Friday 21:00 [Helmet Studio, Nedre Ila 39 - map] (Total: 300 min.)

In cooperation with Helmet Films & Visual Effects and Midtnorsk Filmsenter, we are pleased to invite you to the hottest party of the new year. Welcome to an evening packed with movies, concerts, dj, piñata, popcorn and dancing. And not least, the premiere of the music video Shadows of the band Dreamarcher.

During the evening, a new mysterious band will put feet and mind in trance, before being led into the late hours by a DJ/VJ duo.

Music videos are short films as good as any, and a film form Minimalen gladly would like to give some space. Commercially, the music video peeked in the 80s and 90s, in parallel with MTV's increasingly dominant pop cultural position. Since then, the influence of MTV has dwindled. That does not mean that the music video has disappeared. New generations of musicians and music producers with new forms of distribution and screening channels on the Internet has led to an abundance of films for those who are interested and willing to search.

The music video is not a genre as such, but a type of short films that can contain just about anything. Dance films, pure cinematic experiments, play with the relationship between image and sound, concert recordings. The music video also offers great opportunities for filmmakers indulging in the narrative realm, and the epically grandiose.

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