International Panorama

Simply a collection of the best, new shorts of the World, presented in four programmes. An Audience Award goes to the most popular film.

• No submission, only on invitation.
• Types: Fiction, animation, experimental, documentary (or combinations).
• Max running time: 30 minutes.
• Origin: All the world (except the Nordic Countries*).
• Produced: After January 1, 2012.


How to participate:

Sorry, no submission. Participation is only available by invitation.



Audience Award: The audience select the best film, and the winner is awarded 500 Euro.

Rules for participation in the International Panorama

Types: Fiction, animation, experimental, documentary, music (or combinations). No commercials.

Running time: Not more than 30 minutes.

Produced: After January 1, 2012, with a non-Nordic* director. Please note that Nordic films instead should be submitted here >. Each particular film can only be submitted once.

Submission: No submissions, participation only on invitation.

Selection: Selection will be made by invitation up until the selection announcement date. A list of the selected films will be available on the festival's website no later than February 15. No reasoning for films turned down will be made public.

Screening copy/print: For selected films, the screening copy must be present at the festival office no later than one week before the festival starts. Masters are not accepted. The format of the screening copy can be DCP, 35 mm film or HD-file following a strict specification. Some video formats are also supported (HDCam, DigiBeta, DV/DVCam, DVD - all in PAL.). Note: English language version or subtitles is necessary.

Return of Screening copy: Within two weeks after the festival closure.

Award: According to the result in the audience polls, the Director of the most popular film will receive:
• Audience Award (Diploma + amount of EUR 500)

Invitation / Accreditation: All directors of selected films will be invited. One free accreditation will be favoured each individual director, which is personal and non-transferable, and gives access to all of the Minimalen programmes.

For further information, please contact us at e-mail:

* The Nordic Countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden - including Greenland, Faroe Islands, Åland.


Minimalen Short Film Festival
Foundation, Norwegian Organization No. NO 983 418 767 MVA
Address: Kjøpmannsgata 35, NO-7011 Trondheim, Norway
Social: |

Festival map here >