INT is Minimalen’s International Competition for shorts from all over the world except the Nordic countries (the Nordic and Norwegian films compete in the NOR section). 38 of the best new shorts worldwide have been selected and are to be presented in six programmes. The Award Ceremony is due Sunday.


• Best International Film One film is awarded by the INT Award Jury and presented with The Minimalen
Trophy and EUR 1 000 given by Minimalen.

• Audience Award The audience vote for their favourite INT film, and the winner is awarded EUR 500 given by Minimalen.

• The Raskin Spirit Festival Award The trophy is awarded to a compact, poetic short film that makes use of its visual and auditory possibilities in an imaginative way, and has its own optimal form. Selected from INT or NOR by the festival.



JERRY CARLSSON (SWE) – director, screenwriter and producer. A film graduate from Valand Academy at the University of Gothenburg, and co-founder of the production company Verket Produktion. His award-winning short films have screened at international film festivals such as Venice, Locarno, Tribeca and Clermont-Ferrand, as well as at Minimalen.

ANGIE DRISCOLL (CAN) – festival programmer for more than 15 years for Toronto IFF, Worldwide SFF, Hot Docs IFF, Aspen Shortsfest, Sundance FF, Nordisk Panorama, and many others. She has curated for Babelgum (IRL), has been a consultant for Sundance FF, Reel Canada and the Prism Prize, and is currently Senior Shorts and Senior International programmer for Hot Docs, a consultant for the Athena Film Festival and Midtnorsk Filmsenter, and a writer for international sales agent Magnetfilm and the online magazine Cinema Scandinavia.

JONAS BRENNA (NOR) – producer and head of acquisitions for video and film at Aftenposten, Norway’s largest printed newspaper. Among other things, responsible for the only non-linear ’gullruten’ ever and a historic Norwegian Oscar shortlisting. Picky and cheeky chatterbox in Aftenposten’s podcast covering TV-series, and angry writer in the Saturday edition of Aftenposten.


Award sponsor:

Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music


INT 1 (Total: 87 min.)

IRN 2020 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Ali Asgari


En mor hjelper en eldre kvinne på et kjøpesenter i Tehran. En tragedie oppstår, noe som får henne til å innse at handlingene hennes har konsekvenser.

A mother helps an elderly woman in a shopping mall in Tehran. A tragedy occurs, brutally confronting her with the impact of her actions.

Script: Ali Asgari, Farnoosh Samadi | Camera: Hamed Hosseini | Editing: Ehsan Vaseghi | Cast: Anahita Afshar, Nasrin Kourdi, Selena Moradi
Production: François Morisset, Laura Jumel
Contact: Francois Morisset, e:

CAN 2019 | Fic. | 17 min.
Director: Marianne Métivier

SHE WHO WEARS THE RAIN (Celle qui porte la pluie)

Agnes bestemmer seg å flykte til et pensjonat i skogen etter et vanskelig besøk hos sin døende far. Hun må konfrontere sin egen sorg i en verden som bølger mellom virkelighet og drøm.

After a difficult visit to her dying father, Agnes decides to escape to a pension in the forest. Immersed in a world that wavers between reality and dream, she will have to confront her mourning.

Script: Marianne Métivier | Camera: Ariel Méthot | Editing : Amélie Hardy | Cast: Gabriel Arcand, Amaryllis Tremblay
Production: Clara L'Heureux-Garcia, Émile Lavoie
Contact: Jason Todd, e:

CHE 2019 | Ani.Exp. | 7 min.
Director: Maja Gehrig


Statistiske diagrammer fra en PowerPoint-presentasjon rømmer fra koordinatenes tvangstrøye. En reise inn i en sensuell verden begynner. Kakediagrammer smelter, piler bøyer seg, søylediagrammer og aksjekurver møtes i et kollektivt klimaks.

During a PowerPoint presentation, statistical diagrams are breaking free from the strait-jacket of their coordinates. A trip into the sensual world of statistics begins. Pie charts are melting, arrow diagrams twisting, scatter plots, bar graphs and stock market curves join in a collective climax.

Script, Camera, Animation: Maja Gehrig
Production: Olivier Zobrist - Langfilm, Bernard Lang AG, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e:

AUT 2019 | Ani. | 6 min.
Director: Kathrin Steinbacher


Skiftende mellom indre og ytre perspektiv, fantasi og virkelighet, joie de vivre og frykt for tap, entrer filmen en eldre dement kvinnes perseptuelle verden. En bisarr tur gjennom ustødig terreng som visualiserer hvordan det er å være i Hedis sko.

Oscillating between interior and exterior perspectives, imagination and reality, joie de vivre and fear of loss, the film enters the perceptual world of an elderly woman with dementia. A bizarre hike through unstable terrain, which visualizes how it feels to be in Hedi’s shoes.

Script, Animation: Kathrin Steinbacher
Production: Royal College Of Art
Contact: Gerald Weber, e:

AZE 2020 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Teymur Hajiyev


Et par er på vei gjennom trafikken til et familieselskap utenfor byen. For dem er ikke den fysiske nærheten i bilen det samme som åndelig nærhet. Uenighet om en filleting fører til et uventet stopp, som igjen resulterer i en uventet men likevel forutsigbar oppdagelse.

A couple is making their way through traffic, heading to a family event outside the city. For them, physical proximity in a car doesn’t at all mean spiritual closeness. Disagreement over a mundane issue leads them to make an unplanned stop, which in turn entails an unexpected yet predictable discovery.

Script: Teymur Hajiyev | Camera: Evgeny Rodin | Editing: Teymur Hajiyev, Rinat Bekchintayev | Cast: Leyla Madatkhanova, Teymur Hajiyev, Gultakin Aghayeva, Oktay Mirzayev
Production: Teymur Hajiyev, Kamran Aydinov
Contact: Teymur Hajiyev, e:

IRL 2020 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: James Fitzgerald


Når en ung jente forsvinner i en liten by må en plaget fisker konfrontere fortiden som ødela familien hans.

When a young girl goes missing in a small town, a troubled fisherman is forced to confront the past that destroyed his family.

Script: James Fitzgerald | Camera: Colm Hogan | Cast: Darren Cahill
Production: Séamus Waters
Contact: Mick Hannigan, e:

GBR 2020 | Ani. | 10 min.
Director: Stephen Irwin


Langt inne i skogen møter en jeger et merkelig vesen han ikke kan drepe.

Deep in the forest, a hunter encounters a strange creature he cannot kill.

Script, Animation: Stephen Irwin
Production: Stephen Irwin
Contact: Stephen Irwin, e:

Til topps

INT 2 (Total: 91 min.)

GHA 2019 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Anthony Nti


En utlending i Ghana får i oppdrag fra gjengen sin å finne barn for et farlig oppdrag som skal utføres samme kveld. Mens han tilbringer dagen sammen med to energiske barn, begynner han å stille spørsmål ved avgjørelsen og hvordan det vil påvirke livene deres.

A foreigner in Ghana gets an assignment from his gang to find kids for a risky job that will take place later that evening. While spending the day with two energetic children, he starts to question his decision and how it will affect their lives.

Script: Anthony Nti, Chingiz Karibekov | Camera: Pieter-Jan Claessens | Editing: Frederik Vandewalle | Cast: Prince Agortey, Matilda Enchill, Goua Grovogui
Production: Caviar Film - Dimitri Verbeeck, Rondini - Chingiz Karibekov & Anthony Nti, RITCS
Contact: Francois Morisset, e:

CAN 2020 | Doc. | 15 min.
Director: Hervé Demers

ONCE THE DUST HAS SETTLED (Une fois la poussière retombée)

Den kanadiske byen Asbestos var en en gang hjem til den største gruven av sitt slag i verden. I dag er det åpne dagbruddet som byen er bygd opp rundt bare en konstant påminnelse om en ikke så fjern industriell fortid. Filmen gir stemme til dagens innbyggere i Asbestos, og deres tanker om arbeid, forandring og tilhørighet.

A Canadian town called Asbestos was once home to the largest mine of its kind in the world. Today, the open-pit mine around which the city is established only acts as a constant reminder of a not-so-distant industrial past. This film gives a voice to the current residents of Asbestos, delving into their thoughts on work, change and belonging.

Script: Hervé Demers | Camera: Hong An Nguyen | Editing: Hervé Demers
Production: Hervé Demers
Contact: Pierre Brouillette-Hamelin, e:

EST 2019 | Ani. | 18 min.
Director: Chintis Lundgren

(Toomas teispool metsikute huntide orgu)

Etter at han mister sin godt betalte ingeniørjobb tvinges den unge og pene ulven Toomas til å jobbe som gigolo for å forsørge familien sin. Han holder dette hemmelig for sin gravide kone Viivi. Viivi har også en hemmelighet: hun deltar på et feministisk seminar som involverer mannlige slaver.

After losing a well paid engineering job, Toomas, a young hot wolf, gets cornered into working as a gigolo to support his family. He is keeping it as a secret from his pregnant wife Viivi. Viivi also has a secret: she is attending a female empowerment seminar involving male slaves.

Script, Editing: Chintis Lundgren, Draško Ivezic | Cast: Chintis Lundgren, Draško Ivezic, Leon Lucev, Lee Delong, Dražen Šivak
Production: Chintis Lundgreni Animatsioonistuudio, Adriatic Animation, Miyu Productions
Contact: Luce Grosjean, e:

COL 2020 | Doc. | 15 min.
Director: Theo Montoya


I august 2017 plukket jeg ut Camilo Najar, kjent som Son of Sodom på sosiale media, til å være hovedpersonen i min første spillefilm. Castingen dreiet seg om livet hans, seksualiteten hans, fremtiden han så for seg selv, og dop. En uke senere, 21 år gammel, døde han av en overdose heroin. Hvem var Son of Sodom?

In August 2017, I chose Camilo Najar, known as Son of Sodom in social networks, to be the main character of my first feature film. That casting delved around his life, his sexuality, the future he saw for himself and drugs. A week later, aged 21, he died from a heroin overdose. Who was Son of Sodom?

Script, Camera: Theo Montoya | Editing: Mario Durrieu | Cast: Theo Montoya (narrator)
Production: Juan Pablo Castrillón
Contact: Andrés Suárez, e:

VNM, LAO 2020 | Fic. | 23 min.
Director: Phạm Ngọc Lân

THE UNSEEN RIVER (Giòng sông không nhìn thấy)

Historier som fortelles langs elven: en kvinne gjenforenes med sin eks-elsker ved et vannkraftverk; imens reiser en ung mann ned langs strømmen til et tempel for å finne en kur mot søvnløshet.

Stories told along the river: a woman reunites with her ex-lover at a hydroelectric plant; meanwhile, a young man travels downstream to a temple in search of a cure for his insomnia.

Script: Phạm Ngọc Lân | Camera: Pham Quang Minh, Nguyen Vinh Phúc | Cast: Naomi, Wean
Production: Ngô Ðài Trang, Pham Ngoc Lan
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e:

Til topps

INT 3 (Total: 92 min.)

FRA 2019 | Ani. | 3 min.
Director: Nicolas Deveaux

ATHLETICUS: SLED (Athleticus: Luge)

Arbeidsdagen er over for bobsledebestyrerne. Noe som betyr at det er tid for fest, og å trykke innpå med fisk.

End of the day for the bobsleigh managers. Which means it’s time to party, and to stuff yourself with fish.

Script: Nicolas Deveaux, Grégory Baranès | Animation: Nicolas Cevrero, Guillaume Deparis, Marie Dollet, Tristan Domenjus, Zahi El Habach, Mélanie Pango, Pauline Raffin, Louis Renard, Marion Vinardi, Guillaume Aussenac, Anthony Bouvier
Production: Lionel Fages, Majid Loukil, Bruno Le Levier
Contact: Autour de Minuit, e:

LTU 2020 | Fic. | 11 min.
Director: Ieva Sakalyte

BECOMING ANIMAL (Virstant žvėrim)

Juste er frivillig ved en elektronisk musikkfestival midt i skogen. Alt er fint og flott til en sint gjeng forstyrrer begivenheten. Når hun blir siktemålet deres og hun forstår at det er ingen hjelp å få, tar Juste saken i egne hender.

Juste volunteers at the electronic music festival in the middle of the woods. Everything seems to be nice and fun until an angry gang disrupts the event. Becoming their target and realizing there is no one to help her, Juste decides to take action herself.

Script: Ieva Sakalyte | Camera: Martynas Norvaisas | Cast: Karolina Kildaite, Dziugas Gvozdzinskas, Oskaras Vygonovskis, Roberta Sirgedaite, Greta Petrovskyte
Production: Kristina Ramanauskaite
Contact: Ieva Sakalyte, e:

DEU 2019 | Exp. | 12 min.
Director: Marion Kellmann


En montasje av scener fra ulike europeiske stumfilmer. Basert på lignende settinger og gestikuleringer, utforsker filmen stereotypen rundt kvinner på randen av sammenbrudd, som fanger i en kontinuerlig syklus av symptomer, diagnose og behandling.

A montage of scenes from various European silent films. Based on similar settings and gestures, the film explores the stereotype of women on the verge of insanity, as captives in a continuous cycle of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Script, Editing: Marion Kellmann
Production: Marion Kellmann
Contact: Marion Kellmann, e:

RUS 2019 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Anton Sazonov


I Russland har undertrykt maskulinitet ført til en følelse av ufullkommenhet. Menn føler at landet avviser dem, noe som har ledet til en drastisk nedgang i menns forventede levealder.

In Russia, suppressed masculinity has led to a feeling of unfulfillment. Men feel that the country rejects them, leading to a drastic decline in male life expectancy.

Script: Anton Sazonov | Camera: Aydar Sharipov | Editing: Vadim Crasnitsky, Anton Sazonov, Ilya Lyamshev | Cast: Andrius Darela, Alexander Zotov, Daria Rumyantseva, Ion Doze
Production: Spot Production - Mikhail Marizov, Ekaterina Telegina, Anton Sazonov, Vadim Byrkin, Anastasia Pelevina, Jelena Iljushenok
Contact: Valeria Motorueva, e:

CAN 2019 | Doc. | 18 min.
Director: Halima Ouardiri


Dyrenes brune, beige, hvite og svarte pels blander seg med okeraktig jord og solstekte vegger. Etter hvitetimens stillhet bryter en overdøvende kakofoni ut ved spisetid. I et løshundherberge i Agadir, Marokko, finner over 750 dyr hjelp og beskyttelse mens de venter på adopsjon. Hver dag er den samme som den forrige, der den eneste spenningen er spisetid.

The animals’ brown, beige, white and black coats blend into the ochre earth and sunbaked walls. After the calm of rest hour, a deafening cacophony breaks out at feeding time. In a stray-dog refuge in Agadir, Morocco, more than 750 animals find help and protection while awaiting adoption. Each day is the same as the last, the only excitement provided by mealtime.

Script: Halima Ouardiri | Camera: Anna Cooley | Editing: Xi Feng
Production: Halima Ouardiri
Contact: Serge Abiaad, e:

GBR 2020 | Ani. | 11 min.
Director: Gabriel Böhmer


Bartholomew Whisper var hos legen i dag. Der møtte han noen administratorer med sans for eksperimentell kirurgi, og noen ensomme MRI-maskiner. I det minste var det voksende hullet i hodet hans i ferd med å bli ganske vakkert.

Bartholomew Whisper went to the doctor today. There he met some administrators keen on experimental surgery, and some lonely MRI machines. At least the growing hole in his head was becoming quite beautiful.

Script, Animation: Gabriel Böhmer | | Cast: Michael Paoli (voice)
Production: Rational Vagabund Film - Samantha Monk
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e:

FRA 2020 | Fic. | 25 min.
Director: Yohann Gloaguen

PARADE (Cortège)

Leo er i 20-årene. Familien hans døde i en tragedie, men han har fortsatt kameratene sine. Sammen tilbringer de dagene med å sone ut, stundom rane supermarked, og kveldene til drikking og røyking. Men det demper ikke Leos desperate raseri, idet han står opp hver morgen uten å vite om han vil se dagens ende.

Leo's in his 20s. His family died in a tragedy, but he still has his buddies. Together, they spend their days zoning out, occasionally robbing supermarkets, and their evenings drinking and smoking. But that doesn't appease Leo's desperate rage, as he gets up every morning without knowing if he'll see the end of the day.

Script: Yohann Gloaguen | Camera: Yoann Suberviolle | Editing: Thomas Vanhatalo, Alexis Courtois | Cast: Antoine Grenier, Marley Duboscq, Antoine Guth
Production: Bobi Lux - Claire Bonnefoy
Contact: Jim Martín, e:

Til topps

INT 4 (Total: 90 min.)

COL 2020 | Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Sebastián Valencia Muñoz


Med håp om ny jobb slår en familie med omvandrende bønder seg ned i El Remanso, et landsted i ruiner hvor sporene av en forferdelig fortid er synlige. I deres første natt i huset, midt i en atmosfære full av vold, venter familien nervøst på daggryets forventede fred.

Hoping for a new job, a family of wandering peasants settles in El Remanso, a country house in ruins where the tracks of an atrocious past are visible. In their first night at the house, in the middle of an atmosphere full of violence, the family anxiously waits for the coming peace of dawn.

Script: Sebastián Valencia Muñoz | Camera: Mauricio Vidal | Editing: Rodrigo Ramos Estrada | Cast: Martha Isabel Álvarez, Helder de Jesús Carmona, Yesica Dayana Grisales
Production: Sebastián Valencia Muñoz, Juan Pablo Bedoya, Rodrigo Ramos Estrada
Contact: Lights On, e:

RUS 2019 | Doc.Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Anna Fokin


Barn forbereder seg på krig, forbereder seg på å drepe. For noen er det bare leker, men for andre er det ødelagte skjebner. Og overalt er de leker i voksnes hender.

Children are preparing for a war, preparing to kill. For some, it`s just toys, but for others, it is broken fates. And everywhere, they are the toys in the adults' hands.

Script: Anna Fokin
Production: Anna Fokin
Contact: Anna Fokin, e:

RUS 2019 | Fic. | 11 min.
Director: Nathalia Konchalovsky


Mosvka, 9. mai. Byen feirer minnedagen for enden av andre verdenskrig. Men Sasha finner ikke fred.

Moscow, the 9th of May. The city is celebrating the commemoration of the end of World War II. Yet Sasha can’t find peace.

Script, Editing: Nathalia Konchalovsky | Camera: Maria Falileeva | Cast: Manana Totibadze, Yaroslava Popova, Andrey Piskarev, Kseniya Novikova
Production: Nathalia Konchalovsky
Contact: Valeria Motorueva, e:

FRA 2019 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Ilias El Faris


Casablanca-stranden, Marokko. Ungdommens begjær for hverandre vokser forsiktig. En slåsskamp skaper en avledning.

Casablanca beach, Morocco. Teenagers’ desire for each other is growing discreetly. A fight creates a diversion.

Script: Ilias El Faris | Camera: Robin Fresson Editing: Léo Richard | Cast: Nisrine Benchara, Walid Weld Nass, Shakib Ben Omar, Mustapha Bamad, Yassine Would Zineb
Production: Saïd Hamich, Sophie Penson
Contact: Shortcuts Distribution, e:

DEU 2020 | Ani.Doc. | 12 min.
Director: Victor Orozco Ramirez


For flere år siden flyttet jeg til Tyskland. Her bor jeg i et lite gammelt hus, som har umiddelbart behov for modernisering og som bare teoretisk beskytter meg mot vind, regn og kulde.

Several years ago, I immigrated to Germany. Here, I live in a small old house, which urgently needs modernization and that only theoretically protects me from wind, rain and cold.

Script: Victor Orozco Ramirez
Production: Victor Orozco Ramirez
Contact: Victor Orozco Ramirez, e:

ITA 2020 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Olga Torrico


Alice jobber på en bensinstasjon. Hun spiller ikke mer og hennes ild for musikken er begravd dypt. På en lummer sommerdag dukker hennes gamle musikklærer opp og hun begynner å lure på om hun har vært uten sitt drivstoff alt for lenge.

Alice works at a gas station. She doesn’t play anymore and she buried her fire for music deep inside. On a sultry summer day, her old music teacher shows up, and she starts wondering if she has stayed without her fuel for too long.

Script: Olga Torrico | Camera: Eleonora Contessi | Editing: Corrado Iuvara | Cast: Olga Torrico, Claudio Collovà, Gabriele Zapparata
Production: Adam Selo, Olga Torrico
Contact: Elenfant Distribution, e:

ALB, ESP 2020 | Fic. | 23 min.
Director: Lorin Terezi


En nygift kvinne bor med sin svigerfamilie mens mannen hennes jobber i nabolandet, Hellas. En dag oppdager han et lik og hele den lille byen møtes til kamp for å få nasjonal fjernsynsdekning.

A newly married woman lives with her in-laws while her husband works in the neighboring country, Greece. One day he discovers a corpse and the whole small town goes into battle to get coverage on national television.

Script: Lorin Terezi, Anila Balla | Camera: Denald Grepcka | Cast: Lena Kryeziu Bokshi, Bilbil Kasmi, Mirjana Deti Lago
Production: Anila Balla, Eduardo M Escribano Solera
Contact: Mailuki Films, e:

Til topps

INT 5 (Total: 86 min.)

DEU 2020 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Zamarin Wahdat


Når 8 år gamle Kati fra Afghanistan gjemmer seg i lastebilen hans må Faruk sjonglere sine plikter som singel pappa og sin første jobb i et nytt land. Dog forholdet deres blir sterkere, utfordrer et møte med skjult rasisme båndet mellom far og datter.

When 8 year old Kati from Afghanistan stows away in his truck, Faruk must juggle his responsibilities as a single dad and his first job in a new country. As their relationship deepens, a brush with covert racism tests the bond between a father and daughter.

Script: Zamarin Wahdat | Camera: Lorena Duran | Editing: Jennifer Ruff | Cast: Kailas Mahadevan, Lara Cengiz
Production: Joy Jorgensen, Rafael Langenscheidt
Contact: Zamarin Wahdat, e:

FRA 2020 | Ani.Doc. | 16 min.
Director: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis


Sabine ser etter et svunnet bilde: en dag som har satt sine spor for alltid og som alle husker unntatt henne. Men kanskje er dette fraværet det som tillater henne å gå videre med livet?

Sabine is looking for a missing image: a day that has left its mark forever and that everyone remembers but her. But maybe this absence is what allows her to move on with her life?

Script: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Perrine Prost
Production: Pauline Seigland, Lionel Massol, Maxence Voiseux
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e:

LUX 2020 | Doc. | 22 min.
Director: Dzhovani Gospodinov


En dokumentarisk historie om en antikk slavisk, hedensk tradisjon. I et fjellområde sørvest i Bulgaria, ved starten av hvert år, møtes de såkalte “Kukeri” for å jage vegg onde ånder.

A documentary story about an ancient slavic, pagan tradition. In the mountains of south-west of Bulgaria, at the start of every year, the so-called "Kukeri" come together to chase away evil spirits.

Script: Dzhovani Gospodinov | Cast: Vladimir Blagoev
Production: Dzhovani Gospodinov
Contact: Dzhovani Gospodinov, e:

USA 2020 | Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Federico Spiazzi, Maggie Briggs


I de amerikanske sørstatene like før presidentvalget i 2016, følger filmen en vareautomatoperatør på hans daglige, ensomme rute.

Set in the American South just before the 2016 presidential elections, the film follows a vending machine loader on his daily, lonely route.

Script: Maggie Briggs | Camera: Cedric Cheung-Lau | Editing: Federico Spiazzi Cast: Alphie Hyorth, Timothy Luke Johnson, Deena Wade
Production: Maggie Briggs, Zachary Briggs
Contact: Maggie Briggs, e:

FRA 2020 | Ani. | 15 min.
Director: Alberto Vázquez


Ingen kan flykte fra sine røtter, uansett hvor råtne de måtte være.

No one can escape their roots, however rotten they may be.

Script: Alberto Vázquez | Editing: Laurent Blot | Animation: Khris Cembe, MCarmen Cambrils, Pamela Poltronieri, Diego Porral, Roc Espinet | Cast (voices): Sonia Méndez, David Perdomo, Alberto Rolá
Production: Nicolas Schmerkin, Iván Miñambres
Contact: Autour de Minuit, e:

Til topps

INT 6 (Total: 90 min.)

PER 2020 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: Francesca Canepa

THE SILENCE OF THE RIVER (El silencio del rio)

Juan, en 9 år gammelt gutt, bor med faren sin i et flytende hus overfor Amazonas. Gjennom en oneirisk reise inn i regnskogen oppdager han sannheten om sin far.

Juan, a 9 year-old boy, lives with his dad in a floating house across the Amazon river. Through an oneiric journey into the rainforest jungle, he discovers the truth about his dad.

Script: Francesca Canepa | Camera: Christian Valera | Editing: Gino Moreno | Cast: Wilson Isminio Cruz, Roover Mesia, Luis Mesia
Production: Jimena Hospina
Contact: Lights On, e:

HUN 2020 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Levente Kölcsey

BREAK (Szünet)

I pausen mellom to timer, møter skolens rektor, István, to foreldre på sitt kontor. De vil ta sønnen sin, Zoli, ut av skolen slik at han tjene penger for familien. Selv om en av Zolis lærere forsøker å overtale István om at gutten fortjener å fullføre studiene er likevel ikke rektor villig til å hjelpe.

In the break between two classes, István, the headmaster of the school meets two parents in his office. They want to take their son, Zoli, out of school so that he can make some money for the family. Although one of Zoli’s teachers tries to convince István that the boy deserves to complete his studies, the headmaster is reluctant to help.

Script: Levente Kölcsey | Camera: András Táborosi | Editing: Bernadett Tuza-Ritter | Cast: Sándor Terhes, Katalin Simkó, Dominik Huszta, Erzsébet Szabó, Attila Grofsits, Dóra Müllner
Production: Balázs Zachar, Levente Kölcsey, Judit Romwalter
Contact: Levente Kölcsey, e:

DEU 2020 | Ani.Doc. | 5 min.
Director: Frédéric Schuld


1800-tallets Europa. Et barn klatrer opp en pipe mens en fugl seiler ned i den for å bygge rede. En britisk pipefeier beskriver sin dagligdagse rutine med å tvinge unge barn til å bli arbeidere.

19th century Europe. A child climbs up a chimney while a bird sails down into it to build a nest. A British chimney sweeper describes his everyday routine of forcing young kids to become workers.

Script: Frédéric Schuld, Fabian Driehorst | Animation: Frédéric Schuld, Alba Dragonetti, Rebecca Blöcher | Cast (voices): Joschua Zühlke, Henry Holland
Production: Fabian Driehorst
Contact: Fabian Driehorst, e:

GRC 2020 | Fic.Exp. | 14 min.
Director: Jacqueline Lentzou


Sofia har panikk, igjen. Universet bestemmer seg for å kontakte henne. En utenomjordslig dialog. En planetsymfoni for Mars, der mennesker drømmer mens våkne og slåss for kjærlighet.

Sofia is panicky, again. The Universe decides to contact her. An other-wordly dialogue. A planet symphony for Mars, where people dream awake and fight for love.

Script: Jacqueline Lentzou | Camera: Konstantinos Koukoulios | Editing: Smaro Papaevangelou | Cast: Sofia Kokkali
Production: Blonde - Fenia Cossovitsa
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e:

POL 2019 | Doc. | 6 min.
Director: Weronika Jurkiewicz


I en stille ungarsk landsby samles menn for å drikke øl i baren. Samtidig er kvinnene opptatt med å jobbe innen masseproduksjon av seksuell tilfredsstillelse.

In a quiet Hungarian village, men gather to drink beer at the bar. Meanwhile, the women are busy at work in the mass production of sexual satisfaction.

Script, Editing: Weronika Jurkiewicz | Camera: André Cruz
Production: University Of Theatre And Film Arts/Budapest - Weronika Jurkiewicz
Contact: Marta Swiatek, e:

NZL 2019 | Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Claire van Beek


En ung novise ved et isolert kloster blir konfrontert med en plutselig begjær for seksuell utforskelse etter et møte med en blåtunget firfisle.

A young novice at an isolated convent is confronted with the sudden desire to explore her sexual self in the wake of meeting a blue-tongued lizard.

Script: Claire van Beek | Camera: Simon Baumfield | Editing: John Gilbert, Conan Mornard-Stott | Cast: Edith Poor, Matt Whelan, Elizabeth Hawthorne, Nancy Brunning
Production: Alix Whittaker
Contact: Claire van Beek, e:

BEL 2020 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Dorian Jespers


Fedor er en ung låsesmed i Murmansk. Kunde for kunde vandrer han langs asfaltgatene, animert av en fantasi som isolerer han fra byen og dens innbyggere. Drømmene hans korroderer hans forhold til virkeligheten og åpner døren til et fantasmagorisk univers; en andre sol står opp over russisk nordpol.

Fedor is a young locksmith in Murmansk. Client after client, he roams through the alleys of concrete animated by a fantasy that isolates him from the city and its population. His dreams corrode his relation to reality and open the door to a phantasmagoric universe; a second sun is rising above the Russian Arctic.

Script: Dorian Jespers | Camera: Arnaud Alberola, Dorian Jespers | Editing: Omar Guzman | Cast: Alexander Pronkin
Production: Gust van den Berghe
Contact: Wouter Jansen, e:

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