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Minimalen 2018

Festival 2018
» Schedule 2018
INT: International Comp.
NOR: Nordic Comp.
European Award Winners
Iran Now
Nick Jordan
Estonian Animation
Hollywood Revisited: Mark Rappaport Essays
Norwegian Film Art: Rolf Aamot and Ane Hjort Guttu
Multiplié dansefilm
Trondhjem 1908
Short Film Studies Symposium
30th Anniversary Screening
Short Treats
Children & Youth
Outdoor Cinema
Opening Screening
Award Ceremony and Screening
Regional Student Comp.
Industry: Nordic Shorts Expo
Party and map

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  Virtual Catalogue 2018
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Minimalen Short Film Festival

Previous festivals:
  2016 - 2017 - 2018
  2013 - 2014 - 2015
  2010 - 2011 - 2012
  2007 - 2008 - 2009
  2004 - 2005 - 2006
  2001 - 2002 - 2003
VISNING | screening


Some of the films that have left lasting marks through 30 years of short film festival - or Greatest Hits, if you prefer. After the screening, we all go to the Anniversary Party.

Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music


Lør | Sat 19:00
(Total: 95 min.) [Nova 2]

CAN 1988 | Ani. | 7 min.
Director: Cordell Barker


Inspirert av den århundregamle folkesangen til Harry S. Miller om en mann som ikke har andre ønsker enn å bli kvitt en gal, selvsentrert katt som noen har satt igjen utenfor døra hans.

Inspired by Harry S. Miller's century-old folk song of a man who wants nothing more than to get rid of a crazy, self-centered cat that has been left on his doorstep.

Script, Animation: Cordell Barker | Camera: Lorne Bailey | Sound: John McCulloch, Ed Ledson, Richard Condie, Cordell Barker | Voice: Richard Condie | Music: John McCulloch

Production: NFB - Richard Condie, Cordell Barker
Print Source: National Film Board of Canada, Éric Séguin, e.seguin[at]

BRA 1989 | Doc. | 13 min.
Director: Jorge Furtado

BLOMSTERØYA (Island of Flowers | Ilha das flores)

Etter en leken, kvasivitenskapelig oppbygd åpning setter latteren seg plutselig i halsen, og filmen utvikler seg til en besk politisk kommentar om livsvilkårene til de fattigste av de fattige i Brasil.

After a playful, quasi-scientific opening, the laughter suddenly stops and the film evolves into a harsh political comment about the living conditions of the poorest of the poor in Brazil.

Script: Jorge Furtado | Camera: Roberto Henkin, Sérgio Amon | Editing: Giba Assis Brasil | Cast: Paulo José (Narration), Ciça Reckziegel

Production: A Casa de Cinema PoA Production
Print Source: NFK

SWE 1991 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Roy Andersson


En blek og dyster mann forteller om sin tilværelse i femten korte scener. Mange elementer peker fram mot Anderssons senere langfilmer - alt fra de statiske kamerainstillingene uten klipp, de nøye komponerte tablåene og den bleke fargeskalaen, til den dystre, intense stemningen som balanserer hårfint mellom dypt alvor og absurd komikk. Härlig är jorden var et bestillingsverk fra Göteborg filmfestival som første del av stafettfilmen ‘90 minuter 90-tal’.

A pale and gloomy man tells about his existence in fifteen short scenes. Many elements point to Andersson's later feature films - everything from the static camera shots without edits, the carefully composed tableaus and the pale color scheme to the gloomy, intense atmosphere in the fine balance between deep gravity and absurd comedy. ‘World of Glory’ was commisioned by Göteborg Film Festival as the first part of the relay film ‘90 minutes 90's’.

Script: Roy Andersson | Camera: Istvan Borbas, Jacob Sørensen | Music: Allan Pettersson | Cast: Klas Olsson, Lennart Björklund

Production: Göran Lindström, Freddy Olsson - Studio 24, Göteborg Film Festival, SFI
Print Source: NFK

HUN 1996 | Fic. | 6 min.
Director: Marcell Iványi

WIND (Szel)

Basert på Lucien Hervés fotografi 'The Three Women', innledes filmen med tre kvinner stående i utkanten av en landsby, med blikket rettet ut av billedrammen.

Based on Lucien Hervé's photography 'The Three Women', the film begins with three women standing at the outskirts of a village, looking out of the frame.

Script: Marcell Iványi | Camera: Zsolt Haraszti | Sound Design: Peter Connelly | Costumes: Péter Kincs

Production: György Durst, Pioneer Productions

AUT 2001 | Exp. | 12 min.
Director: Virgil Widrich


Fortellingen om en mann som kopierer seg til han fyller opp hele verden.

The story of a man who copies himself until he fills up the entire world.

Script: Virgil Widrich | Camera : Martin Putz | Music: Alexander Zlamal | Cast: Johannes Silberschneider, Elisabeth Ebner-Haid

Production: Virgil Widrich - Virgil Widrich Film- und Multimediaproduktions G.m.b.H.
Contact: Sixpack Film

SWE 2001 | Exp. | 10 min.
Director: Ola Simonsson, Johannes Stjärne Nilsson


I det et eldre ektepar forlater sitt hjem gjør seks perkusjonister sitt inntog. På de bruksgjenstander de kommer over foredrar de en konsert i fire satser: Kjøkken, Soveværelse, Baderom og Stue.

As an elderly couple leave their apartment, six drummers take over. On everyday objects they give a concert in four movements: Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom and Livingroom.

Script, editing: Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, Ola Simonsson | Camera: Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, Charlotta Tengroth, Robert Blom | Cast: Magnus Börjeson, Marcus Haraldson, Fredrik Myhr, Johannes Björk, Anders Vestergård, Sanna Persson

Production: Kostr-Film - Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, Ola Simonsson
Contact: SFI

IRL 2004 | Doc. | 6 min.
Director: Ken Wardrop


En ektefølt dokumentar som utforsker en kvinnes egensindige holdning til sin overvektige og aldrende kropp.

A poignant documentary that explores a woman’s unique take on her overweight and aging body.

Script: Ken Wardrop | Camera: Michael Lavelle | Editing: Andrew Freedman | Sound: Peter Playney | Music: Denis Clohessy

Production: Andrew Freedman - Venom Films
Contact: Network Ireland Television

IRL, DEU 2009 | Ani.Exp. | 10 min.
Director: David O'Reilly


Et komplisert forhold mellom en katt og en mus i en fjern fremtid.

A troubled relationship between a cat and mouse set in the distant future.

Script, animation, editing: David O’Reilly | Music: Bram Meindersma

Production: David O’Reilly
Contact: David O'Reilly, e: mail[at]

SWE 2010 | Fic. | 12 min.
Director: Ruben Östlund

INCIDENT BY A BANK (Händelse Vid Bank)

En detaljert og humoristisk realtidsskildring av et mislykket bankran og en observasjon av hvordan folk reagerer på det uventede. Skutt i en enkel tagning og med over 96 personer omhyggelig koreografert, gjenskaper filmen en faktisk hendelse som fant sted i 2006.

A detailed and humorous real-time account of a failed bank robbery, an observation of how people react to the unexpected. Shot in a single take and with over 96 people meticulously choreographed, the film recreates an actual event that took place in 2006.

Script, editing: Ruben Östlund | Camera: Marius Dybwad Brandrud | Sound: Jan Alvermark | Cast: Lars Melin, Henrik Vikman, Bahador Foladi, Ramtin Parvaneh, Leif Edlund, Rasmus Lindgren, Per-Olof Albrektsson

Production: Marie Kjellson, Erik Hemmendorff - Plattform Produktion AB
Contact: SFI

GBR 2001 | Fic. | 4 min.
Director: Steve Sullivan


En stille forstadsgate om sommeren. Freden blir brutt når ni nakne menn kommer marsjerende.

A quiet suburban street in summer. The peace is shattered when nine naked men come marching along.

Script: Steve Sullivan | Camera: Rory Taylor | Editing: | Cast: Andrew Schofield, Dean Taylor, Duncan Bett, Michael Kelligan, a.o.

Production: Jane Dauncey
Contact: Steve Sullivan, e: steve[at]


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