RAMSAY 1: THE SHORTS ramsay 2: ratcatcher ramsay 3: morvern callar
ramsay 4: we need to talk about kevin ramsay 5:you were never really here


«Lynne is making films in her head all the time. She is one of those rare directors
who creates the kind of films that just would not be there if she didn’t make them.»
Tilda Swinton om Lynne Ramsay

Lynne Ramsay
(Photo: Brigitte Lacome
for Doha Film Institute)

The Scottish filmmaker Lynne Ramsay (b. 1969) has made a solid name for herself with her wayward form of film narrative in the field of poetic social realism. Our retrospective spans the period 1995–2019, and presents all of Lynne Ramsay's shorts and features so far in her career. This year she is in focus for the Short Film Studies Symposium, so the five short films lead to a broader treatment there, while the four feature films are screened in collaboration with Cinemateket Trondheim.

With a background as a photographer, she applied to the cinematography course at the National Film and Television School, but soon discovered that the cinematographer had little of that interaction with actors in the shooting situation that she enjoyed so much being a photographer. She persuaded the school to let her make her own film, Small Deaths (1995), which just as well went and won the award for best short film at Cannes.

The next two shorts, Kill the Day (1996) and Gasman (1997), also had great success in Clermont-Ferrand and Cannes. Childhood and adolescence in partly dysfunctional families in Scottish working class environments are portrayed both beautifully and painfully, but unlike in the established social realist school of British naturalism (cf. Ken Loach, Mike Leigh) the inner life of the characters is central. Cinematically beautiful moments coupled with a somewhat fragmentary narrative style challenges the spectator to take part by filling in the blanks, and elevates the film experience to a higher level. The feature film debut Ratcatcher (1999) incorporates many of these qualities in a kind of impressionistic treatment of traumatic events.

Lynne Ramsay is an uncompromising filmmaker, which is probably one of the reasons why the next three feature films took almost 18 years. In the road ditch are failed projects where either the literary copyrights have suddenly been hijacked by others, or the film industry has tried to force her in undesirable directions. But the three feature films that were actually produced are rock solid - Ramsay's unique fingerprint is clearly visible even if the British environment is replaced by an American middle-class suburb or New York's underworld. The two short films produced during this period, Swimmer (2012) and Brigitte (2019), were both commissioned - but with their visually refined black and white style complete the picture of the filmmaker as a perfect film poet for our time.


Cine - TOR | THUR 17:00
Nova 2 - LØR | SAT 17:00

GBR 1995 | Fic. | 11 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


Basert på personlige minner og opplevelser fra barndommen, iscenesatt i og rundt et boligkompleks i Glasgow. Et triptyk av øyeblikk av refleksjon og skuffelser i en jentes barndom og ungdomstid.

Based on personal memories and experiences of childhood, set in and around a Glasgow housing scheme. A triptych of moments of reflection and loss in one girl's childhood and adolescence.

Script: Lynne Ramsay | Camera: Alwin H. Küchler, Lynne Ramsay | Editing: Lucia Zucchetti | Cast: Lynne Ramsay Jr, Genna Gillan, Anne McLean, Jodie McCartney, James Ramsay, Anne-Marie Kennedy

Production: National Film and Television School - James De Paor

GBR 1996 | Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


En tidligere rusavhengig reflekterer over livet sitt inn og ut av fengselet.

An ex-drug addict reflects on his life in and out of prison.

Script: Lynne Ramsay | Camera: Alwin H. Küchler, Thomas Townend | Editing: Lucia Zucchetti | Cast: James Ramsay

Production: Holy Cow Films - Gavin Emerson
Print: British Film Institute, e: bookings.films@bfi.org.uk

GBR 1997 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


Om to barn som reagerer med naive og enkle følelser på en situasjon som påtvinges gjennom farens hemmelighet.

The story of two children reacting with naive, simple emotions to a situation imposed upon them by their father's secret.

Script: Lynne Ramsay, Harold Manning | Camera: Alwin H. Küchler | Editing: Lucia Zucchetti | Cast: James Ramsay, Martin Anderson, Robert McEwan, Jackie Quinn, Lisa Taylor, Lynne Ramsay

Production: Holy Cow Films - Gavin Emerson
Print: National Library of Scotland - Moving Image Archive, e: kelvinhall@nls.uk

GBR 2012 | Fic. | 17 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


En poetisk reise gjennom vannveiene og langs kysten av de britiske øyer, i følge med en enslig svømmer gjennom innsjøer, elver og bukter, til et soundtrack av banebrytende britisk popmusikk.

A poetic journey through the waterways and along the coastline of the British Isles, following a lone swimmer through lakes, rivers and coves, framed by a soundtrack of seminal British pop music. Commissioned by the 2012 London Olympic Games.

Script: Lynne Ramsay | Camera: Natasha Braier | Editing: Adam Biskupski | Cast: Tom Litten

Production: Warp Films - Peter Carlton, Diarmid Scrimshaw
Print: Warp Films, e: admin@warpfilms.com

GBR, ITA 2019 | Doc. | 30 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


En hydraulisk fabrikk i London er åsted for en spesiell produksjon. Den anerkjente portrettfotografen Brigitte Lacombe er gjenstand for et dokumentarportrett. Mens hun åpenhjertig diskuterer livet og ideene sine med filmskaperen, får vi innblikk i Brigittes intime arbeidsprosess.

A hydraulic factory in London is the site for a special kind of production. Renowned portrait photographer, Brigitte Lacombe, is having her own documentary portrait made about her. While she candidly discusses her life and ideas with the filmmaker, we see Brigitte’s intimate process at work.

Script: Lynne Ramsay | Camera: Thomas Townend | Editing: Adam Biskupski | Cast: Brigitte Lacombe, Marian Lacombe

Production: Hi Production - Tom Gardner
Print: Miu Miu - Chiara Calzavara, e: chiara.calzavara@miumiu.com

Til topps

LYNNE RAMSAY 2: (Total: 94 min.)
Cine - LØR | SAT 19:00

GBR 1999 | Fic. | 94 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


I Lynne Ramsays spillefilmdebut møter vi 12-åringen gamle James og hans familie, som bor i en liten leilighet i Glasgows fattigste strøk. Året er 1973 og det er søppelstreik. James sliter med skyldfølelse etter at hans beste venn druknet, og han føler at familiens ulykkelige situasjon er hans feil. Filmen utforsker den unge guttens følelse av isolasjon og angst, samtidig som den skildrer hans hemmelige vennskap med en 14 år gammel jente.

In Lynne Ramsay’s debut feature, we meet 12 year old James and his family, who live in a small flat in Glasgow’s poorest neighborhood. It’s 1973 and a garbage strike is on. James struggles with guilt since his best friend’s death by drowning, and he feels that his family’s misfortunes are his fault. The film explores the young boy’s feelings of isolation and anxiety, as well as depicting his secret friendship with a 14 year old girl.

Script: Lynne Ramsay | Camera: Alwin H. Küchler | Editing: Lucia Zucchetti | Cast: William Eadie, Michelle Stewart, Tommy Flanagan, Mandy Matthews, a.o.

Production: Pathé Pictures International - Gavin Emerson
Print: The Norwegian Federation of Film Societies

Til topps

LYNNE RAMSAY 3: (Total: 97 min.)
Cine - LØR | SAT 21:00

GBR 2002 | Fic. | 97 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


Like før julaften finner Morvern Callar kjæresten sin på gulvet i stuen. Han har tatt sitt eget liv uten annen grunn enn at «det virket som en naturlig ting å gjøre». Hun finner en roman kjæresten har lagt igjen på PCen sin, som han gjerne vil ha hennes hjelp til å gi ut post mortem. I stedet bestemmer Morvern seg for å publisere den i eget navn.

Morvern Callar finds her boyfriend on the living room floor, just before Christmas. He has taken his own life, without any other reason than that 'it seemed like a natural thing to do'. She finds a novel her boyfriend has left on his computer, with a request for help to get it published posthumously. Instead, Morvern decides to publish it under her own name.

Script: Lynne Ramsay, Liana Dognini | Camera: Alwin H. Küchler | Editing: Lucia Zucchetti | Cast: Samantha Morton, Kathleen McDermott, Dan Cadan, Carolyn Calder

Production: Alliance Atlantis Motion Picture Production - George Faber, Charles Pattinson, Robyn Slovo
Print: The Norwegian Federation of Film Societies

Til topps

LYNNE RAMSAY 4: (Total: 112 min.)
Cine - SØN | SUN 17:00

GBR 2011 | Fic. | 112 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


Evas karriere som reisejournalist settes på vent når hun blir mamma til Kevin. Men forholdet mellom mor og sønn er vanskelig, uansett hvilken alder han er i. Når Kevin dreper flere elever på skolen, kaster det Eva ut i et kaos av følelser. Med et assosiativt billedspråk og en kompleks struktur bygger Lynne Ramsay opp en nesten uutholdelig spenning fra første sekund.

Eva’s travel journalism career is put on hold when she becomes a mother. But the relationship with her son Kevin is difficult, no matter what age he is. When Kevin kills several pupils at his school, Eva plummets into a chaos of emotions. Using associative imagery and a complex structure, Lynne Ramsay builds an almost unbearable tension from the first moment.

Script: Lynne Ramsay, Rory Stewart Kinnear | Camera: Seamus McGarvey | Editing: Joe Bini | Cast: Tilda Swinton, John C. Reilly, Ezra Miller

Production: Independent - Jennifer Fox, Luc Roeg, Robert Salerno
Print: Park Circus

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LYNNE RAMSAY 5: (Total: 89 min.)
Cine - SØN | SUN 20:00

USA 2017 | Fic. | 89 min.
Director: Lynne Ramsay


En tenåringspike er meldt savnet. Faren, en profilert politiker, får høre om en mann som kan hjelpe ham å finne datteren. Joe er en brutal og traumatisert krigsveteran, så avstumpet at vold knapt nok betyr noe for ham. Joe starter etterforskningen og ledes snart inn i en mørk underverden gjennomsyret av korrupsjon, og hans behov for hevn intensiveres i takt med avsløringene han gjør.

A teenage girl is reported missing. Her father, a high profile politician, hears of a man that can help him find her. Joe is a brutal and traumatized war veteran, so numbed that violence barely means anything to him. He starts to investigate, and soon he finds his way into a dark underworld filled with corruption. His need for revenge intensifies with each discovery he makes.

Script: Lynne Ramsay | Camera: Thomas Townend | Editing: Joe Bini | Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Judith Roberts, Ekaterina Samsonov

Production: Why Not Productions - Rosa Attab, Pascal Caucheteux, Rebecca O’Brien, Lynne Ramsay, James Wilson
Print: Norsk Filmdistribusjon

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