Den 32. Minimalen Kortfilmfestival
21. - 26. januar 2020
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Priser 2020

International Competition

Best International Film - The Minimalen Trophy and 1000 euro given by Minimalen

• Swatted by Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis [FRA]

The jury was deeply impressed by how this desktop documentary used wireframes, grids and weightless transparent spaces, to depict a world where our exposure to hackers, trolls and pranksters are laid bare. It’s a unique aesthetics, far from anything we’ve seen before. This might at first sight be about a cruel prank tendency in the murky corners of the online gaming culture, but it’s really about the bewilderingly interconnected world we all live in. You think you’re playing, but you are actually being played. You’re 'Swatted'.

Honorable Mention

• Postcards From the End of the World by Konstantinos Antonopoulos [GRC]

A film which turns the greek tragedy into a tragy-comedy. The story touches on the existential crisis of a deeply disconnected relationship. A family on a vacation is forced to spend time together when the world around them seem to deprive them of their habitual escapes from intimacy. Its tight in its direction, and the drowsy almost sleep deprived acting makes for a truly original tonality. The film exhibits a clever use of zooms and high focal lengths to create a claustrophobic space. It's absurd yet highly recognizable. It’s about the horror of having to spend time with your spouse and family. Sometimes you need the world to collapse to get reattached with your life.

Jury: Martin Rossouw (South Africa), Inger Lise Hansen (Norway), Martin Strange-Hansen (Denmark).


Audience Award International Competition - 500 euro given by Minimalen

• The Physics of Sorrow (Physique de la Tristesse) by Theodore Ushev [CAN]


International and Nordic Competition (combined award)

The Raskin Spirit Festival Award
Overarching the two main competitions, and selected by the festival team.

• Roqaia by Diana Saqeb Jamal [AFG]

The award was established to celebrate the unique qualities of a compact, poetic short film that make use of the visual and auditive possibilities in an imaginative way, and do not follow the traditional feature film dramaturgy.

Nordic Competition

Best Norwegian Film - The Minimalen Trophy and 5.000 kroner given by Minimalen

• Fun Factory by Lisa Brooke Hansen, Even Hafnor [NOR]

A film that has wide, popular appeal, because it humorously deals with a very relatable subject. This film has a multi layered narrative, that delivers much within a short time.

Best Nordic Film - The Minimalen Trophy and 1.000 euro given by NTNU - Department of Art and Media Studies

• Dovetail by Magnús Leifsson [ISL]

A work that has a novel story structure that makes its ending unpredictable. Impressively, the film manages to elicit empathy for an initially unsympathetic protagonist, delivering a conclusion with a strong emotional impact.

Best Nordic Animation or Art Film

• Pulsator by Thor Sivertsen [NOR]

The artist has created a dynamic painting, which gives the spectator the feeling of watching a visual poem.

Best Nordic Documentary

• Untitled (Burned Rubber On Asphalt, 2018) by Tinja Ruusuvuori [FIN]

A creative and playful investigation into a mysterious phenomenon. With heart and sensitivity the filmmakers have captured a remote location populated by colourful characters.

Honorable Mentions, Nordic Competition

• The Manila Lover by Johanna Pyykkö (Norwegian Film) [NOR]

To a bold and striking film made by a filmmaker who demonstrates a confident flair for building an engaging narrative that subverts our expectations.

• The Lamp in the Ceiling by Anette Svane (Animation or Art) [NOR]

To a filmmaker with a strong voice and a keen eye for the poetics of space. We commend the filmmaker for an original and deft handling of a traumatic experience.

• Polyfonatura by Jon Vatne (Documentary) [NOR]

To a documentary that invited us into a world of natural beauty with an epic soundscape to match.


Jury: Gina Dellabarca (New Zealand), Hassan Dezvareh (Iran), Nick Jordan (United Kingdom).


Best Norwegian Prerunner
To be screened before a feature film at Trondheim kino for one month, selected by Trondheim kino.

• Traces (Sportegn) by Ingvild Søderlind [NOR]

Sometimes a film can be like a postcard from the past, providing a window into the memories of childhood. The relationship between siblings can be a relationship of love and hate, and the jury was impressed how the winner was able to illustrate this, in a combination of simplicity and complexity.

Honorable Mentions

• Pulsator by Thor Sivertsen [NOR]

The almost cosmic and psychedelic animation presented to the score of the famous Trondheim rock band, Motorpsycho, impressed the jury.

One-minute-film Competitions

Best One-minute-film YOUNG
Audience Award, 3.000 kroner given by Midtnorsk Filmsenter

• Schlong XXL by Hans Henrik Larsen-Bergström [NOR]

Best One-minute-film
Audience Award, the trophy Den Gyldne Saks 2.0

• Skogtur by Odin Norum Kvistad [NOR]


Regional Student Film Competition

Best film

• Dynamics of A Crash by Daniel Nilssen (Nordland Kunst- og Filmhøyskole/Kabelvåg)

(In Norwegian)
Det er forfriskende å se en studentfilm som til de grader stoler på at
kortfilmformatet kan og bør brukes til eksperimentering, og som åpent og
nysgjerrig utfordrer forventninger til hva en film er og kan være. Gjennom en multimodal tilnærming bruker filmskaperen lyd, tekst og bilder både fra vår verden og den fra en annen mystisk dimensjon på en måte som vekker oss og holder på interessen vår gjennom at filmen aldri slår seg helt til ro, men stadig holder oss på tå hev.

• Glimmer by Amanda Schrøder (NTNU)

(In Norwegian)
Glimmer er en film som på en imponerende måte prøver ut og behersker sjangerkonvensjoner. Med elegante fortellergrep greier den å bevare spenningen gjennom filmen, og vi liker spesielt godt at filmskaperne våger å la slutten være åpen. Vi vil videre fremheve det imponerende arbeidet som er gjort med foto, lyd og klipp.

Jury: Anette Svane, Torbjørn Grav and Marit Bakken.


Multiplié Dance Film Competition

Best Film - 1.000 euro given by DansiT

• (Like a) Less Dense Brick by Pia Lauritz [GRC]

To a dance film that is thoughtful, precise, playful and humorous. The film has a well thought-out composition, at the same time its expression is clean, something that makes the details stand out and one constantly discovers something new.

Honorable Mentions

• Anasa by Maja Zimmerlin, Thomas Delord [AUS]

To a dance film that gives us a fine combination of moving bodies and moving
pictures. The film has an exciting perspective and it creates its own rhythm with breath, body, and small surprises throughout that makes the viewer have a physical experience of it.

Jury: Mads Outzen, Svetlana Stokke and Ida H. Eldøen.


Award Sponsors:


Awards Sponsors 2012