Hannes Vartiainen and Pekka Veikkolainen run the production company Pohjankonna in Helsinki, Finland. They have specialized in the fields of experimental film, animation, illustration and photography. Since 2008 their films have been screened, awarded and celebrated at festivals all over the world, including Minimalen.

In the first part of this session, Hannes and Pekka will screen these four films (ref. below), and share some insight into the creative process.

Pohjankonna’s newest project, The Secret World of Moths, is produced in co-operation with the Science Centre Heureka, to be screened in their planetarium. The movie’s world is comprised of butterflies and other insects, but it eventually unfolds to address the fundamental questions of life.

The film makes use of 3D x-ray tomography to investigate the world of insects at the microscopic level. As a screening venue, the planetarium provides a setting for conveying a visual nature experience in a uniquely impressive manner.

Hannes and Pekka will present this unique film, they will talk about the production that took place in Uganda, the Finnish Lake District, and in Finnish Lapland, and they will discuss the challenges and possibilities the planetarium format with its hemispherical-shaped canvas poses and offers.

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Torsdag | Thursday 21:00 (Total: 90 min.)

FIN 2009 | Dok. | 16 min.
Directors: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen


Om det forandrende bybildet i Helsinki og de siste øyeblikkene i et kullkraftverks liv. Det gamle industrielle miljøet blir ødelagt for å rydde rom for moderne boenheter.

About the changing cityscape of Helsinki and the final moments of a coal-fired power plant. The old industrial environment is being destroyed to make space for modern housing units.

Script, Camera, Editing, Animation: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen

Production: Pohjankonna Oy

FIN 2010 | Ani. | 7 min.
Directors: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen

(Erään hyönteisen tuho)

I et livløst, urbant landskap, hvor tiden selv har stoppet opp, er en gal ballett i gang, mens en nylig klekket sommerfugl er i ferd med å dø.

In a lifeless urban landscape where time itself has stopped its crawl, a mad ballet is commencing and a newly hatched butterfly is about to die.

Script, Camera, Editing: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen | Sound: Olli Huhtanen | Music: Joonatan Portaankorva

Production: Pohjankonna Oy

FIN 2012 | Doc. | 6 min.
Directors: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen

GATES OF LIFE (Häivähdys Elämää)

Korte øyeblikk av levd liv, snappet opp av forbipasserende,
danner et hendelsesforløp som er skjult i all åpenhet.

Brief moments of life stolen from passing-by strangers form a
sequence of events hidden in plain sight.

Script, Camera, Editing: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen | Sound: Joonatan Portaankorva | Music: Joonatan Portaankorva

Production: Pohjankonna Oy

FIN 2013 | Doc. | 15 min.
Directors: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen


Å være menneske byr på en skjør mulighet til å oppleve livet og universet rundt oss. I møte med overveldende mørke er det eneste vi kan gjøre å stole på og finne trøst i hverandre. Denne filmen er basert på autentiske nødsamtaler og radiokommunikasjon.

Being human is a fragile opportunity to experience life and the universe around us. In the face of overwhelming darkness all we can do is to rely on and find solace in one another. The film is based on authentic emergency calls and radio traffic.

Camera: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen | Sound: Joonatan Portaankorva | Music: Joonatan Portaankorva | Cast: Lauri Hynninen, Jonna Uhrman

Production, contact: Hannes Vartiainen, t: +35 8503209050, e:

FIN 2016 | Doc. | 22 min.
Directors: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen


Et oppstemt eventyr som tar oss med til sommerfuglenes og de indre strukturene til insektenes verden.

An upbeat adventure into the world of butterflies and inner structures of the insect world.

Script: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen
Production: Pohjankonna Oy, Science Centre Heureka.

Til topps