothing terrestrial aches, a memento of worlds not yet imagined. To exhale is the smallest possible ritual, one that has to do with memory: an old world, a lava lamp, the smell of gas, a suspended bubble; a sacrifice that is the end of all sacrifice.

Script: Remi Vesala, Jade Kallio | Camera, Editing, Music: Jade Kallio | Cast: Jade Kallio, Remi Vesala

Production: Jade Kallio & Remi Vesala

FIN, NED 2021 | Exp. | 14 min.
Director: Anni Puolakka


Inne i et sovende menneske kommuniserer Toksoplasmose. Parasitten forteller historier om sin reise til hjertet og et fatalt møte med et foster. Innholdsadvarsel: spontanabort.

Inside a sleeping human, Toxoplasma Gondii communicates. The parasite tells stories about its journey to the heart and a fatal encounter with a fetus. Content warning: miscarriage.

Camera: Iris Kärkkäinen | Editing: Anni Puolakka | Cast: Eija Vilpas, Camille Auer

Production: Anni Puolakka

FIN 2020 | Exp.Doc. | 10 min.
Director: Maija Tammi


Om de praktiske og metafysiske problemene en liten ferskvannspolypp, kjent som Hydra, har forårsaket siden 1700-tallet og frem til i dag. I motsetning til de fleste dyr, eldes ikke Hydra vulgaris – i det hele tatt.

About the practical and metaphysical problems a small fresh-water polyp, known as Hydra, has caused since the 1700s to the present day. Contrary to most animals, Hydra vulgaris does not age – at all.

Script, Camera, Editing: Maija Tammi | Cast: Ava Grayson

Production: Maija Tammi

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