filmvisning | screening seminar | TALK

Minimalen presents, in cooperation with Midtnorsk Filmsenter



The short documentary is an increasingly  popular format, both in the festival scene and digitally. The format has a lot of opportunities for exploration, and more room for innovative and artistic choices, which will often lead to unusual, provocative and marvelous short documentaries. Through world-renowned digital platforms filmmakers can reach a large audience worldwide. Here we present a selection of recent films, all nominated for European Film Awards (EFA).

Kortdok.: Filmvisning (Total: 79 min.)
Short Docs: Screening

CHE 2019 | Doc. | 18 min.
Director: Lasse Linder


Christian bor sammen med sine to katter Marmelade og Katjuscha. Siden han lengter etter å bli far, bestemmer han seg for å befrukte sin elskede katt Marmelade med en utsøkt hannkatt fra utlandet.

Christian lives with his two cats Marmelade and Katjuscha. As he yearns to become a father, he decides to fertilize his beloved cat Marmelade by an exquisite tomcat from abroad.

Script: Lasse Linder | Camera: Robin Angst | Editing: Michèle Flury
Production: Hochschule Luzern - Edith Flückiger

BRA, ESP 2019 | Ani. Doc. | 12 min.
Director: Camila Kater

FLESH (Carne)

Rå, medium rå, medium, medium stekt, godt stekt. Gjennom nære og personlige historier deler fem kvinner opplevelser i forhold til kroppen, fra barndom til alderdom.

Rare, medium rare, medium, medium well and well done. Through intimate and personal stories, five women share their experiences in relation to the body, from childhood to old age.

Camera: Samuel Mariani | Editing: Samuel Marianu | Animation: Camila Kater, Giovana Affonso
Production: Abano Producións - Chelo Loureiro, Doctela - Livia Perez

RKS (Kosovo) 2019 | Doc. | 14 min.
Director: Samir Karahoda


Et empatisk portrett av familier som, av økonomisk nødvendighet, må leve mesteparten av sine liv atskilt og i kulturer som ikke er deres egen.

An empathetic portrait of the families that, by economic necessity, need to live much of their lives separated, and in cultures not their own.

Script, Camera: Samir Karahoda | Editing: Enis Saraçi
Production: SK Pictures - Eroll Bilibani

AUT 2020 | Doc. | 15 min.
Director: Christoph Schwarz

(Die Beste Stadt Ist Keine Stadt)

Flere perspektiver på Wiens største byvekstområde, som deler en sentimental kritikk av vekst og en romantisk avvisning av fremgang mens vi står overfor en overhengende økologisk kollaps - hvilket virker mer troverdig for oss enn noen lykkelig slutt.

Multiple perspectives on Vienna's largest urban expansion area, sharing a sentimental criticism of growth and a romantic refusal to progress while facing imminent ecological collapse - which seems more credible to us than any happy ending.

Script, Camera, Editing: Christoph Schwarz
Production: Christoph Schwarz

RUS 2020 | Doc. | 20 min.
Director: Alex Evstigneev

THE GOLDEN BUTTONS (Золотые Пуговицы)

I 2016 opprettet Russlands president Vladimir Putin nasjonalgardene, hvis juridiske oppgave er å sikre offentlig orden og bekjempe terrorisme og ekstremisme. En film satt sammen av fragmenter av setninger, observasjoner og ansikter.

In 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin created the national guards, whose legal task is to ensure public order, the fight against terrorism and extremism. A film created from fragments of phrases, observations and faces.

Script: Alex Evstigneev | Camera: Liza Popova | Editing: Sasha Gusarova
Production: Alex Kozmenko

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Kortdok: Seminar | Short Docs: Talk (Total: 90 min.)

Fredag | Friday 13:30



Minimalen is a partner in Midtnorsk Filmsenter’s project Short documentaries on international digital platforms, aimed at professional directors and producers in Trøndelag. Throughout 2019 and 2020, fourteen filmmakers from our region took part in the project, attending workshops with experts like Eloise King (Vice), Lindsay Poulton (The Guardian), Lindsay Crouse (NYT Op-Docs) and Sarah Mosses (Together Films). They also pitched at Trondheim Documentary Festival and met with festival programmers and distributors.

In this talk, which is an extension of the program, we will meet commissioning editor Jonas Brenna from Aftenposten and several filmmakers who will share their experiences of launching their film digitally. What are the advantages and drawbacks and which possibilities exist when it comes to distributing short films on digital platforms? The talk is led by Line Halvorsen from Midtnorsk Filmsenter.

The project is supported by Kulturrådet and produced by Midtnorsk Filmsenter in cooperation with Minimalen, Cinemateket Trondheim and Trondheim Documentary Festival.


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