INT 1 INT 2 INT 3 INT 4 INT 5 INT 6 |
INT is Minimalen’s International Competition for shorts from all over the world
(i.e. the world outside the Nordic countries; the Nordic and Norwegian films
compete in the NOR section). 45 of the best new shorts of the World have been
selected and are to be presented in six programmes. The directors are presented at the beginning of each screening.
Later, they get the opportunity to talk about their film in Meet the Filmmakers. The Award Ceremony is due Sunday.
• Best International Film
One film is awarded by the INT Award Jury and presented with The Minimalen
Trophy and EUR 1 000 given by Minimalen.
• Audience Award
The audience vote for their favourite INT film, and the winner is awarded EUR 500 given by Kristiania University College Trondheim.
(b. 1953, Ireland), Co-Director and co-founder of the IndieCork Film Festival, the biggest festival for shorts in Ireland. He was the founding Cinemas Director of the Irish Film Centre, leaving that position to establish the Kino Arthouse Cinema in Cork which he ran for 13 years. Has served on the boards of the Federation of Irish Film Societies, the Irish Film Institute and the Irish Film Board.
(b. 1978, Norway), director, cinematographer and visual artist educated at Nordland College of Art and Film, The Art Academy in Oslo and the Norwegian Film School. Has written, directed and produced a.o. the shorts Small Episodes (2011) and Totem (2015), and co-directed the feature film Out of Nature (2014) with Ole Giæver. Not least, her work as a cinematographer has made a number of Norwegian films shine visually. |
(b. 1957, Germany), Festival Director, Programmer and independent critic of film, contemporary art and culture, living in Paris, France. In 2003 he founded International Festival Signes de Nuit, based in Paris and screening worldwide (140 programms in 34 countries), with a unique programming of experimental, short and documentary works. He has a life long engagement in a diverse array of art related activities. |
Categories: Ani = Animation, Doc = Documentary, Exp = Experimental, Fic = Fiction, Mus = Music |
Onsdag | Wednesday 21:00 (Total: 90 min.)
SDN 2016 | Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Mohamed Kordofani |
Ti år gamle Adam er tvunget til å flykte til byen etter at faren dør i et bombeangrep. Han har ikke noe annet valg enn å hjelpe en eldre tyv med å bryte seg inn i hus. Ting blir komplisert når Adam bestemmer seg for å slutte.
After his father dies in air bombing, 10 years old Adam is forced to flee to the city. Having no other option to get by, he helps an older thief break into houses. Things get complicated when Adam decides to quit.
Cast: Khaled Abu Ashara, Tariq Fakhreldin
Contact: Mohamed Kordofani, e: mk[at] |
ISR 2015 | Ani. Fic. | 6 min.
Director: Tal Kantor |
En mann husker tilbake til et øyeblikk hvor han ikke grep muligheten til å kommunisere med sin datter. Når de møtes igjen flere år senere, blir hans verden stående tom tilbake, og ordene hans uten mening.
A man recalls a moment of a lost opportunity to communicate with his daughter. Their brief meeting after years undermines his world and renders his words meaningless.
Script: Tal Kantor | Cast: Yehoyahin Fridlander, Dana Yadlin
Contact: Tal Kantor, t: +972-546694774, e: kantaltor[at] |
DEU 2016 | Doc. | 10 min.
Director: Clemens von Wedemeyer |
Wehrmachts hester og sivile som flykter fra dem. Det subjektive blikket til fotografen bak frontlinjen.
The horses of the Wehrmacht and the civilians fleeing from it. The subjective view of the cameraman behind the front line.
Contact: Clemens von Wedemeyer, t: 4915140420328, e: studio[at]
Distributor: Arsenal Germany |
USA 2016 | Fic. | 10 min.
Director: Kevin Jerome Everson |
En kvinne går gjennom medisinske undersøkelser før hun forteller en tragisk historie. Vi kan ikke se, høre eller lukte grusomhetene, men vi kan alt for lett tenke oss dem.
A woman’s testimonial faculties are confirmed through medical examinations before she recites a tragic story, whose horrors we don't see, hear, or smell, but can imagine far too easily.
Camera: Kevin Jerome Everson | Editing: Kevin Jerome Everson | Sound: Lydia Hicks, Elizabeth Webb | Cast: Shadeena Brooks, Dr. Eric Mansfield, Dr. Heather Honeycutt
Production, contact: Picture Palace Pictures, - Madeleine Molyneaux, t: +1 2122523187, e: picturepalacesale[at] |
ESP 2016 | Ani. | 11 min.
Director: Alberto Vázquez |
Verden er en vidunderlig scene, men karakterene er skammelige.
The world is a wonderful stage, but its characters are disgraceful.
Script: Alberto Vázquez | Editing: Ivan Minambres | Music: Victor Garcia
Production: Ivan Minambres, Nicolas Schmerkin
Contact: Autour de Minuit, e: festivals[at] |
DEU 2016 | Exp. Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Narges Kalhor |
Håret er Faezehs identitet. Men det tykke krøllete håret ramler av i store klumper, hårtuppene sitter igjen i bunter mellom fingrene. Faezeh pakker resolutt håret sammen med sine andre eiendeler, hun skal forlate Tyskland og vende tilbake til Iran.
Her hair is Faezeh’s identity. Yet her thick curly hair is falling out in large clumps, the strands of her hair caught in bundles between her fingers. Faezeh resolutely packs her hair with her other things, she will be leaving Germany and returning to Iran.
Script: Narges Kalhor, Aydin Alinejad | Cast: Faezeh Nikoozad, Benjamin Kramme
Contact: Isabelle Bertolone, t: +49 1788368205, e: nadeshda[at] |
ESP, COL 2016 | Fic. | 19 min.
Director: Andrés Ramírez Pulido |
To tenåringer bryter seg inn i El Edén, et forlatt spa midt inne i den tykkeste vegetasjonen. Volden som engang fantes der blir en del av dem.
Two teenagers break into El Edén, an abandoned spa in the middle of the thick vegetation. The violence once lived there is embodied in them.
Script: Andrés Ramírez Pulido | Cast: Jaime Barrios, Etienne Boussac, Carlos E. Garcia, Ivan Acosta, Juan Agudelo, Libardo Olaya
Production: Diana Fernanda Agudelo, Andrés Mossos, Andrés Ramírez Pulido, Johana Agudelo Susa
Contact: Marvin Wayne, t: +34934863313, e: fest[at] |
Til topps
Torsdag | Thursday 19:00 (Total: 92 min.)
DEU 2015 | Fic. | 5 min.
Director: Fabiano Mixo |
Ansiktet til en kvinner ser ut til å fluktuere i rommet. Hun er fortapt i tanker, og det er nesten umulig å høre henne puste. Plutselig våkner hun. Hun ser på oss, megetsigende. I mellomtiden omskaper hun seg selv, hun rakner og gjenoppretter seg selv, del for del.
The face of a woman seems to be fluctuating in space. She is absorbed and it is almost possible to hear her breathing. Suddenly, she seems to wake up. She gazes at us profoundly. Meanwhile she is transforming herself, unravelling and recovering herself piece by piece.
Cast: Miriam Goldschmidt
Production: Fabiano Mixo, Leonie Schäfer
Contact: Fabiano Mixo, e: mail[at] |
FRA, PRT 2016 | Fic. Doc. | 7 min.
Director: Gabriel Abrantes |
Turboutgaven av historien om skulptøren Constantin Brancusis beryktede "Prinsesse X", en futuristisk bronsefallos som egentlig er en byste av Napoleons like beryktede tipp-grandniese Marie Bonaparte.
A supercharged history of sculptor Constantin Brancusi’s infamous ‘Princess X’, a futuristic bronze phallus that is actually a bust portrait of Napoleon’s equally infamous great grand niece, Marie Bonaparte.
Script: Gabriel Abrantes | Camera: Jorge Quintela | Editing: Margarida Lucas | Cast: Joana Barrios, Francisco Cipriano
Production: Gabriel Abrantes - HERMAPHRODITE FILMS, Justin Taurand - LES FILMS DU BÉLIER, Benjamin Cook - LUX / ICO
Contact: AGENCIA - Portuguese Short Film Agency Worldwide - Liliana Costa, t: +351252646683, e: liliana[at] |
AUT 2015 | Ani.Exp. | 7 min.
Director: Virgil Widrich |
En 3D-remix av spillefilmer fra 1950- og 1960-tallet.
A 3D-remix of feature films from the 1950s and 60s.
Script: Virgil Widrich
Contact: Virgil Widrich, t: +43-1-513 00 00-0, e: virgil[at] |
GBR 2015 | Doc. Exp. | 14 min.
Director: Mark Chapman |
Camrex House er et notorisk hospits for hjemløse, som i 40 år har opprettholdt et skremmende rykte. Hospitsets tvilsomme holdninger blir holdt ved like av menn med kronglete bakgrunn.
Camrex House is a notorious homeless hostel that for 40 years has upheld a fearsome reputation. Its skewed, in-house morality perpetuated by men with complex histories.
Script: Mark Chapman
Production, contact: Mark Chapman, t: +447932795231, e: contact[at] |
FRA, GRE 2016 | Fic. | 30 min.
Director: Konstantina Kotzamani |
Ulven skal bo sammen med lammet og leoparden legge seg hos kjeet. Kalv og ungløve beiter sammen, mens en smågutt gjeter dem.
The leopard shall lie down with the goat. The wolves shall live with the lambs. And the young boy will lead them.
Script: Konstantina Kotzamani | Camera: Yorgos Karvelas | Editing: Yannis Chalkiadakis | Sound: Nikos Exarhos, Alexandros Sidiropoulos, Lionel Guenoun | Music: Lawrence English | Cast: Felix Margenfeld, Aggelos Ntanos, Lucjano Cani
Production: Ron Dyens, Maria Drandaki
Contact: Sacrebleu Productions France - Ron Dyens, t: +33142253027, e: distribution[at] |
DEU 2016 | Ani. | 2 min.
Director: Hannes Rall |
En animert adapsjon av Shakespeare-diktet “All the World’s a Stage”, lest av den kjente Shakespeare-skuespilleren og -regissøren Samuel West.
An animated adaptation of the famous Shakespeare poem 'All The World's a Stage' narrated by the renowned Shakespeare actor and director Samuel West.
Script: Daniel Jernigan (adaptation), William Shakespeare | Cast: Samuel West (narrator)
Production: Daniel Keith jernigan, Seah Hock Soon, Hannes Rall
Contact: Hannes Rall, e: mail[at] |
CHE 2015 | Doc. | 12 min.
Director: Mark Olexa, Francesca Scalisi |
Sommeren 2014. På landsbygda i Bangladesh. “Jeg kom fra Himmelen. Jeg kom for å ødelegge alt det fæle i verden. Jeg er en politimann. Jeg er en helgen. Jeg jobber på politistasjonen. Jeg vil straffe dem. Jeg vil sette dem i fengsel”. Dette er historien om en jente og tragedien som forandret hennes liv.
Summer 2014. Rural Bangladesh. 'I came from Heaven. I came to destroy all bad things in the world. I'm a police officer. I'm a flower angel. I got a job at the police station. I will punish them. I will put them in jail.' This is the story of a girl and the tragedy that changed her life.
Camera: Mark Olexa | Editing: Francesca Scalisi | Music: Olivier Verleye
Production: Mark Olexa, Francesca Scalisi
Contact: Mark Olexa, t: +41797184891, e: mrkolexa[at] |
ESP 2016 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Juanjo Giménez |
Luna og Diego er sikkerhetsvakter på parkeringsplassen. Diego tar nattskiftet, og Luna jobber på dagtid.
Luna and Diego are the parking lot security guards. Diego does the night shift, and Luna works by day.
Script: Pere Altimira, Juanjo Giménez | Camera: Pere Pueyo | Editing: Silvia Cervantes | Music: Iván Céster | Cast: Lali Ayguadé, Nicolas Ricchini, Vicente Gil, Pep Domenech
Production: Juanjo Giménez, Daniel Villanueva, Arturo Méndiz
Contact: Marvin&Wayne Short Film Distribution Worldwide All Rights, e: fest[at] |
Til topps
Torsdag | Thursday 21:00 (Total: 91 min.)
TUR 2015 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Ziya Demirel |
En vanlig skoledag for en tenåringsjente i Istanbul. Hun møter tre forskjellige menn på vei til skolen, mens hun spiller basketball og når hun tar bussen hjem.
An ordinary school day for a teenager girl in Istanbul and her encounters with three different men as she goes to school, plays basketball and takes a bus on the way home.
Script: Ziya Demirel, Buket Coskuner | Camera: Meryem Yavuz | Editing: Henrique Cartaxo Cast: Melis Balaban, Zeki Ocak
Production: Olivier Berlemont, Emilie Dubois, Anna Maria Aslanolgu
Contact: Origine films, e: festivals[at] |
ISR 2015 | Doc. Ani. Exp. | 12 min.
Director: Anael Ruth Resnick, Laila Bettermann |
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (כל הזכויות שמורות )
En kort dokumentar om et hus og karakterer som ikke kan gjengis. En historie hvor eierskap overdras, og hvor objekter forteller det som mennesker forsøker å skjule.
A short documentary about a house and characters that cannot be shown. A story where ownerships pass and where objects tell that which people try to hide.
Script: Anael Ruth Resnick, Laila Bettermann
Production: Maya Zaydman
Contact: Anael Resnick, t: +972524637616, e: anaelruth[at] |
GBR 2015 | Ani. | 3 min.
Director: Ainslie Henderson |
Om å få musikk ut av animasjonsdukke-bygging.
Making puppet making make music.
Script: Ainslie Henderson
Production, contact: Ainslie Henderson, t: 07973867681, e: ainslieainslie[at] |
POL 2016 | Ani. | 8 min.
Director: Renata Gasiorowska |
En ung jente tilbringer kvelden hjemme alene. Hun bestemmer seg for å ha en herlig stund med seg selv, men ikke alt går etter planen.
A young girl spends the evening alone at home. She decides to have some sweet solo pleasure session, but not everything goes according to plan.
Script: Renata Gasiorowska
Production: Ewa Jastrzebska
Contact: Krakow Film Foundation - Marta Swiatek, e: marta.swiatek[at] |
USA 2016 | Ani. Doc. | 10 min.
Director: Jennifer Smart |
Sju unge mennesker får se et halvt århundre med midtøstenhistorie gjennom en eldre diplomats kamera. Dette inspirerer dem til å fortelle historier, konfrontere misoppfatninger og å dele et håp for framtiden.
Witnessing half a century of Middle Eastern history through an elderly American diplomat's camera inspires a group of seven young people to tell stories, confront misperceptions, and share hope for the future.
Cast: Badriyyah Al-Sabah, Colbert Held, Ibrahim Al-Assil, Lina Najem, Paul Salem, Sameer Saboungi, Yousif Kalian, Zeynep Ekmekçi
Production: Hayley Smart
Contact: Jennifer Smart, t: 8583542023, e: smartj[at] |
PRT 2016 | Fic. | 18 min.
Director: Pedro Peralta |
Mens solen går opp, forsøker en gruppe landsens folk å redde en ung mann opp fra en brønn.
During the sunrise, a group of peasants tries to rescue the body of a young man from a well.
Script: Pedro Peralta | Camera: João Ribeiro | Editing: Francisco Moreira | Sound: Ricardo Leal | Cast: Domicília Nunes
Production: João Matos - Terratreme Filmes
Contact: IndieLisboa , e: portugalfilm[at] |
MEX, ZAF, CAN, USA 2015 | Exp. Fic. | 27 min.
Directors: Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby |
Den fjorten år gamle beinsamleren Maxine Rose ønsker seg bekreftelser fra heltene sine, blant dem primatologen Jane Goddall, erkebiskop Desmond Tutu og den newzealandske popstjernen Lorde.
Fourteen-year-old bone collector Maxine Rose is looking for validation from her heroes, amongst them the primatologist Jane Goodall, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the New Zealand teen pop star Lorde.
Script: Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby | Cast: Maxine Rose, Rosini Scifres, Katie Agretelis, Rebecca Manley
Production: Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby
Contact: Video Data Bank -Emily Eddy, t: +1 3123453550, e: distro[at] |
Til topps
Fredag | Friday 17:00 (Total: 92 min.)
CAN 2015 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Hervé Demers |
Vlace blir utvist for å slå en medelev. Sasha bli innkalt for å hente sønnen på skolen, og har ikke noe annet valg enn å ta ham med på transportrunden sin.
When Vlace is suspended for hitting a classmate, Sasha is called to come get his son at school and has no choice but to take him along on his delivery route.
Script: Jean-Philippe Boudreau | Camera: Hong An Nguyen | Editing: Hervé Demers | Sound: Olivier Calvert | Cast: Sasha Samar, Vlace Samar, Gregory Hlady
Production, contact: Hervé Demers, t: 15147435234, e: hd[at] |
CHE 2015 | Doc. | 9 min.
Director: Jela Hasler |
En vanlig dag for en flokk med kyr, på grensen mellom Israel og Syria.
A day in the life of a herd of cows – on the boarder of Israel and Syria.
Camera: Andi Widmer | Editing: Stephan Heiniger
Production, contact: Jela Hasler, t: +41 797576491, e: jela[at] |
CHE 2016 | Ani. | 9 min.
Director: Anete Melece |
Antons hode er sprekkfullt av tanker. Gartneren syder av sinne: hvem har trampet i blomsterbedene hennes?
Anton’s head is bursting with thoughts. The gardener is seething with anger: who has trampled her flower beds?
Script: Anete Melece | Cast: Peter Bräker, Sabine Timoteo
Production: Saskia von Virág
Contact: Anete Melece, t: +41 786115230, e: anete.melece[at] |
FRA 2015 | Fic. | 9 min.
Director: Bertrand Mandico |
Ifølge en engelsk legende døde ikke Jeanne d’Arc på bålet. Øynene hennes ble brent, og jomfrudommen tatt av en britisk hingst. Hun ble så dømt til å rave rundt på slagmarkene, som en åtseleter, på utkikk etter liv, på leting etter jomfruer fremdeles i live.
According to an English legend, Joan of Arc did not die at the stake. Her eyes were burned, and she was deflowered by a British stalion. She was then bound to ramble on battlefields, as a scavenger, on the lookout for life, in search of virgins still alive.
Script: Elina Löwensöhn, Bertrand Mandico | Camera: Pascale Granel | Editing: Laure Saint-Marc | Cast: Elina Löwensöhn, Éva Maloisel
Production: Emmanuel Chaumet
Contact: Louise Rinaldi, e: rinaldi[at] |
DEU 2015 | Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Christoph Girardet |
Gjenbruk av utslitt undervisningsfilm og reklamefilm som promoterer kjemi, fysikk og helsemateriell, akkompagnert av en lesning av skapelsesberetningen.
Found footage taken from worn educational and promotional films embracing chemistry, physics and healthcare, accompanied by a reading of Genesis.
Production, contact: Christoph Girardet, e: girardet[at] |
CAN 2015 | Ani. | 8 min.
Director: Theodore Ushev |
Vaysha er ikke som de andre ungjentene, hun var født med ett grønt øye og ett brunt. Men dette er ikke det eneste som er spesielt med blikket hennes. Det venstre øyet ser bare fortiden, mens det høyre bare ser fremtiden.
Vaysha is not like other young girls; she was born with one green eye and one brown eye. But her odd eyes aren’t the only thing that’s special about her gaze. Her left eye sees only the past. Her right, only the future.
Script: Theodore Ushev
Production: Marc Bertrand, National Filmboard of Canada
Contact: Élise Labbé, e: festivals[at] |
KOS, GBR 2016 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Daniel Mulloy |
Mens tusener av menn, kvinner og barn forsøker å komme seg inn i Europa, legger en engelsk familie ut på det som ser ut til å være en ferie.
As thousands of men, women and children attempt to get into Europe, a comfortable English family sets out on what appears to be a holiday.
Script: Daniel Mulloy | Camera: Paul MacKay, Victor Seguin | Editing: Phil Currie | Cast: Jack O'Connell, Holliday Grainger
Production: Chris Watling, Scott O'Donnell, Tim Nash, Shpat Deda, Afolabi Kuti
Contact: Daniel Mulloy, e: mulloydaniel[at] |
CAN 2016 | Fic. | 14 min.
Director: François Jaros |
Stjerner, skjul deres brann, la ikke lyset se mitt svarte og dype begjær. Heller ikke noen lastebil.
Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. Nor any truck.
Script: François Jarros | Camera: Olivier Gossot | Editing: François Jaros | Sound: Jean-François Sauvé | Music: Olivier Alary | Cast: Karelle Tremblay, Frédérike Bédard
Production: Fanny-Laure Malo, François Jaros
Contact: Fanny-Laure Malo, e: fanny[at] |
Til topps
Lørdag | Saturday 13:00 (Total: 88 min.)
DEU 2016 | Ani. Doc. | 7 min.
Director: Volker Schlecht, Alexander Lahl |
Et glimt fra det mest notoriske kvinnefengslet i Øst-Tyskland.
A glimpse into the most notorious women’s prison in East Germany.
Script: Alexander Lahl, Max Moench | Cast: Gabriele Stoetzer, Birgit Willschuetz
Production: Alexander Lahl, Max Moench
Contact: Volker Schlecht, t: + 49 1777388949, e: schlecht[at] |
GBR 2015 | Doc. Exp. | 15 min.
Director: somebody nobody |
En skildring av de endrede følelsene til Storbritannias svarte befolkning - fra en karibier på SS Windrush, full av håp og kjærlighet for moderlandet, til en misfornøyd britisk ungdom, sint, fremmedgjort og marginalisert i det britiske samfunnet.
Charting the changing emotions of Britain's Black population, from a Caribbean on the SS Windrush: full of hope and love for the 'motherland' to a disaffected British youth angry, alienated and marginalised in British society.
Script: somebody nobody | Camera: Annika Summerson | Editing: Hiran Balasuriya | Sound, music: Sami El-Enany | Cast: Nicholas Pinnock
Production: somebody nobody
Contact: Simon Jenkins, t: 07947610907, e: simon.jenkins[at] |
RUS 2016 | Doc. Ani. Exp. | 8 min.
Director: Alexei Dmitriev |
De vakreste maleriene er de du drømmer om når du ligger i senga og røker en pipe, men som du aldri maler. Brev fra sykesengen til van Gogh.
The most beautiful paintings are those which you dream about when you lie in bed smoking a pipe, but which you never paint. Letters from the hospital bed of van Goghs brother.
Script: Alexei Dmitriev, Mathieu Janssen | Music: Frank Boeijen | Cast: Mathieu Janssen
Production, contact: Alexei Dmitriev, t: +79 219861669, e: alexei.v.dmitriev[at] |
AUT 2015 | Exp. | 3 min.
Director: Meinhard Rauchensteiner |
Mennesker er i stand til å lære. Dyr også. Hva med bamser?
Human beings are able to learn. Animals also. Plush toys, too?
Camera, editing: Daniel Zimmermann | Voice: Meinhard Rauchensteiner
Production, contact: Six Pack Films - Gerald Weber, t: +43 1526099012, e: gerald[at] |
EGY 2016 | Doc. | 12 min.
Director: Akram Elbezawy |
Abu El Araby er en velkjent mytisk skikkelse fra den egyptiske kulturen, kjent for sine storslåtte dåder og superkrefter. Vi har lagt ut på denne reisen for å lete etter spor etter hans eksistens.
Abu El Araby is a mythical character engraved in the Egyptian culture known for his glorious achievement and super powers. We have embarked on this journey in search for answers about his existence.
Script, Cast: Akram Elbezawy
Production, contact: Akram El Bezawy, t: +201020108210, e: kimo_mahalaa[at] |
USA 2015 | Fic. | 13 min.
Director: Jim Cummings |
Betjent Arnaud elsket sin mor.
Officer Arnaud loved his Mom.
Script: Jim Cummings | Camera: Drew Daniels | Cast: Jim Cummings
Production: Mark Vashro
Contact: Jim Cummings, t: 6174069225, e: jimmycthatsme[at] |
IRN 2015 | Fic. | 30 min.
Director: Ali Mardomi |
En gammel bønnesanger lever et stille liv på en kirkegård. Han er den eneste bønnesangeren der. En dag kommer en flink, yngre bønnesanger til kirkegården og forstyrrer freden.
An old beadsman lives quietly in a cemetery. He is the only beadsman of the cemetery. One day a young and good-sounding beadsman enters into the cemetery and disturbs the peace.
Script: Ali Mardomi | Cast: Hadi Eftekharzadeh, Reza Khoroujian, Vahid Razavi
Production: Iranian Youth Cinema Society
Contact: Yousef Kargar, e: yusef.kargar[at] |
Til topps
Lørdag | Saturday 15:00 (Total: 90 min.)
UKR 2016 | Fic. | 7 min.
Director: Gigi Ben Artzi |
EWA er en tenåringsjente som lider av konstant neseblod.
EWA is a teenage girl who is suffering from a condition of a constant nose bleed.
Script: Gigi Ben Artzi, Roy Ben Artzi, Adam Horowitz | Camera: Gigi Ben Artzi | Editing: Indi Hait | Sound: Rotem Dror | Music: Yonatan Gat | Cast: Alihah Galyautdinova
Production: Pavel Buryak, Roy Ben Artzi
Contact: La Distributrice de Films - Serge Abiaad, t: +1 5145779389, e: serge[at] |
NED, RUS 2016 | Doc. Exp. | 14 min.
Director: Pim Zwier |
Tre øyeblikk er fanget i tre lag av bilder med hver sin farge, og vist samtidig.
Three moments in time are captured in three layers of coloured imagery shown simultaneously.
Camera: Vladimir Usoltsev | Editing: Pim Zwier
Production, contact: Pim Zwier, e: pimzwier[at] |
ITA 2016 | Fic. | 15 min.
Director: Ali Asgari, Farnoosh Samadi |
Fatma og moren er kurdiske flyktninger i Italia. Hos doktoren må Fatma oversette for moren, men hun nekter å si noe.
Fatma and her mother are Kurdish refugees in Italy. On their visit to the doctor, Fatma has to translate what the doctor tells to her mother, but she keeps silent.
Script: Ali Asgari, Farnoosh Samadi | Camera: Alberto Marchiori | Editing: Mauro Rossi | Music: Matti Paalen | Cast: Fatma Alakus, Cahide Ozel, Valentina Carnelutti
Production: Giovanni Pompili, Olivier Chantriaux
Contact: Olivier Chantriaux, e: prod[at] |
FRA 2016 | Ani. Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Donato Sansone |
En kunstnerisk improvisasjon i sanntid, dag ut og dag inn, inspirert av internasjonale nyheter hentet fra den franske avisen Libération.
An artistic improvisation in real time led day in and day out, inspired by international events as taken from the pages of the French daily newspaper Libération.
Script, animation: Donato Sansone | Sound: Enrico Ascoli
Production: Nicolas Schmerkin
Contact: Autour de Minuit, e: festivals[at] |
DEU 2016 | Ani. Exp. | 5 min.
Director: Anna Lytton |
Å berøre og å bli berørt, å avsløre og skjule. Blyantstreker som utforsker hud, en indre verden som blir gjort synlig på kroppens ytre lag. Bevegelser og gester blir manifestasjoner av forholdet mellom kroppen og mine tegninger.
To touch and be touched, to reveal and conceal. Pencil lines exploring skin, an inner world made visible on the body’s outer layer. Movements and gestures become manifestations of the relationship between the body and my drawings.
Script: Anna Lytton | Cast: Susanne Grau
Production: Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Contact: Anna Lytton, t: +49 17632848307, e: anna.lytton[at] |
GBR 2015 | Fic. | 20 min.
Director: Gonçalo Almeida |
Politibetjenten Sophie er i ferd med å føde. På sykehussenga reiser vi gjennom øyeblikk fra hennes fremtidige liv som mor.
Sophie, a police officer, is about to give birth. On her hospital bed, we journey through moments of her future life as a mother.
Script: Goncalo Almeida | Camera: Mark Khalife | Editing: Adam Stunkle | Cast: Elisa Lasowski, Christien Anholt
Production: Laura Spini
Contact: Gonçalo Almeida, t: +44 7446903983, e: goncalo[at] |
FRA, HUN 2015 | Ani. Exp. | 15 min.
Director: Réka Bucsi |
Abstrakte haikulignende situasjoner avslører forandringen i atmosfæren på en planet, forårsaket av forandringer i gravitasjon og lys.
Abstract haiku-like situations reveal the change in atmosphere on one planet, caused by the change of gravity and light.
Script: Réka Bucsi | Sound: Péter Benjámin Lukács
Production: Marc Bodin-Joyeux, Gábor Osváth
Contact: Dániel Deák, t: +36 207755700, e: danieldeak[at] |
FRA 2016 | Exp. Fic. | 9 min.
Director: Julien Dara, Simon Dara |
En ung mann har vunnet slaget mot en drage. Mens udyret dør i smerter, danser han sin seiersdans.
A young man has overcome his battle against a dragon. While the beast goes out in agony, he dances to celebrate his victory.
Script: Julien Dara, Simon Dara | Camera: Balthazar Lab | Editing: Camille Langlais | Sound: Robin Bouet, Juliette Heintz, Olivier Guillaume | Music: Erwann Kermorvant | Cast: Jérémy Déglise
Production: Christophe Clément
Contact: La Distributrice de Films - Serge Abiaad, t: +1 5145779389, e: serge[at] |
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